❤️Finding My Happy❤️

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Today is it. Goodbye o2l. Goodbye Jenn and Shelby. Goodbye mom and mommy. Goodbye my sisters who stood by me forever. Goodbye Matt. Goodbye L.A. Goodbye YouTube. Goodbye lost lovers and goodbye life.

  I woke up in a sweat. I suddenly, out of nowhere began crying.
"Hey hey." Derek sat up and turned on his lamp. I breathed heavily.
"I-I, can't."
"Breath, I'm going to get you some water." He left the room and my head fell in my hands. When they say your wedding day will change your life I didn't think it would be in this such way. So hoodwink to my family! But the paper work will be done at 5. That is hours from now but they will climb quickly. Derek returned with a glass of water and I drank some. I glanced at his uniform in the closet. Dog tags laid on my nightstand and his boots firmly planted by the uniform. His house was ghostly. Boxed were packed. Only thing left was a suit that hung in perfect neatness.

"Ah! Where is the icing!?" Mom yelled.
"It's a naked cake Honey." Mommy tried to explain.
"I want more icing, less cake." She says.
"Amen!" Trevor says as he hangs up the lights.
"Kian can you help me?" Bríar asked.
"Sure." I walked over. My tall silhouette was the perfect hight for hanging lanterns in the trees.
"No problem." I'm not staying for the ceremony. I'd rather be at home. No way I could be here. Too unnatural. Rob walked over and gripped his arms around Brí.
"Almost too big. How are my babies?"
"Just fine." She giggled. That shot flashbacks through my mind. Each one left a forever imprinted mark on Stel and I's relationship. Like when we were at the beach surfing or just on a train in London. Even just cuddling on the couch and watching paw patrol. Just kidding we didn't watch that. I promise. I promise.

The zipper wet up and I coated my lips in a dark, yet elegant cherry red lipstick. I saw mommy in the refection of the mirror. I told Jenn and Shelby to stop fixing my dress. I walked over to her. She was crying but hiding it perfectly.
"Oh Mija!" She dabbed her eyes with a tissue.
"Stop it. You're gonna make me cry."
"Too late." Her thumb pushed away a tear on my cheek.
"I love you, Mom."

"Mija I love you more than you will ever know

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"Mija I love you more than you will ever know. Your mother and I both do." We embraced. Soon crying fit was over and my mascara was fixed.
"Do you want to see her?" Brí asked.
"Of course." Mommy says as she sniffles. Brí handed mommy a sonogram of Tatum.
"Oh." We said. That's when the tension rose.

"So, Ricky." I said.
"What?" He put his phone away.
"How was it Fucking my girl?"
"Whoa!" Trevor yelled.
"Damn." Kian said under his breath.
"Derek, that was hardcore." Sam says.
"Just cold!" Jc added.
"How did you find out?" Ricky asked as he shamed himself.
"Good ol before wedding secrets spilled." Trevor rubbed his hands together.

  "What is up everyone?! It's Kian...Lawley- you know that." I started off into the distance.
"Right, I'm going to be answering your questions."
"First one is from Haley Rae, she wants to know who's butt would I rather kiss, Jc, Dom, or Ricky." I closed my eyes for drama.
"I've already kissed Jc's ass so probably Dom because he would enjoy it."

  "We love you very much." Mom and mommy kissed my cheeks before leaving the room. Brí, Aubré and Kloé were left.
"Marriage is gonna be awesome." Kloé says.
"I'm gonna miss you guys." I say.
"We're not leaving." Brí giggled.
"Yeah, you're gonna be here for Tatum." Aubré says.
"Aunt Stella!" Kloé said all hyped. I took a deep breath. Oh shit.

  "Thank you Karen for the that image. Moving on, Alex is asking when is the UK tour." I stared at the camera.
"Bro that two months ago!"

  I practiced my breathing.
"Stella your just gonna walk right down there. Show em who's boss."

  "Sorry I keep getting distracted." I refocus on the camera.

  "One minute I can one minute I can't."

  "Damn why is this so hard?!"

  "Oh Tatum! I can't let her grow up with out the coolest aunt ever!"

  "Kian, keep it together, she's not yours."





  "Ok Stella, it's too late you've already stepped outside the room."

  "No, I can't do this. She can't do this. She doesn't love him."

  As soon as those doors opened and I was about to walk down the aisle I got a sense that says turn around now.

  I walked back inside. Sometime wasn't right.

  "I'm sorry!" I ran crying. I ran. Abort mission! This can't be goodbye. I can't leave this behind. The picture of Derek's face will be forever imprinted in my brain. I hate to say it but, he's not worth it. We only just met and I really want him to find someone who loves him as much as he loves her but I don't think that I can do that. I shut the doors.

  She didn't do it.

  I didn't do it. Kian and I both looked at each other. Eyes glued. The whole world stopped for a moment so we could catch our breath. With out even thinking we leaned in to kiss. Our lips locked and so did our hearts. Everything felt perfect.
"Why waste a wedding." He says.
"It's fake." I said.
"What?!" He kissed me again before I could say another word.
"I legally can't tell you why but it's fake."
"Let's go."
"Ugh huh."

  I think it's safe to say, I found my happy.

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