Thirty Six

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"I dont want to be a team with him." you protest.

"Me too! She such a troublesome ." Jimin said.

"What? then you're a klutz."

"What? !" Jimin shocks with your statement.

"I was right . Who is the one that wanna be a same group with a klutz."

"Hey , watch your mouth."

"Whatever Jimin.Do I care?"

"Can you guys please ---"
Mr Lim couldnt finished his words as Jimin cut it off.

"Ooo I see..if you can say I'm a klutz but actually I'm not , I can possibly say that you are troublesome girl who only knows how to put people in a trouble."

"What?!! You!!! You!!" You couldnt hold your anger anymore as you are grabbing his hair and pulls it.

"Ya!!!!" Jimin pulls your hair too.

"Awwww!!! Ya you punk!"

"Pabo yeoja!"

"Yayayayaya!!!" Mr Lim push you both . 

"He starts first Mr Lim!" you said.

"So do I care ?" Jimin replied.

"Ya!!! both of you!! stand at the outside of the class until my class finish.Now!!" Mr Lim commands you both.

"It wasnt my fault Mr Lim." Jimin defensed himself.

"No but it was your both fault!" Mr Lim said .


You both stand at the outside of the class with your hands up. You didnt stand near and you even didnt look to each other.

The silent was killing you both. Sometimes there are Mr Lim's voice teaching the other classmate.

Ommaaa...I feel tired for standing 1 hour without a rest. TOT

"What a funny look." Jimin small laughed .

You shoot a glares on him.Jimin realised it as he'd also look at you.

"Hahaha! That's not funny Park Jimin!" you insults him.

"Go see your face on the mirror bruhh." Jimin said.

"Whatever.At least my hair was organised. " you replied.

Jimin see himself at the tinted window.His hair was messy . He looks at you while holding his anger.

"Ohh I feel sorry for you." your sarcastic word.

The bell rings.It's mean that your punishment is over as Mr Lim's class finished. Mr Lim went out from the class. He looks at you both.

"Next time do not argued.Understand?"

You nod but not for Jimin.

"I say do you understand Park Jimin? Yoon Mirae?" Mr Lim look at Jimin.

Jimin sigh first before he nods.

"Good.Now back to you class ."

"Thanks Mr Lim." you both said.

"Oh wait...!" Mr Lim called.

You both look at him .

"You guys are in the same team anyway.No any protest against it." Mr Lim leaves you both .

Dealing to Playboy (PARK JIMIN)Where stories live. Discover now