❤️New Chapter❤️

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"Nokia!" I screamed. I caught her chewing on my charger cable. She looked at me innocently. She knows what she's done. She's getting pretty big now but still seems to be teething.
"Go kennel." I pointed my finger in anger. She pouted away.
"Stel?" Shelby asked.
"What?" I was frustrated was Nokia.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm just stressed. I have a video I need to upload, a video to film and Christmas shopping to get done."
"Calm down." She took my shoulder.
"Ugh! Why did Kian have to move." She pulled me into a hug. We stayed there. Enjoying the moment.
"Did you dye your hair back?!"

The horn on the car sounded. Letting me know I just locked it. We were meeting up at the K and J house to film the new chapter video. I walked into the house.
"Hey." Jc hugged me.
"How is it?" I took off my sunglasses.
"It's sweet!" He says as he shows me around.
"Care to take in a puppy?" I joked.
"Do you not like her anymore?" He asked surprisingly.
"No! I love her but she's obnoxious." I explained.
"I knew I head a familiar voice. How are you?" Kian asked.
"I'm good." His hug felt unnatural. He should have kissed my cheek or jokingly lifted me into the air, like old times.
"Good." He pulled away. I wish it had lasted longer.
"The guys are upstairs." Jc pointed with his two thumbs behind him.
"Alright." When we walked upstairs there were a few things still in boxes. I glanced into Kian's room. He had a Polaroid of us on his dresser from PlayList. That just me so happy. I smiled big. I created the guys then we sat on the couch. I pressed record.
"Hey guys, it's Stel and I'm with."
"And Jc dawg!" I laughed.
"They're no longer o2l but this is our new chapter." We posed for the camera.
"Thumbnail." Connor sang.
"Alright. You asked us questions and we are Gonna answer them." I got my phone. Jc was messing with Connors ear.
"Dude." I say. They straightened up.
"Did you and Kian really break up? Sad face." Kian read.
"Yes we did. I'm sorry to ruin the Stakian, but we're okay and we're going our own way. Go check out Stel's vlog on our move. It explains everything." I pushed that aside and read another.
"Pickle or banana?" I read.
"Yaass." Ricky said.
"Pickle." I say.
"Banana." Kian argues.
"I'm with her on this one." Trevor says.
"Naw banana." Jc and Connor say in unison. They look at each other in amazement.
"No homo!" The say again. We stared at Sam. He was the tie breaker.
"We'll have you ever had both?"
"Ew!" We said disgusted.
"Well-" Jc cut him off.
"Are you the one who's always laughing in the o2l videos, p.sI really miss the o2l."
"Awe." Connor coos.
"I am." I laugh. Kian hold his hand out to show proof. It got really quiet and we all scrolled on our phones.
"Hey you guys want to go to the club tonight?" I asked.
"Sure." They say.
"O got one." Trevor says.
"Read it." Jc says all proud.
"What do you think I'm gonna do?!"
"Just read it!" Sam yelled.
"Ok. Have you slept with o2l." He sat back to wait for my reaction. Kian sat patiently for an answer. All eyes her on me.
"I'm not gonna tell them Jc." I whispered. Kian's jaw dropped and Jc smirked.
"Are you KIDDING ME!?" Kian screamed high pitched
"No I'm kidding. I didn't." I watched Kian wink to the camera. I slapped his phone, he hissed like a snake.
"What was your favorite memory with Stellàn?" Sam reads.
"Oh! Can I go first?" Jc asked
"So this one time we were at Costco and-" Trevor lost it
"Wait! Finish!" Kian yelled.
"She needed the toilet paper but it was too high. I was like why don't you ask an employee, man that's just what you do. So we get an employee and he's like no problem dude I'll get the fork lift. Or something like that. So he leave and I turn around to see Stella just climbing up this thing."
"And those things are tall." Sam says. I laugh.
"So gets it and she's like just tell him I'm Spider-Man." We laugh at my embarrassing behavior.
"I snap chatted it." Trevor says.
"But like she said it so casually like: just tell him in Spider-Man. When he came back he had big white eyes. So I casually say: she's Spider-Man. He's like what the fuck? I start pushing the cart and whisper. Don't tell anyone. With a finger over my lips. It was so funny."
"Ok mine is when Trevor was having a bad day and Stel was like, let's go to the pier, you need some god damn ice cream. We sat on the beach for hours just talking. It was amazing." Sam says.
"I loved that." Trevor side hugged me.
"I love it when you brought cookies to celebrate GOLD and Alive. They were perfect. And then you called the next day and said you tripled the salt on accident. You brought us two new batches just because you felt bad." Ricky says.
"I felt so bad." I put a hand on my heart.
"I didn't notice." Kian shrugged.
"Ok ok, my favorite was every time we weren't feeling well, like when I had the flu, you came over everyday. Made sure we were hydrated, the fridge was full, house was clean. You put others first." Trevor says.
"You have a big heart." Connor says as he hugged me.
"I like that about you, you give more then you receive." Kian itched his nose.
"Awe you guys." My eyes were watering.
"My favorite memories with you were anytime you were happy. Anytime you were glowing. That glow rubs off on everybody. Especially when we're having a bad day." Kian explained.
"You guys are amazing. I never realized how much I brightened your days. My favorite thing about you guys is you do that all for me."
"No!" Jc says.
"You guys really do. I love you."

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