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  "Good morning birthday girl." Kian rubbed my back.
"Lower." His hand went lower down my back.
"Oh yeah." His fingers danced on my back.
"Happy birthday!" Shelby and Jenn came into my room. Kian pulled the sheet up.
"Awe thank you!" I pulled on a shirt and hugged them.
"Well hi!" Kian was annoying that they just walked in.
"25 is a big number." Shelby says.
"We made you pancakes." He handed me a plate with a 2 and a 5 on it in pancake.
"Thank you!"
"You're welcome!" Jem said with a huge smile.
"Can you guys come back in when we're dressed?"
"How would we know you bump the uglies." Shelby says.
"I've seen a dick." Jenn adds.
"She has." I say with a mouth full of pancake.
"Sorry!" Shelby sounded offended.
"Come on Jenn."
"No this is our apartment! You don't live here big shot."
"Jenn." I warned. Shelby drug her out as she gave Kian the middle finger.
"Very immature!" He yells back to her.

  "Mrs. Rose." Shelby and Jenn say as they walk into my parents house.
"It is to good to see you!" Mommy says.
"Where's mom?" I ask.
"Work, but she's almost home." She hugs me.
"You're not working today?" Jenn asks as she makes herself at home. Mommy is a NICU nurse. And mom is a police officer.
"Roland (her boss) gave me the day off to be with my girl!" She squeezed me.
"Yay!" I say.
"Is it 34?" She asked.
"Mother!" She laughs.
"I know, it's 25."
"Old!" I groan.
"I'm old! Get over it Mija."
"I love that you call her that." Jenn says.
"She's my little girl."
"My baby!" Mom walks in, in uniform. I was in fact the youngest, Bríer (29) the oldest, Aubré (27) the second oldest and Kloé (26) second youngest. Yes my moms were crazy for getting us so close together.
"Hi, mom." He gave me a big kiss on the cheek.
"How can you be 25 already? My Mija!"
"Mija." Mommy corrected her pronunciation. Mom clicked her tongue at mommy's critique.
"Why don't you bring the boys over for tamales for dinner?" Mommy asks.
"Oh my fucking God!" Shelby yells.
"Language!" Mom says.
"Her tamales are liquid gold." Shelby says.
"I'd love to invite them." I smile.
"Are you going to the manatee thing at the zoo?" Jenn asked.
"Fuck me." Mom says as she walks away.
"Ugh!" Shelby raises her hand at my mom's remarks. Jenn and I laughed.
"No, I need to make the tamales."
"I'll help!" Mom yells from her room.

We walked down the path. I had cotton candy in one hand. Kian's arm hung just over my shoulder. Jc and Aubré kept distance and Kloé was annoying Trevor by patting his head. Kloé never really grew up, per say. She has a little teenager in her that makes her say funny things. It just makes you laugh.
"Pat pat!" Kloé yells.
"I swear to god is you touch me again."
Trevor screams.
"Hey Stel, Junga." I giggled like a four year old.
"The hell is Junga?" Kian asks.
"When we were growing up Bríar and Kloé-"
"Can I interest you guys in a ride?" Rob pulls up in a golf cart.
"Yes!" Trevor says. Rob is Bríar's fiancé. They've been engaged for 3 years. We got on and he took us to the manatee exhibit where Bríar was educating children about manatees. The kids were having a blast. Brí had something about her. She connected so well with kids. She must have got it from mommy.
"Does anyone know what manatees are sometimes called?" She asked them giggled.
"No one?!" We parked and Rob swung the keys around his finger then put them in his pocket.
"That's okay! They're sometimes called sea cows!" The kids laughed.
"Their diet..." Se went on and on. It was amazing how much she knew about manatees.
"This way." Rob led us in the crowd.
"So I have a question. Who's birthday is it today?" Two hands short up in the air.
"Great! Can we sing to these boys?"
"Yeah!" The crowd yelled.
"Alright. Now it's also my sisters birthday, can we sing to her too?"
"Yeah!" They cheered again. I walked on stage with the two boys that looked like identical twins with deep brown locks covering their eyes. Although they weren't embarrassed, I was.
"Wants your name?" Bríar bent down to their level.
"Jonathan." The one in the red shirt said.
"Jacob." The one in a blue shirt announced with a happy and joyful tone.
"And yours?" Bríar asks as she held the microphone to my mouth.
"Stella." I laughed off the embarrassment. I could sit in front of a camera all day and ramble on and on but not in front of a large crowd like this. I could tell there were fans in the crowd and I waved to them.
"Let's wish them a very happy birthday!" Bríar screamed into the mic. The crowd started singing. I could feel my cheeks getting cherry red. I looked at Kian. He smiled. I always loved the spark in his smile. It was my spark that we shared.

  "Thanks pal." I patted our uber drivers shoulder as we got out of the car.
"Welcome. I hope your hang over will be worth it in the morning." He says. He looked like Santa.
"No problem. Safe drive back to the North Pole now." Jenn says. He laughed and drove away.
"He looked just like Santa!" Shelby yells.
"Eh." I shrugged. Shelby, Jenn, and I hobbled to our room. When we opened it the boys were there to surprise us.
"Happy birthday!" They screamed. I winced in surprise.
"We already got wasted." Shelby says as she slams her bedroom door.
"You got drunk?" Jc giggles.
"Little bit." I held my index finger and thumb to show him. I think they were touching but I wasn't sure. They laughed.
"You need a nights rest." Kian turned me to face my bedroom door.
"I have something to tell you."
"It can wait." He opened the door.
"After we have sex?" I asked. They boys giggled in the kitchen.
"No. You're going to bed." He folded the covers back.
"About the...about the m-"
"Go to sleep, Stel."
"Kian, I need to tell you."
"You're drunk talking."
"I am not!" After fighting with him, I gave up and he tucked me in before saying good night.
"Goodnight." He says as he kisses my forehead.
"Goodnight!" I yell at him.

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