❤️This never happened❤️

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  I rubbed my eyes as the sun bled through my curtains, lighting up the room. I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom. I turned on the faucet and splashed my face with water. I looked to my right and there sat Ricky on the toilet. He screamed, I screamed.
"What are you doing here?" He asked frantically.
"What are YOU doing here!?" I replied.
"Can I finish?" He asked looking down.
"Can I finish?!" He shot his hand up and pointed to the door.
"God, Ricky!" I left with a slam. I sat on the bed waiting. I noticed he left side of my bed, where I don't sleep, was all messed up.
"Ricky, we didn't!"
"Did-" he paused.
"Oh shit."

  Breakfast was a fast blur. We didn't speak. Shelby and Jenn probably connected the dots. I'm not sure why he stayed. Shelby and Jenn are gonna be giving me crap for days. When Tyler got to the apartment I bounced. I wasn't gonna be in that for any longer. Tyler and I hang out every once in a while. He needed me to help take the British YouTubers to their hotels. They are staying for a couple months. There's gonna be a lot of callabing. I have a callab with Hannah then a video with Kloé. Oh, and lunch with Matt.

  I pulled up to the airport with Tyler behind me in his car. I waited until i saw the crowd. Joe, Caspar, Zoe, and Alfie got in my car. Marcus, Naomi, Louis, Louise, and Darcy got in Tyler's. I don't know how he fit that many people.
"It is so good to see you." Zoe says as she hops in the passenger seat.
"It's good to see you guys too." I hugged her.
"You know what I need?" Caspar asked.
"A bloody pizza." Joe says.
"Dang right! You got it Joe!"
"We're staying at the Hampton inn." Alfie says as he shows me a map on his phone.
"Alright. Buckle up."
"Chummy and I really want to go to the zoo." Zoe says.
"Ill give Bríar a call. It's probably something awareness month." I nag.
"Wasn't it just manatee awareness?" Alfie asks.
"It was. For my birthday."
"Hey Stel?" Caspar asks.
"Can we get some pizza?"

Matt and I sat at a table. A waiter brought us some menus. I fixed my hair.
"What can I get you to drink?"
"Ice tea." We said in unison. We all chuckled as he wrote it down.
"I'll have those right out."
"How come we never dated?" I asked as I shuffle in my purse to put my sunglasses away. He cleared his throat.
"Roma told me you have been asking about family."
"Did she?" He totally avoided my question. His hand brushed through is firm black locks.
"Can I tell you a story?" He says after a few minutes of silence.
"Ok?" I was confused. He didn't speak.
"It's probably best if you talked to Roma and Lila about it."
"Do you know something I don't?"
"It's not like that."
"It sounds just like that."
"Stella, please." He touch my hand in hopes of me not running out the door.
"Do I know you Matt Stauler?"
"Do I really?"
"What the hell? Stella!"
"Something is very wrong with you."
"It's about your adoption! God!"
"What about it?"
"It's not my place to tell you."
"I've known you since I met you at the club 4 years ago. Why are you just now acting so different?"
"I said one thing Stel, one thing."
"There was something in your tone what concerns me."
"It's about me." He finally said.
"How does my adoption effect you?" I was legitimately concerned.
"I can't tell you."
"Don't you have work? I'm sure the bar could use a wipe down." I just knew something was up with him. And the adoption? Something was really wrong.
"I'm off today." He said angrily. (Stella thinks he works at the bar. She's always thought that. The whole talk about being a vet, she doesn't remember, she was too drunk. Matt's been lying. For 4 years.)

  I was on the phone driving. Probably not the best idea.
"Hey I had lunch with Matt."
"Did you?"
"Mommy why is he so weird and what's he talking about 'my adoption'"
"We'll talk about it later Mija."
"But mommy."
"No. Later. I'm having the girls over for dinner next week why don't you join us and we can talk about it?"
"I love you."
"Love you." I hung up. I gripped the steering wheel in anger. Then I got another call.
"So you answer." I knew that voice.
"Hi Derek. Didn't think you would call" I smiled even though he wouldn't be able to see it."
"How's dinner tonight at 7."
"Awe, can't."
"Why not? If you don't mind me asking."
"Booked with callabs. The British YouTubers are in town and Christmas is in 2 weeks."
"Alright, well it's a little soon for dinner with the family so how about we spend New Years together?"
"I can make that work."
"Great. Text or call if you need anything."
"Alright bye."

I walk into the apartment.
"I thought you had plans?" Shelby asks.
"Well I just realized I going to be getting drunk all day so I'm going to have to film with Kloé at Hannah's."
"Then why are you here?"
"Because I need a ride."
"Ugh, hauling around my drunk friends. Let's go."

  I got to Hannah's and I think she was already drunk. She popped a bottle of whiskey on camera.
"Doo doo." She says.
"My name is Hannah Hart. This week on My Drunk Kitchen we have the lovely, Stellán Rose-Carter." I walked into the kitchen.
"Why don't you tell them what we will be making." Hannah says.
"This is your show. Why don't you say it?"
"Because I don't remember." She said with a glowing smile. I laughed and downed my whiskey. I scrunched my face at the unpleasant taste.
"That's ok." Hannah pats my back.
"Are you already drunk?" I asked. I could hear Kloé and Shelby laughing in the other room.
"Why are your friends so loud?"
"I don't know." We laugh historically." Hannah and I turned to the camera dramatically.
"We will be making pizza." We say.
"Did you hear that?" My stomach growls viciously.
"Yes I heard Caspar Lee licking his lips too." I lost it laughing. Hannah is a crack up.

Kloé and I decided to do the other video after callab month. Boy, do we have a busy schedule for the next couple of months. After Christmas the British YouTubers go home. My goodness. Then Kian and Jc are going on tour. When they get back the American YouTubers are going to the UK. Then playlist. Holy shit. I better get some sleep.

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