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"Mirae Mirae Mirae Mirae!! Ireona!!!" Yoona wake you up.

"Urghhhhh! Don't disturb me!"

"It's time to go to school ! Palli ireona!"

"Yes yes I know ! Just leave me . I'll be prepared in a half minutes."

"Okay but dont be late."


This is my day . Almost for everyday. Get up on 4 am , having a bath , then prepared myself with a school uniform , having my breakfast with my dozen of siblings and go to school.

Wow It sounds boring.
And absolutely yes. I swear my life is bored . And that's why I wish I could die .

"Hi everyone~"you smile.

"Hi unnie..~"

"Hi noona..~"

You sit on the chair.

But there are 3 things I should considered before I think of die.

1) My beloved mother.
- How can she lived without me ?
- Is she will be fine if she's the only who need to struggle on searching money in order to feed my dozen siblings?
- added with our father's debts?
will she be okay?

All I guess is NOT ! She might get die too.

2) my grandmother
-She's the most person I love!!!
- She's so cool ! along with her swag. Haha...
- She needs a theraphy once in a  week . If I die , who'll paid her medical treatment ? Who'll send her to go on medical checkup?

3) Last one...my dozen siblings.
-Dont shocked if I say that I have 20 siblings altogether including me.
-Hahaha..actually they're just a kids who been thrown by their nasty parents . My grandmother and my mother adopt them.
There's about 12 kids.
-But another 5 are my real siblings including me~
-Even sometimes I couldnt remember their names .Ahaha..

Oh forgot to reminds ..
The person who wakes me up a couple minutes ago is Im Yoona , my adopt sibling. She's 18 years old , same to me.

"Auchhhh!!" you screaming pain.

"Food means to be eat , not to be stared." Mum warned.

Your grandmother shook her head.

"It's not good to stare the food." grandmother said.

"Okay , hummm..." you pout.

After you finished your meals , you tied up you shoes and together with your other siblings walks to the school.

"Mirae Unnie , can you come to my report card day next monday? "Jessica said.

(Jessica is a 10 years old kid. She's cute and thin . She likes to be pampered by you . She's not your biological sibling.)

"Why don't you ask omma?"

"She told me that unnie will come and sign for my report card . "

"Uhhhh....again" you sighed.

"Did Unnie hate it..." Jessica pout.

You look at her . She looks sad.

"Omoo omoo don't sulking . I'm just kidding. Of course I like signing my sibling's report card." You pinch her nose.

"Yeahhhhh,,!" She smiles happily.

"Oh noona , me too ! me too!"

"Yeah me too !"

You shook your head.

I just feel that I'm their mummy..

"Okay , here your beloved school. Study well arasso??"

"Arasso Unnie / Noona !!" They shout .

You waving your hands to them . They replies it whilst getting to their classes.

You continued your walking to the school.30 minutes later you arrived and entering your class.

You look at your watch .

As usual , earlier than anyone .

Actually you always come early to the school . You wake up at 4 am , heading to the school at 5 am to send your younger siblings to their school because their school starts at 7 am . Your house is about 5km away from high school so you have to go early besides you need to send your younger sibling to their school first.

You took a seat on your place and started to make a revision.
Then a few minutes , someone just open the door harshly.

You look at the door to see who is that person.

"What are you looking for?!"

Dealing to Playboy (PARK JIMIN)Where stories live. Discover now