❤️Welcom to my life❤️

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  I'm Stellàn Rose-Carter. I'm a designer, YouTuber, sketcher, daytime dreamer, lover, daughter, sister, and wantabe. I grew up in sunny California with my sisters and moms. Roma is my Venezuelan mom and Lila is my American mom. Before you ask, my sisters and I were adopted. We act like sisters and fight like sisters but nothing comes between me and my girls. Each of my sisters and I have obscure names like Kloé, Aubré, and Brìer. That's just the Rose-Carter way. And yes it drives my flipping nuts that our names always have the stupid squiggly red line under them when typed. Moving on...

  "Shit, Shelby!" I yell.
"It's ok, Stel!"
"There's freaking hair dye everywhere! I'm gonna kill you!"
"My hair looks great." She says as she checks herself out in the mirror.
"Yeah, because your hair was professionally done dipshit!"
"Easy on the language." She said calmly.
"Roll the outro." Jenn says as she walks into the bathroom.
"Ricky, please." He shoved the camera in my face.
"Just getting the best angles."
"Done!" Shelby says with too much excitement.
"Move so I can shower." I push Ricky out the door.
"What about them?" He points to Shelby and Jenn as I slam the door shut.
"We need to talk about you!" We yell in unison.

  "Big reveal." Shelby turn me to the mirror.
"Oh shit." I say as I brush my hands through it.
"It's good!" She squints.
"You're a ginger now!" Jenn yells.
"Ricky film this." I say, still mesmerized by the change.
"Fuck me!" Shelby screams.
"What?" I ask.
"Lisa just went from a blonde to a ginger."
"I'm sorry."
"You are not sorry!" It went silent and we all stared into the mirror. After a minute it got weird and we just started laughing.
"I'm a fucking ginger." I laugh.
"Food!" Kian yells as the front door shuts.
"Thank you so much for watching! Toon in next week my buds! Love you!!!" I say to the camera quickly. Ricky end the recording and we walk into my kitchen.
"Thanks babe." I kiss Kian's cheek and I shove a fry in my mouth. He swallows.
"What?" I ask.
"You're a fucking ginger."

  "Holy hell, Stellàn!" My mother yells in her. Venezuelan accent as she awkwardly touched my hair.
"Now why would you do that?" Mom says.
"For fun."
"I don't know, Stellàn." To remember who's talking I call Roma Mother or mommy and Lila Mom.
"Se ve como una mierda." Mommy says. (Looks like shit) mom starts laughing.
"I'm kidding." She kisses my head.
"I love you."
"I love you too." I groan.

"I'm going to burn your shoes!" Jenn yells at me.
"No!" I take them from her hands.
"Quit leaving them all around the apartment!"
"Quit stepping on them and we wouldn't have a problem." She glares at me.
"How many pairs do you have anyway?"
"This many." I hold up two middle fingers. Shelby laughs.
"Not funny." Jenn slams her door.
"I thought it was." She giggles in her own little world.
"I love you!" I yell at Jenn.
"Love you too asshole!"

I sat in the couch watching a movie with Kian when my phone rings. Kian pauses the movie.
"Who is it?" He yawns.
"Kloé." I answer.
"Oh, hey Stel."
"Do you need something?"
"Well, is everything ok?"
"Yeah." Ugh...
"Is there a problem?"
"Mmm, no."
"Bye Kloé."
"Wait, can you pick up my shoes from the club by your house?"
"Why didn't you say something?"
"You asked me if I was ok, and yes, I'm ok. You asked me if there was a problem and there wasn't a problem. Then you asked me if I needed anything. I don't need my shoes."
"Your shoes fall under the I need something category."
"But I want you to service me by getting my shoes."
"Kloé don't ever tell me to service you."
"Why not?"
"Because that has a different meaning."
"Service me!"
"Service me!" She screamed.
"Calm down! I'll get your damn shoes."
"Thank you for servicing me."
"Kloé-" she hung up before I could finish my sentence.
"Do you need to go?" Kian asked.
"No." I shook my head and he played the movie.

There was a knock at the o2l house door. I walked over and opened it.
"Who is it?" Jc yelled from his room.
"Just Aubré."
"Just?" She asks.
"Don't be snotty."
"Don't be rude!" Jc walked downstairs. Aubré cleared her throat.
"Aubré." I rolled my eyes. No one knows why they have such hate for each other. It's been a secret and only them and Connor know and Connor won't spill for the life of him.
"Well if it isn't my favorite sister of Stel." Trevor hugs Aubré.
"And it's my favorite member of o2l." She smiles and their cheeks pressed together.
"That hurts." Jc says in a funny voice and covers his heart.
"I don't like you." Aubré says.
"I meant what Trevor said." He pretends to wipe a tear.
"I'm gonna let that soak in." Aubré patted Jc's shoulder. As she walked away she rubbed the same hand in the couch. Jc winced at the fact that she just touched him. I finally closed the door.
"House meeting!" Connor yells. I saw Trevor and Jc's expressions change. Something was wrong.
"Stel and Aubré, you can join in today." Connor says.
"What's going on?" Wish I could roll a commercial break or something. Add some suspense. Is it getting hot in here? Aubré and I sat on the long leather couch.
"I'm just gonna say it, o2l is...breaking up." Connor says. I was stunned. I knew it was coming but I didn't see it coming this quickly. Kian looked at me in sorrow.
"I'm moving out." Connor says.
"Kian and I are moving out." Jc says as he points his thumbs at Kian.
"I'm moving." Ricky says.
"Me too." Sam says.
"Yeah, me too." Trevor adds.

Kian closed the back door.
"When were you gonna tell me?"
"I just did."
"This is a big thing, Kian."
"And it's bigger for us." He stepped closer. His thumb brushed my cheek.
"We just started dating. This is a big step for us."
"I know and I'm sorry, but you knew it was coming."
"You guys are everything to me."
"We're not going anywhere, we're just not living together."
"Kian, this is a lot to take in."
"I don't want to say it but someone has to, are you with me or are you with out me?" I felt like I had just been stabbed.
"That's not something I can just make up on the spot. I need to think about it."
"Moving in 6 weeks." I looked down and a tear fell on the rock and stained it.
"Why don't you spend the night?" I looked up and nodded in approval.

I woke up to go to the bathroom. I untangled from Kian's grasp and stepped on the floor. The coldness shot up through my body. As I walked to the bathroom I heard heavy breathing. I ignored it at first and continued walking. When I came out I saw Connor pacing his room.
"Hey." I whisper.
"You ok?"
"Me too. You know it had to happen. We all have different chapters in our life going on right now. That just means we're growing up."
"Can I be real with you?"
"Of course."
"I'm scared."
"Me too." I pulled him into a hug.

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