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This whole engagement thing is stressing me out. I haven't been eating normally and Shelby and Jenn are getting in to me.
"I made cookies, Stel!" Jenn says as she throws the cookie pan out of the oven. Her and Shelby are both frustrated. My phone rings.
"Saved my the bell." I say as I answer it.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Hey, there's something I need to tell you." Derek says.
"Ok. Go ahead."
"No I need to tell you in person."
"It can't be that bad."
"It's not about deployment. I can't say it over the phone."
"Ok.." I said with a funny look.

  I arrived at his apartment. He had 3 roommates, two boys and a girl.
"Guys this is Stella." He says.
"What is she?" The girl asks.
"Trix, don't be rude. She's his fiancé." The red head head says. She busted up laughing.
"She's a YouTuber! There is no way in hell." She got real close to me.
"Run while you can." She whispered.
"Trixie!" Derek yelled.
"We're gonna be late." The blonde said can Ming out if the bathroom.
"I'm out." Trixie left.
"David. Let's go." The blonde rushed.
"Fine fine." He turn off the tv and they both left.
"What I'm about to say could be the deal breaker."
"What do you mean?" He sat me down.
"What I'm about to tell you I have been keeping a secret for 3 years." I took his hand.
"I'm in the WPP." I squinted.
"What? WPP?" I asked.
"Witness protection program." I'm sorry what?!
"I know it sounds bad but I witnessed something in the army that I shouldn't have seen."
"This so so much. We just met and-"
"Stella, I love you and I have this burden and I lived thinking I would never find someone to love. Then I met you."
"Holy shit!" I yelled in awareness.
"Let it out."
"Holy fucking shit!"
"I know."
"Do your roommates know?"
"They're my brothers and sister."
"Oh my-"
"Stella you have to cross your heart you won't tell a soul or you are putting all of our lives in danger." He put his hand I top of mine.
"I'm sorry to put this on you." I didn't speak for a minute.
"It's ok."
"Really?" His smile glowed.
"Yeah." He kissed me.

  Lunch was some fucking bull shit.
"Guys I want to tell you something." Kian says. Particularly looking at me with a smile.
"What?" Connor asks.
"Andrea and I are back together." I took the napkin that was in my lap and threw it in the table. I moved past Trevor and marched to the bathroom. My girls followed me. I slammed the door shut.
"What an asshole." Jenn says.
"Which one?" Shelby asks.
"You guys just leave me alone?!" I went into a bathroom stall.
"Go away!" And they did. I sat there crying in a bathroom stall like an idiot. When the door swung open I got quiet. Their heels clicked on the floor and went to the sinks.
"Just watch your back."

  Andrea and I have history. History so bad you could have called it WW3. Don't mess with Andrea and i's fight unless you want a broken nose. We take enemies to whole new level. We despise each other. There is no person in this world that I hate more than the only and only Andrea Russet. *cough cough* bitch.

I sat on the couch with Derek.
"How was lunch?"
"Great." I smiled. I lied.
"Are you sure you're ok with this?" I curled my lips.
"I'm gonna need time because this Isi man change my life forever."
"I understand. Did I tell you what will happen after we are married?"
"No." I shook my head.
"After the ceremony you and I will get a new identity and we will move somewhere in the world. A place where no one can find us and we will be safe. Our kids-"
"If you want any."
"Oh no. Dear god no."
"Then no kids."
"So I'll no longer be Stellàn Rose-Carter?"
"No. And I won't be Derek Fielding." A tear fell down my cheek and he caught my face.
"What's wrong?"
"And I'll have to say goodbye to YouTube?"
"Yes." Was this really worth it? Was it worth giving up everything I know and love. My family. My moms and sisters. Shelby, Jenn. O2l? Was it worth it? Is Derek worth it?

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