Twenty One

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How stupid I am, didnt ask him which room he was !

You search on Rapmonster about 20 minutes at the third floor.There's a lot of room and you didnt know which room does Rapmonster was in.

Can I just knock all the room??

Some stupid ideas come in you mind.

Aghh..Just do that.

You start to knock the door number 28 . The door open , a guy with his chest being appears freely , a messy hair look at you.

I swear he's in drunk and...
naked. -_-'

"What do you want? " he asked.

"Did Rapmonster was with yo--"

"Honey~~who's there??" a girl comes behind him ...undress.


" Err..sorry ...hehe.." you bow then run away.

The worst place ever!!!

You keep on knocking from one to one room. All reaction from the owner are same. A messy hair , half naked , ( I guess that reader was innocent.Sorry for dirtying your mind ..heheh :3)

I swear this one was the last.

You knock the door. A few minutes later the door was being opened. This time a guy with a good appearance comes outside without naked.

"Err..sorry for bothering you but does Rapmonster was in this room?" you ask politely.

"Rapmonster? oohh yes , he's here. May I know whats bring you here? but firstly , I'm KimJae" He smiles.

"Oh hi ..actually Rapmonster asks me to meet him when I want to back home." you expain.

"Ooo..please come inside. "

"Nonono..I can wait him here."
you point out at your standing place.

"Its okay , you can come inside . Besides , we have more things to solve then."

"Nonon--" KimJae grabs your wrist and pulls you come inside the room.

"You can sit here. Wait for a moment." KimJae enters a small room inside the room. You just look at the surrounding.

I'm thirsty....

There's a jug on the table. You took a glass and put the water inside it then drink. A few minutes later , you becomes dizzy.

KimJae comes out from the small room and approaching you.

"Miss???miss?? are you alright?" KimJae asked.

"I...I can't other.. clearly." you cupped your head.
Try to stand properly. "What's that drink?"

KimJae then smirks. " Just a plain water .. added with a something you know..for getting some fun."

"What???" you shock.


"You're asking me to relax???! Where's Rapmonster?"

"He's not here..besides I dont know him either~"  KimJae shook his head.

"What the hell!! You're lying!" You were angry.

"Yes I am! " KimJae push you to lie on the bed. You becomes more dizzy.

"What...are you doing?!,Let.. me.. go!" you hold on your pain.

"Nothing. Just have some" KimJae smirks.

"No!!NOOOO!!" KimJae grabs your both wrist and start to kiss you.

"!!" You try to escape.

"You're mine tonight!" He torn a little bit of your shoulder side dress. Your upper front body were being shows a little.

"Arghhh!!", You slaps him. "Pervert!,!"

"Come on baby ~~~don't play hard to get." he kiss your neck.You're still try to escape. You kick his ass .

"Arghhhhh!!!" he shouts painly.
You push him back and try to get the door.

"Where did you want to go?!!" He grabs you legs ,you fall.

"Let..Me...Go!!!!" you kick continuously which makes he lets your leg off.

You stand up and reach the doorknob but KimJae got your hair and pulls towards him.

"Wanna try to escape??.Heh~" he smirks.

"HELPPPPP!!!" You're asking for a help.

"DAMN YOU!" KimJae push you harshly on the floor. You couldnt resist your pain . You couldnt move. Your body were too weak.

He take off his clothes one by one whilst scanning you from head to toes.Then he lick his lips.

"Its my luck for having some fun with a pretty girl like you"

"Hhhelpp..." Your voice were stuttered and you start to cry.

Someone..please help me...

Then someone kick the door from the other side harshly. You look at it weakly.

"Damn you!!!" 

Jimin comes to KimJae and give him punches for a several times.

You try to wake up. Jimin looks at you.

KimJae then grab the chance to punch on Jimin. He quickly stand up and run away from the room.

"DAMNNNN! I'M GONNA GET ON REVENGEEEE!!!" KimJae runs from the room.

"Are you alright??" Jimin helps you to sit. Eventhough you're weak , you still managed to move your body for a little bit.

You shook your head whilst wipe your tears.Couldn't say anywords. You're afraid.

"Your dress.." 

You look at your dress. Then you cover up your upper side with your palm.

Jimin took off his blazer and places it on you. You looks at him. Jimin then gives you a smile.

"It's alright. You're safe now."

You cry.He hugs you. You're in that condition for a minutes before you expell the hugs.

"Are you alright now?" he asked.

You nod weakly whilst looks at him.

"Still can stand?? or need me  piggyback you?"

You shook your head.Jimin smiles.

"Good girl~!" He ruffles your hair gently."Lets go~~" Jimin stand up first.

You try to stand up but it fails. Your body were shaking heavily. You head were dizzy too.

"Are you fine actually??You ar---" that was the last word you've heard from Jimin before you collapsed.

Dealing to Playboy (PARK JIMIN)Where stories live. Discover now