Chapter 26

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Her view.

"Maxine's is one of the hottest restaurants in Romeria." Harry and I walk alongside a beautiful redhead that's escorting us to our table.
"Every time, Richard comes to visit, he wants to eat here."
"Oh, does he come to Romeria a lot, then?" I ask surprised. It seems like they haven't spoken to each other in ages at the party the previous evening.
"I wouldn't say a lot, no." He shakes his head and then stops at the table where Richard is sitting next to a middle-aged lady. "Richard, Charlotte, good to see you both. It's been too long."
"Harry." Richard reaches out and shakes his hand and then Harry kisses Charlotte's cheek.
"This is Cassidy, Cassidy meet Prince Richard and his beautiful wife, Charlotte." He nods towards me and I smile at them both weakly. What in hell is going on here?
Richard is married? So who's Elizabeth, then? And why didn't Harry tell me?

"Hi, nice to meet you both." I nod and shake their hands and slide into the chair, Harry pulled out for me.
"It's  very nice to meet you, Cassidy. We've heard a lot about you." Charlotte smiles at me broadly as I sit down.
"Oh, really?" I look at her in surprise.
"Yes, we know that you love art as well," Richard speaks up, the expression in his eyes light and unconcerned, as if he's positive I'm not going to ask him why he's with a girl called Elizabeth last night and a wife called Charlotte today.
"Yes I do love art." I smile. "Harry was actually my professor in London." I speak sweetly and pick up the menu. My head is starting to pound. I can sense that Harry's looking at me, but I don't look up.
Just when I think we're starting to get on the right track, something will happen that makes me doubt him and his sincerity all over again.
"Now that I didn't know." Charlotte laughs, and I look up at her. She's smiling at me genuinely and I smile back, feeling guilty inside that I know her husband is cheating on her.
"I guess that's not something Harry cares to share with everyone." I giggle and then look at him. "Isn't that true, baby?" His eyes narrow as he stares at me, and I know he can tell something's off.
I hope that he's worried that I'll blur out more information.

How can he think it's okay to not tell me that Richard and his wife will be here, especially after I mentioned Elizabeth? Does he think that this is cool or right? I know men are different and he's different, but I just don't agree with cheating.
"I don't mind if people know you were in my class," he says smoothly. "Just like I don't mind people knowing you slept with me on the first date. I thought it was you who wanted to keep those things a secret."
"I'm fine," I say stiltedly, my face growing red.
"Harry, stop teasing the poor girl," Charlotte chides him and reaches for my hand. "You must ignore him, Cassidy. Harry loves to rile people up."
"No, I don't," he retorts. "I just like to have some fun."
"Maybe too much fun," Richard answers with a wide smile. "I heard what you were up to last night."
"What do you mean?" Harry grins.
"Casper's room, Harry?" Richard shakes his head and laughs.
"What are you two on about?" Charlotte asks the question I am thinking and they both shake their heads.
"Nothing important." Harry smiles smugly. "I just had a message I wanted to give Casper last night, and I left it in his room."
"Oh yes, he had that party that you went to."

She looks at her husband. "You and your boys club parties." She shakes her head and looks at me. "Something for you to look forward to Cassidy. When you marry Harry, he'll be out and about with his friends and you'll be stuck at home with the babies, while he does who knows what."
"Parties?" I ask softly, afraid to look at Richard and Harry.
"Yes, they all get together and play poker and talk politics." Charlotte smiles and takes a sip of water. "Only no women are allowed."
"Oh." I answer her softly and grab my water glass as well.
"No wives allowed." Richard rubs her hand. "You'd ruin the mood, honey."
"I told you I could learn poker." Charlotte turns to him, completely not getting what his 'no wives' allowed comment is about. She has no idea she's not allowed to go because he's actually going to sleep with another woman. Then it hits me. Maybe that's the point of the club. Maybe it's for the mistresses. Maybe that's why everything is so mysterious. My heart starts thudding then because I realize that if Harry is taking me there, he has no intentions of ever becoming more serious with me.
I'm just his play toy. An object of desire. He has no real feelings for me and he never will.
"It's about more than playing poker, Charlotte. It's about bonding." Richard sighs. "I've told you this before."
"Excuse me, please." I jump up of my seat. "I need to go to the ladies room." I walk away from the table quickly, not wanting to listen to him lying to his wife any longer.

I walk to the front of the restaurant and then slip outside to the main road so that I can get some fresh air on my face.
"What are you doing?" Harry's voice sounds angry next to me.
"I came to get some air. Is that a problem?"
"Why would it be a problem?" He shrugs and looks into my eyes. "Are you okay?"
"What do you think?" My voice rises. "You brought me to lunch with a man and his wife. A man I met last night with his girlfriend."
"So?" He shrugs.
"You don't think that's shady?"
"It's not my life. Not my relationship. What Richard does is his business."
"That's horrible." I shake my head and turn away from him. "You're a pig."
"I'm a pig because Richard has a mistress?"
"You're a pig because you can't see that what he's doing is wrong."
"Lots of married men have mistresses."
"And they're all pigs as well."
"I think I'm a good guy." He pauses. "I have no plans to marry, so I will never have a mistress."
"Oh wow, great for you." I say sarcastically. "That makes everything so much better."
"I'm just being honest. I know you're not seriously mad at me for not telling you he was married, are you?"
"Yes, I am upset. In fact, I'm pissed. How could you not tell me?" I hiss. "Especially as I mentioned Elizabeth this morning."
"I know, I should've said something." He sighs and comes closer to me. "I know you would be upset."
"So why are you acting surprised now?"
"I was hoping you wouldn't overreact."
"Overreact. I'm an accomplice now." I bite my lower lip. "How can I look her in the face knowing I was having a conversation with someone last night who was telling me how good Richard is in bed. Someone who is not his wife."
"I'm sorry, I realize this is a delicate situation for you."
"Delicate doesn't even begin to cover it. This is awkward." I sigh. "This is more than awkward. I'm a fake fiancé meeting a man and his wife, when I was just hanging out with his mistress."
"Keep your voice down, Cassidy." He frowns. "I get it. You're upset. We'll talk later."
"I don't want to talk later. And by that I mean if you think talk means sex, you're going to be waiting a long time. I don't sleep with pigs.
"Cassidy, grow up." His voice is mad. "You're blowing this out of proportion."
"I really don't think I am." I shake my head. "I think that I'm as upset as any other caring human being would be. Cheating is wrong."
"And I'm not saying it's good." He grabs my hands. "Look at me. I don't agree with Richard's choices, but it's not for us to judge him."
So you think it's wrong of him to commit adultery?" I ask softly, slightly mollified.
"Yes, I think it's wrong," he sighs and kisses me lightly on the lips. "I don't believe in adultery."
"Okay, then." I stare into his eyes to see if he's telling the truth. "That's good then because I don't believe in it, either."
"Can we go inside now?" he asks me softly. "They'll be wondering what happened."
"I'm not cool with this you know. I'd rather go back to the palace." I let out a deep sigh. "But I'll stay for a quick lunch. However, I'm telling you now, if you do something like this again, I won't be so patient and I won't go along with it."
"Duly noted," he says with a small smile on his face. "I'm glad to hear you stick to your principles."
"I do, and you better not forget it." I give him a look and he nods slightly as he takes in my angry appearance.
"I don't think I'll forget it."

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