❤️New life❤️

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I took a deep breath before I walked in. Today I would prepare for my new life ahead of me. Derek gathered the necessary things I needed and gave them to the front desk. In exchange they gave him paper work.

"On the day April 2, you will be moving here with Dominik Freman. Your name will be Stacy Hartman Freman. Sign here and here." My hand shook. Derek's hand rubbed my back.
"It's ok." He whispered. It took everything in me to sign the paper.
"Beautiful, thank you. Your court date is the same day as your wedding. Be there promptly. Thank you Stallán and Michael." As she rolled away to file the paper work I looked at him.
"Shh." He put a finger in his lips before walking away.

  "Mija." I woke up from a nap to mommy shaking me.
"What?" Is stretched and opened my eyes.
"Your mother and I are ready to talk to you." Suddenly the room shook. I nodded and pulled the blanket off.
"This is gonna be hard for you to hear but it's the truth." I sat down and mom handed me a mug of warm dark coffee. I sipped it.
"When you were born your mother and father loved you so much. They loved you more than you will ever know."
"The happy family was perfect until a accident that brought everything to pieces."
"Your parents were killed in a skydiving incident." I felt my heart go numb. I was always told that my mom and dad walked out on me. I covered my eyes.
"Theres more." Mom patted my knee. I dried my eyes and looked up.
"You had a sibling."
"Do I know them?" I asked frantically. Mommy took a deep breath before answering. Her chest rose and fell. The room filled with gloom and doom.

  "Stellàn!" Mom yelled. I ignored her call and ran to my car. I drive in tears. I knew they loved me but how could you keep this thing from somebody? Your own daughter!? I drove to the nearest veterinary hospital. I got out of the car and walked in.
"Hi, how can I help you?" A gentleman at the front fest asked.
"Matt." I said to myself.
"Doctor Matthew Haley?" She asked.
"Yes?" Matt walked from behind the counter. I immediately started crying again and lunged into his arms.
"Security?" The receptionist asked.
"No." He softly shook his head. "That won't be necessary." He pulled me in and squeezed me.
"Did Roma and Lila tell you?" He finally asks after several minutes of silence. I shook my head up and down. I soaked his shoulder from tears.
"Come here." He guided me to his office. I sniffled and sat down.
"You were born Stella Grace Haley." He says. I covered my mouth with my hands.
"When Roma and Lila adopted you they altered your first and last name. They wanted your middle to cary on your heritage."
"How long have you known?"
"I was older, I never forgot." This was so much to bear. My whole life I thought they walked out and just now I'm being slammed with new information. He took a picture off his desk and handed it to me. I held the frame in my hands and traced the picture.
"You were 9 months and I was 5." I cried harder.
"I really wanted to tell you."
"I feel like such an idiot! That's why you pushed me away when I tried to go out with you."
"You will always be the Stella I know. Mom me dad didn't intend to die in the accident. They were just having fun. I miss them everyday and I'm sure you do to."
"I need to go."
"Stel." I stood up and he did too.
"Today my life changed. I will never be the Stella you know. I'm sorry Matt. I have to go."

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