Chapter 23

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His view.

I watch as Cassidy walks back to me with Casper, and I can feel the anger rising up inside of me. Why is she smiling at him? It annoys me that she's so obviously captivated by his looks. I was hoping that she wouldn't be one of the women who's not taken in by his charm. I want to bring Casper down, but I'm not sure if Cassidy is the right person to help me with the job. I have a bad feeling about bringing her here. I'm not sure when I started to grow a conscience, but I know that I no longer feel like I felt in London. In London, I've been captivated by being with Cassidy, I only wanted sex. And I've wanted to get her out of my mind as soon as possible. Now I'm starting to feel more for her. There's a bond there that's growing. A bond I don't know if I want to grow, but I'm not sure how to stop it.
I feel my body burning up as she approaches me with an unsure smile and Casper's hand on her waist. The games have already started. I've lit the match that has started the fire. Now, I just have to hope that I didn't set off fireworks as well.


Her view.

"This place is crazy," I whisper to Harry as Casper finally leaves us alone.
"Do you want to leave?" Harry studies my face, and I shake my head.
"No, it's fine." I bite my lower lip. "I'm kind of intrigued." I take another sip of wine, and I can tell that I'm starting to feel light-headed.
"I see." Harry looks disappointed, but I'm not sure if I'm imagining it. "Shall I show you around?"
"Yes, that would be great."
"Prince Richard would like to meet you." He nods and grabs my hand. "Let's go walk around."
"How do you know Kendall?" I ask softly, wondering if he'll tell me.
"She's an old friend of the family." He shrugs and I sigh. Does that mean that she's Louis' old girlfriend, then? Does that confirm my suspicions or not?
"She's very beautiful," I say, trying again.
"Yes." He nods. "She is."
"Casper must be so happy to be dating her."
"I think he is happy that he has her as a trophy, yes." He nods. "Now let's stop talking about her."
"Okay," I sigh. "Why did you turn the vibrator on when I was talking to Casper? I thought you said you weren't going to use it."
"I said I would turn it on when I wanted you to think of me." He shrugs. "Forgive me. I've left you in the company of a ladies man. I know he likes to try his tricks. I wanted to ensure that you were thinking of me when I left."
"It was so embarrassing." I mumble. "I had an orgasm on the chair."
"Oh?" He stops and looks at me with a light in his eyes. "You did?"
"Yes, I did." I bite my lower lip. "And it feels uncomfortable now. I want to take it off."
"You can take it off if you take your panties off as well."
"What?" I shake my head. "No way."
"Remember, I'm the boss of you tonight." He laughs. "You take off your panties and then I'll let you take off your vibrator."
"Harry," I sigh and reaches up and touches his face. "Why do you delight in tormenting me? Why do I feel like this is all one big game to you? You tease me. You tantalize me. Now you want me to take off my panties."
"Yes, I want you to take off your panties." Then he stops. "Actually that's not true, I want to take off your panties." He pulls me towards him and I feel his hands pulling my dress up slightly.

"What are you doing?" I gasp. "You can't just pull up my dress."
"Shh." He grins and pushes me back towards the wall. "It's fine." He pulls my dress up and pulls my panties down quickly, before reaching up and unhooking the vibrator from the leg bands. His fingers linger at my pussy for a few seconds and he grins as he plays with my wetness. "I see you really did come," he whispers in my ear, and I feel his hardness against me. "I want to fuck you so badly right now."
"Harry." I push him away, feeling slightly horny. "I'm not having sex with you in a public room."
"So you do want to have sex?"
"I'm not saying anything," I groan as I feel him push a finger inside of me. My body trembles at his touch and I reach up and play with his hair. Everything feels so surreal. Being with him feels dangerous and murky and extremely sensual.
"Come." He pulls away from me slightly, his finger leaving me as he pulls my dress back down. "Let me introduce you to Richard first."
"Before we find a bedroom."
"Oh, okay." I grin back at him. I think the wine is getting to my head because I feel like a completely different person. Harry grabs my hand and escorts me out of the room and up another flight of stairs. This time we enter a smaller room that only has two couples. We walk over to the two couches that they are sitting on, and I'm pleased to see that neither of the couples are making out or having sex.
"Richard, allow me to introduce Cassidy." Harry grins at his friend. "Cassidy, this is Prince Richard and his date, Elizabeth." Then he turns to the other couple. "And this is Prince George and his date, Victoria."

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