❤️Above and beyond❤️

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"Hold still." I say.
"I am still." I glided the razor over Kian's face. It got silent for a few minutes then he spoke.
"Did you decide?" I slapped my hand right across his cheek.
"Stellàn!" He held his cheek in his hand.
"I'll tell you when I've made up my mind."
"What the hell?" He laughed.
"I'm sorry." I held his head to my chest as we laughed.

"K, im gonna go." I kissed Kian.
"Where are you going?"
"I need to do laundry and go to the store."
"The store?"
"Like that?" I looked down at my outfit I was wearing sparkly black shorts and a loose pink top.
"Like what?"'he stood up from his desk. He pull my shirt up.
"Like a stripper."
"Look at you Stel."
"I've been dressing my self longer than you."
"I'm sorry, but I don't want my girlfriend looking like that."
"Looking like a women?" I grabbed my phone.
"Love you!" He yelled as I walked down the stairs.
"Love you too!"

"Do you think Ricky likes me?" Jenn asked as we sorted colors from whites.
"I don't know? Why do you say that?"
"He's just so nice to me."
"He's nice to everyone and that's just because he has a big heart." She groaned.
"Do you like him?" Her shoulders rose.
"I don't know."
"If anyone, I would think Shelby."
"Yeah, he's always bringing lunch for her."
"He brings it for all of us."
"But he sits with her when they eat."
"But he started sitting with me."
"Oh shit, you're right."
"Oh my gosh, Stel!"
"He has common courtesy!"
"Fuck you Stel." I laughed and she took her laundry and left.

"Ew, you smell like fish." I tell Bríar. We sat down at a table in Panera Bread.
"When do I not?"
"Hey, it's Manatee awareness month, why don't you guys come down?"
"That's a thing?"
"I've been working at the Los Angeles zoo for the past 3 years, we've celebrated it every year."
"This a big deal for the staff and I."
"Well did you know I'm going to be in the YouTube rewind?"
"Oh my gosh, Stel! That's incredible!"
"I know! I'm so excited."
"Did you reach 5mil yet?"
"Almost. We are so close."
"What do you call your subscribers?"
"Oh yeah." I laugh.
"That's why I always say: hit that subscribe button to join this amazing bouquet."
"I don't watch your videos." My jaw dropped. My own sister doesn't even watch my videos.
"You are not my sister anymore."

"And that is my date night look." I showed the camera.
"Thank you so much for watching! Give it a like and if you want to see more random videos like this, hit the red subscribe button to become a member of our rose bouquet."
"Ready?" Kian asked.
"Wait." I turned the camera back on.
"One more announcement, my book, Stellàn Rose-Carter's road to YouTube fame, is in stores! Finally! It is sure to give you a-"
"Hernia!" Kian yells.
"I'm gonna hurt you." I smile.
"No, but really, this beautiful girl wrote a terrific book, I'm so proud of her. It's funny and charming, go but a copy today."
"Love you guys!" I turned off the camera and Kian pressed his lips on mine.
"Did you decide?" He whispered.
"God Kian!"

  For date night he decided to be a good boyfriend and put up with shopping with me.
"I need an outfit for YouTube rewind." I say.
"You're going to be in YouTube rewind?"
"Yeah." I smiled.
"I just found out today."
"That's amazing, I'm so proud of you."
"With Tyler."
"He's a good guy." He smirked.
"I know, he's awesome." He swiped his card and payed for my shoes that I just bought.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome." We walked out of the store. The sunset outlined the sky making it look beautiful and bold.
"Ice cream?" He asked.
"Sure." I sat on the bench while we went to get it. A ball rolled to my feet.
"Hey ginger, pass the ball!" I looked up to see a shirtless guy on the beach with his friends playing volleyball. I spiked it to him.
"Don't eat my soul!" He yelled. His friends laughed.
"Don't worry! I only take clean ones!" I replied. He gave me to middle finger and I gave it right back. He got frightened and returned to his game.
"Asshole." I said under my breath. I turned to see Kian glaring at the guy with a unimpressed expression.
"The one moment I feel accomplished." He handed me my cone.
"You're just not mean enough."
"Guilty." I licked the cream. He put an arm around me.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

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