❤️Forcing it❤️

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  I rubbed my eyes in circles.
"Allergies just now want to come." It's winter, usually my allergies get here in October. At least I'll have to deal with them I'm a short period of time. I get out of bed and make coffee. Shelby is passed out on the couch and Jenn is in her room on her laptop. Probably editing. The sound of the coffee beans wakes Shelby.
"Morning." I smile. She rubs her eyes like I did.
"That party was insane!" She says.
"I can't remember, was Matt there?"
"Yeah he was there. He did shots with us." Matt was a guy we befriended at our local night club. He always there and he's always a blast. He makes corny jokes and makes us laugh. Sometimes it's like he could be my bother.
"I don't even remember."
"You were trying to tell Kian something last night." Jenn says as she takes out her head phones.
"What was it?"
"You just said I need to tell you something."
"I don't-" I remembered.
"Oh." I say as I poured my coffee into a mug.
"What?" Shelby asked.
"The decision."

Kian drove with the windows down. It was messing up my hair but I always loved a good beach wave.
"I don't really like the red." He says.
"Shelby did a shit job." He laughed.
"Where are you taking me?"
"You'll see." She smiled. He eyes drifted on me then back on the road.
"What?" I giggled.
"Looking gorgeous as always." I reached over and took his hand as we zoomed down the highway.
"You wanted to tell me something last night."
"Did I?" I was putting it off. I really was.
"Yeah." He looked at me in concern.
"I don't remember. I was probably drunk talking."
"Probably were." He took my hand and kissed it. There wasn't a man who treated me as well as Kian. He was it.

We arrived at a house. Little one with a white picket fence. Like the 'American Dream'. It was adorable with white sutters.
"Who's house is this?" I asked just as a Middle aged women walked on the porch in an apron that looked like it had seen some years.
"Come on." I followed him up the steps.
"Kian, right?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Come on him." I clinged to him for protection.
"This isn't sketchy or anything." I whispered in his ear. He put a finger over my mouth.
"Where are they?" He asked nicely. They?
"Just beyond the kitchen." She said with a huge smile. Her hair was greying. But her attitude was very positive. We followed Kian and the women into what looked like her family room. To my amazement there were puppies!
"Australian Shepard-Husky mixes." The lady says.
"Oh my god Kian!" I knelt to their level. They claimed all over me. I counted them as Kian spoke to her. 1..2..3..4..5...5! Oh my gosh! I was in doggy heaven. Then I noticed one more in the corner.
"Come here." I patted my legs.
"Oh that's Nokia, she's shy."
"Nokia?" Kian laughed.
"She's indestructible." She sounded mad but happy. I walked to her. She put a paw on my lag and rubbed her head on my shin.
"She likes to be a cat also."
"I love her." I picked her up and got face to face.
"Do you wanna go home with me?" She dug her nose into mine.
"I'll take that as a yes."

We walked into the pet store to get supplies.
"Are you going to keep her name?" Kian asked.
"Isn't this our dog?"
"It is."
"Just say a name on 3."
"Nokia." I say.
"Cheeto." Kian says.
"Nokia it is." I walk past him.
"Really?" He hold his hands out.
"Look at all these collars!"

When I came home with a puppy, Shelby and Jenn went nuts.
"Is she even real?!" She really was the cutest thing. I set her on the ground and Kian went in the kitchen to scavenge the fridge as usual. I put her on the floor and we cooed at her.
"What's her name?" Shelby asked.
"Nokia." They both busted up laughing.
"I liked it." I say.
"I didn't." Kian says with his head in the fridge.
"Isn't she adorable?"
"Ugh, yeah!" Jenn says.
"Thanks babe."
"Welcome." He kissed my head before leaving with a banana.

I sat on the o2l couch painting Trevor's nails.
"You're really good." He says.
"I grew up with pure estrogen. This was a life skill." We laughed.
"Sparkles?" I asked.
"Nah. Keep it simple."
"Sure." He put his hand on the towel and I started.
"So Stel, give us the scoop, you and Kian breaking up?" Sam asked as he changed the channel.
"That is yet to be determined."
"Oh!" Trevor says.
"Just don't worry about us."
"You know he bought the dog to bring you two together, right?" I kinda figured.
"Yeah." I said Ina low voice.
"All I know is that you guys really love each other." Connor says.
"We do." I nodded.

"Almost done, I need to feed Jacos." Bríar says.
"You named a walrus after another walrus in 50 first dates?" She giggles.
"Yeah." I follow her into the walrus aquarium. If that's the correct terminology. I was overwhelmed by the smell.
"Oh! What is that?" I covered my nose.
"The walruses."
"Jacos!" She called. As if one cue a large walrus crawls out of the tank. He huffs.
"I know I have to go. But I'll see you tomorrow." He held out his fin and Brí fist bumped him.
"Here's dinner." She laid out his food. When Jacos spoke it almost sounded like he said thank you. I laughe at him.
"Alright, later bro." Brí waved. And again it sounded like he said bye. I walked with her. Rob is working late so Brí needed a ride.
"So, what's going on with you and Kian?"
"I don't know."
"I thought you made your decision?"
"I'm not sure anymore."
"You don't want to take that extra step? New chapter?"
"It feels like our careers are going in opposite directions. I don't want to force what we don't have."
"Oh honey, you have love, that's for sure."

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