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I got all dressed up as you can see. If you're gonna be drunk, be pretty. You can quote me on that. I straightened my hair and put some earrings in. Shelby and Jenn alway leave sticky notes on my bathroom mirror. It's mostly about their jealousy that I'm the only one with a bathroom in their room but they leave nice notes too. I read a few as I scrunched my hair.
"You are my sunshine. Not my only sunshine. -Jenn." I laughed at that one.
"Btw I take bubble baths every Friday, sorry not sorry, -Shelby." I frowned. Then, a New one I haven't seen before showed up.
"The earth does not revolve around you. -Trevor XO." I got carried away reading the silly notes that I lost track of time. There was a knock at the door and Nokia went crazy.
"Kennel!" I yelled at her.
"Stel, ready to go?" Ricky yelled from the kitchen.
"Just a second!" I kenneled Nokia and grabbed my purse before leaving the apartment. I followed Ricky to the car and got in the back seat with Connor and Sam.
"Matt coming?" I asked as I took my hair out from under the seat belt I just fastened.
"Always shows when you're there." Kian winked in the rear view mirror. Shelby and Jenn took Trevor's car. Hopefully they make it there alive. Trevor usually either sneaks in or sits in the car to be our DT- designated Trevor. We walked up the the bouncer.
"Just us, Kenny." I say pointing to the guys and girls.
"Where's Trevor?" He folds his arms.
"In the car." I point my thumb back.
"He gonna be making a DD with Trevor Moran?" Trevor made these videos in the car when he waited for us called DD with Trevor Moran that apparently is a fan of.
"Possibly." I shifted my weight.
"Can I get a shout out?" He said in a high pitch whisper.
"Come on I need a definite answer." He complained like a 3 year old.
"I don't know. Probably."
"Fine." He checked our ID's and let us in.
"Margaritas for the girls and- how many beers?" Kian asked.
"4." Jc says.
"I'm not drinking. I'll have a water." Connor says.
"You sure man?" Sam asked.
"Yeah." He seemed happy. No reason for there to be a problem.
"Alright 3 margaritas and 3 beers." Kian ordered.
"Sure." The bartender nodded.
"Stella!" I looked to my left and saw Matt.
"Hey!" We hugged. It was always great to see him.
"How are you?" I asked.
"I'm good. You are you guys?"
"Doing good." There were mixed reactions.
"Good to hear." He was always sincere. I spotted a little hotty in a army uniform. Kian ordered a shot and the bartender filled the glass. I took it for him and walked to the group of soldiers.
"Hello." One said like Marcus Butler. I laughed.
"What would your name be?" They asked.
"Stel." I say.
"What's that short for?" The one I had been admiring from afar said.
"That is beautiful." I noticed he had a slight British accent.
"You British?" I asked, engaging in conversation.
"My father is. Mother is American."
"One of my moms is from Venezuela."
"One?" He sipped his drink.
"Yeah I have two. I was adopted into a same sex marriage family."
"That's a lot of estrogen."
"Yeah, 6 females under one roof." I glanced at Kian who was staring.
"Wow. The whole same sex, that's diverse." I nodded.
"I'll be right back." I kept feeling Kian's eyes. He reached for my hand as if he didn't want me to leave. I motioned to the bartender to fill up my margarita glass. He signaled that it would be a minute.
"Problem?" I asked Kian.
"No." He sipped a beer.
"Your eyes would beg to differ."
"You know what I have a problem with, Stel?" He looked at me.
"I have a problem that you can't be with me because our lives are going in different directions, yet army guy, is in the army. His life is totally different than your YouTube fame. That is what I have a problem with."
"Relax, we aren't getting married. Probably just be a one night stand."
"My bed is always free, my darling."
"I don't want an ex with benefits." I glared at him as I took my drink and walked back to 'army guy'.
"So what's your name?" I asked.
"I'm Derek."
"Fielding." He pointed to his patch.
"How long have you been in the army?"
"Since I was 18. Fresh out of high school." That didn't help because I didn't know his age but I just nodded.
"Who's that guy hitting on you at the bar?" He motioned his head to Kian.
"I sometimes work with him and we're friends."
"I farted." Jenn randomly whispered in my ear. I laughed.
"Sorry, my roommate shares unwanted secrets when she's drunk." He chuckled.
"What do you do?" He asked.
"I am a YouTuber."
"I knew I've seen you from somewhere."
"Stellàn Rose-Carter."
"You are the girl with funny laugh. Like Tyler Oakley."
"Yeah I met Tyler at a young age and developed his laugh."
"Is that how you got into the YouTube thing?"
"Yeah. We are really good friends."
"And Kian's your ex." He said out of the blue.
"Yeah. He is."
"Does he have a problem with me. I don't want to make anyone mad."
"No." I don't know if that was a lie. I saw Connor sitting at a table in the corner of the club.
"Can I talk to you in a minute? Got a friend crisis."
"No problem. Can I get your number?"
"Here." I took a pen out of a waitresses shirt pocket and wrote it on his hand.
"Thank you." She forcefully took it back. We ignored her.
"Txt or call." I left with a smile and went to talk to Connor. I sat next to him.
"Can I get some vodka?" I asked.
"Sure. What tab?"
"Mine." Connor says.
"Alright." He left.
"What's going on?" I took his drink and sniffed it.
"What is that?" I asked disgusted.
"Bartender Mike's mix. It's got an assortment."
"That's disgusting." He drank it like he enjoyed it.
"What's going on?" I asked again.
"Well we aren't at a gay bar."
"No we are not." I stated the obvious.
"Why did you come over here? You could be bagging Any guy upstairs but you're talking to me."
"That's because we're friends."
"Thank you but I don't think you could help." I looked in the same direction as him.
"Damn." I say.
"He's a fucking God, Stel. A god. Butt so tight he couldn't sag if he wanted to." I downed my vodka.
"Stella don't do it."
"Hi." I walked to the guy.
"Hello." He replied.
"Can I ask a question?"
"Have at it."
"I only drink red wine. Only red. Do you drink red or white?"
"I see what you're talking about. I'm strictly red too."
"See my friend over there only drink red too."
"Really?" He looked like a model.
"I would say yes but I don't want to be publicly broadcasted like your YouTube lives. Fuck off."
"Fuck you." I snarled. I walked away with pride in my stride.
"I told you not too." He says.
"He's an ass hole".
"Exactly. I already talked to him."
"Why is life so complicated?"
"I don't know." I drank down his glass of a concoction.
"That's potent." I gasped for air.
"It's my best friend." We laughed together. A bit later Matt walked over.
"Hey." He sat down with a beer and sipped it.
"I sharted." Shelby wobbled over with Jenn.
"Go away." I laughed.
"We are wasted." He says taking another sip. We couldn't stop laughing. Soon enough Kian,
Jc, and Ricky sat with us.
"And I was like: dude you're a fucking asshole." Jc says. We found everything funny at those moments. I saw Derek across the club. He smiled at me. I smiled back. He wasn't wasted but if I had another shot who knows what I would say next.
"Hey Matt, what do you do for a living?" I randomly asked.
"You already know."
"I can't remember."
"I'm a vet." Jc started to uncontrollably laugh.
"What?" Matt asked.
"You stick your fingers in dog buttholes all day."
"It's not just dogs." He laughed even harder.

   I walked up to Kenny.
"Can I go in please." Kenny laughed.
"You know we can't allow minors in."
"I need to haul out my ridiculously wasted and paralyzed friends."
"You gonna give me a shoutout?"
"You work at a club! Why the hell do you need a shoutout?"
"Rodney!" He called over another guy.
"What's up?" A tall guy, the size of 4 of me, walked over.
"This guy needs to get his drunk friends."
"Let's go." He took me by the arm. I shook him off. We entered the club. It smelled of alcohol and drunken stupidity.
"Where are they?" He asked. I spotted Jenn and Shelby.
"Here's two." I say.
"Hey trev." Jenn said.
"Where is Stella and the guys?"
"Over here home dog." Matt pointed to himself. I was led through the crowd. We got to their table.
"Let's go guys." I pulled them out of their seats.
"But we're having so much fun." Stella complained.

  I'm in the car with a stranger. At least I think they are.
"It's 3am and I'm taking my drunk sister home. Why?" I noticed their voice. That was Aubré.
"I met this guy." I said.
"You did not give him your number."
"I did."
"Oh look, it's your house." We passed bye a landfill.
"Haha, I'm dying."
"Where the hell am I?!" Kian shot up from the backseat.
"I'm taking you home."
"Bro, were we cuddling?" Jc then shot up.
"Naw man, that's gay." Kian replied. I rolled down the window half way until Aubré locked it.
"Damn I got JC." She said under her breath.
"And me!" Some how Ricky showed up. I guess Trevor got Matt, Connor, Jenn, and Shelby. I might be drunk but they didn't separate us to get us to the correct destinations efficiently. She pulled up to the apartment.
"Stay here." She told the boys.
"Thank you for the ride." Ricky said.
"This is Stel's stop."
"I said thank you. God, at least I have manors." He opened the door. Aubré couldn't close it in time.
"Ricky get in the car."
"You're welcome!" He said angrily.
"Whatever I'm not your mom." She drove away.

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