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"Ya Yoon Mirae ! Palli make your decision! " Jia said impatient.

"I have no idea for that." you reply.

"Just choose between Myungsoo oppa or Sungyeol oppa! " Fei said.

"Yes that's not hard!" Eunha agrees.

You only know how to talk.
Try to stand on my place please!
I even dont know who's much better in taekwondo!

"Betting end in 10 seconds! 10 9 8.."

"Ya palli wa!!" Sinbi said.

"Alright alright then I'll choose Myungsoo !" You said wisely.

"See..thats not hard either." Sinbi lingering her arms around your neck whilst smiles.

What with your 'not hard'?!!
I'll die either if I didnt choose Myungsoo caused you guys were choosing him!

"Btw , Myungsoo oppa looks handsome right?" Fei daydreaming.

"He's not just handsome but super handsome." Jia replies.

"I'm agree!!" Tia said cheerly.

"But I'm not. Jimin oppa much handsome than him."


You facepalm.

"Couldnt bear with his abs. Freaking sexy! " Suzy shook her head whilst smiling.

"Owhh..did you see his abs already??" Tia asked.

"You may saw his abs after he plays football idiot.!" Suzy facepalm.

"Oh jinjja??? I'll not let off my chance!! " Fei excitedly react.

Can you guys not to talking about him?? -_-

"Girls , we're on a match. Focus on your Myungsoo ." you said sarcastically.

"Omoo..we forget about that!" Eunha said.

You shook your head.

It's obviously that creepy guy makes all girl students going on crazy.
Luckily I'm not . Fuhh!

You watch the match till the end and Myungsoo win over Sungyeol. All your friends were happy because they don't need to treat other a lunch.

"Fuhhh, luckily Myungsoo wins." Sinbi said happily.

"Yes.. we dont need to treat other member a lunch." Eunha said satisfied.

"So now was recess right? how about having a meal at the canteen?" Sinbi asked.

"Hurm..we dont have any other choice though.So lets g--" Fei said but she's been cut off by you.

"Excuse me , but I do really need a loo. " You said.

You excuses yourself to the loo. Loo was not too far from your friends location so they didnt accompany you. You just go alone.


You opened your wallet.

I cant buy a bibimbap.Enough for ramen only. uhuuhu ToT

After you do whatever that you need to do in the loo , you go get your friends.

"Sorry for being late." you said.

"It's alright , lets go." Eunha smiles.

They're all about to walk but you cut off.

"Urm..girls .."


"I..I just thought that I dont want to go on recess at the canteen. I'm full. " you do an innocent.

"You're full? seriously?" Sinbi felt curious.

"Yes I am. Why?" You asked.

"It's weird caused you know..even if you took a breakfast in the morning you may get hungry back . But're still full." Suzy said .

"I wonder what meal did you took on breakfast ..." Eunha wondered.

"Yes me too." Tia agrees.

"Me too." Fei said.

You guys... -_-"

"Nothing. Just a bread and strawberry jam."

"That's all?" they're all dont believed.

You nod.

"Yes. Why?"

"If I'm on your body , at this time I'm already having my bibimbap at the canteen. Ahahahaa!!" Eunha said.

All of you were laughed.

" need to queue up quickly at the canteen if you dont any of you are gonna lose your bibimbap." you try to escape from their next question.

"Oh that's true!! hurry up guys ! " Suzy shouts when she heard about losing bibimbap.

They're all looks desperate to go to the canteen after you say about losing a bibimbap. School canteen were famous with their delicious bibimbap.

But only bibimbap. The rest are such a worst meal. Dont know what do they put on the meal.
Ahahahh! (Writer was so cruel!") lucky they are..ToT
I've craving for bibimbap since last months and I--AOUCHHH!

You fall on the floor. You look at the one who bump into you.

"Sorr---excuse me.." Jimin ignoring you after he saw you're the one who fell.

You realised it when he was about to make an apologise then quickly stop when he saw that you're the one he bumped.

"Ya!! " you shouts at him.

He's ignoring me?!!!

"Ya ! Look at me. Just now I heard that you try to say sorry but when you saw it's me , why you just ignored?!!Am I a ghost?"

"Hurm...too hard to say." Jimin shook his head.

"What hard???!!" you asked.

"You're not a ghost but more likely to an old witch.So scary." Jimin smirks.


"Oppa~~~" Seulgi comes from nowhere.

"Oo Seulgi.." Jimin look depressed.

"Oppa can you accompany me to shopping..pleaseee~~~" Seulgi makes an aegyo.

"Mian but not me who doesnt want to accompanying you but I have a lot of things to do . Can you go with your other friends?" His words make Seulgi sulks.

"How come you treating your fiance like this? am I really not important for you? am I ---"

Then she looks at you. "What are you doing here? did you try to flirt my fiance again??!!!"

"Heh...what a funny joke. He's not my taste either." You dont want to put a fight with Seulgi so you just walk away from them .

From far you saw them still stood at the same place but Seulgi looks like was scolding Jimin.

Heh..they're having a bicker.
I dont know why I just felt sorry for Jimin.

Dealing to Playboy (PARK JIMIN)Where stories live. Discover now