❤️We just met❤️

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It's New Years. I can't believe another year has passed. A lot has happened. And even more is to come.

Say something I'm giving up on you.

I woke up with Jenn and Shelby in my bed. I don't know why but it actually really nice. All the girls together.
"Why is your leg in my face?" Shelby pushed Jenns foot back.
"It's how I sleep." She replies.
"I think we should get a house." I say.
"That would be nice."
"My own bathroom." They dreamed.

I met with Derek for breakfast at IHOP.
"Good morning." He said as he kissed my cheek. We sat down and the waitress brought us some menus.
"Good morning."
"So there's a party tonight." I say.
"Where at?"
"Kian and Jc's new house."
"Sounds fun." He smiled.
"So, have any siblings?" I made small talk.
"I have one brother Wyatt. He's in the army currently deployed."
"That's cool." The waitress brought us pancakes. I started cutting. When I looked at he was staring at me?
"What?" I giggled.
"It's so weird because it feels like I've know you my whole life but we just met."
"I feel that same way." He started to cut his pancakes.
"Im getting deployed." He said after a few moments of silence. I dropped my fork and knife on the plate.
"Soon." That didn't help. It was weird that we already had feelings for each other of the first date.
"How was Christmas?" I tried to suppress my desired feeling to hug him.
"It was nice but hard since Wyatt is gone. You?"
"It was great. Got to spend it with my family."
"Three sisters. Bríar, Kloé, and Aubré."
"Unique names."
"My moms are special like that."
"How was it like growing up in a same sex home?" That caught me off guard.
"I say, it's just like any other family but closer."
"I think that's really cool that you have such diversity in your family."
"We do have a lot."
"My mum and dad are just simple." The way simple rolled of his tongue was calming.
"Does Wyatt have an accent?"
"No. I was the only child who picked it up." I sipped from my milk.
"Is it hard being in the army with a British accent?"
"Definitely. I get told to join a different army. I should support my 'country'."
"Did you tell them to fuck of?" He laughed.
"That I did."

My hand traced the dresses that hung in a rack.
"This one!" Shelby held it up to her face. A red dress with sparkles everywhere.
"I don't know I want to go."
"Because of Kian?"
"You know he's going to be jealous!"
"I'm sorry Stel." She looked down.
"Try this one on." She gave me a cream dress with a gold collar that came to the knees.
"I don't want to." I squinted and wined.
"Just do It." She pushed me in to a closest.
"Thank you, S-"
"Don't." She pointed her finger at me and laughed.

  I pulled my hair unit a pony.
"Someone looks mopey." Rob said as he drive he golf cart right next to me at the same speed as I was going.
"I'm fine."
"Wanna bet?"
"Rob." I groaned.
"Well Brí isn't here if that's who you're looking for." The zoo was closed today but the staff were still feeding and keeping maintenance.
"I know her schedule."
"Then you would know she's not here."
"She's just up here." I laughed at his stupidity and awful sense of humor. I opened a door into the penguin enclosure.
"Alright you got me." I walked in and Brí was washing the penguins. It was funny to see they run away from her.
"Hey." She says.
"Hey." Rob replies.
"Get out."
"Yes ma'am." He turn around and left.
"What's up?"
"Nothing. Just thought I would stop by."
"You never visit. What's up?"
"It's just the whole Matt thing." Her expression changed.
"He's looking out for you." She patted one dry.
"You guys know something I don't and it's scaring me."
"It's up to the moms to decide when to tell you. I didn't make the rules, Stel."
"Do you not see it from my point if view?"
"I do, I really do and I'm sorry." She liked em I it a hug and water wet my shirt but it was worth it.

  I walked into the apartment. Shelby runs from her room into the kitchen where I was, and trips on her way.
"What the hell did you do to your hair!?"
"Re dyed it." I smiled.
"It's blonde!"
"I love it."
"Let's be honest, you did I shitty job."
"Party's in an hour." I walked away

Derek greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.
"How's you're day?" He asked.
"Great. How's yours?"
"Boring til tonight."
"I have to warn you about Kian."
"What about him?" He pulled away from the house.
"He's not going to be happy to see you."
"I thought you broke up..."
"We did but it's been really hard on him."
"I'm sorry."
"We all have to move on at some point."

We arrived at the venue. Derek threw the car keys to the valet.
"But embarrassing giving him the keys to my Honda." Others had convertibles,
And Hummers.
"What you do is far more important than what you drive." He smiled.
"Thanks for inviting me."
"Absolutely." I took his hand and we walked inside. We joined the group. I saw hate in Kian's expression. There was something in the back of my mind that I worried Kian would do once we broke up, it's still scares me that he might do it. He drank his beer in silence not even admiring my presence. I greeted everyone with a happy smile and charming man at my side.
"Kian, Stel is here." Jc says. He shot a fake smile towards me and started talking to a group of girls.
"I'm going to get us some drinks." Derek says.
"Don't worry about him." Jc told me.
"I'm hurting him." My voice cracked but I kept myself from crying.
"Don't beat yourself up like that." Several people hugged me.

  The night went on and Kian and I kept our distance. Derek and I bonded over whiskey shot mishap stories and Ricky and Trevor sang in the karaoke. The clocked ticked down minute by minute growing closer and closer to 12. I knew I would get a new years kiss but I didn't have this in mind.

  We walked outside where fireworks were set off. It was chilly so Trevor gave me his jacket. I slipped it on. The sky lit up. Glowing like a lantern. Sparks flew. Many YouTubers snap chatted.
"Come here." Derek took my hand and we walked around the building. That's were we relocated our group. We continued to enjoy the gorgeous light show. Then the countdown started.
"10!" Derek was getting sweaty by the second.
"9!" Something wasn't right with him.
"8!" His right hand reached into his front pocket.
"7!" He fumbled with something in his pocket.
"6." I brushed it off thinking he had an itch. Ew.
"5!" A burst of energy flooded the sky.
"4!" His hand didn't come out of his pocket.
"3!" He shifted his weight several times.
"2!" I watched Shelby and Jenn look at us with huge smiles.
"1!" He turned to me. He got on one knee. WE JUST MET!
"Stellán, would you do me honor in marriage?" My heart stopped. Frozen in time, stunned by his words. That did not just come out of his mouth. I nodded in nervousness. As he hugged me I looked I Kian. I saw anger, betrayal, and revenge.

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