❤️Confronting Ricky❤️

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I walked up to Kenny.
"It's not even a Friday, Carter."
"It's Rose-Carter."
"You know I'm 25, God Kenny."
"ID ma'am."
"What is your problem?" He got close to my ear.
"Boss is watching the cameras. Don't fire My ass because you'll be feeling the burn." I snickered. I slowed my ID and he let me in. I sat at the bar.
"Matt here?" I asked bartender Mike.
"Matt Stauler."
"Black hair, always wears fancy shoes." I described.
"He work here?"
"Never seen him behind the bar, honey."
"What?" I whispered.
"What can I get you?" I blocked him out of my mind.
"Bartender Mike special?" He chuckled. I didn't even acknowledge him.
"Matt...adoption...I got to go."

I ran Mom and Mommy's. Then I realized they were on a cruise. I called several times but no answer. Then I called Matt.
"Where do you work?"
"The bar." A dog barked in the background.
"You working right now?"
"Yeah, Kenny needs me."
"Matt where do you work?" It was silent.
"I'm a vet, ok?"
"I told you the other night, you didn't listen?"
"I was drunk. I don't remember the clothes I wore or the drinks I had."
"Why did you lie. Why was it necessary to lie about your job?"
"When your parents get back we'll talk about it."
"There is something you're not telling me."
"Stella you got to promise me something."
"No matter what happens you won't push me away."
"You're scaring me." I wiped my eyes.
"Promise me."
"I can't."
"Stella please."
"Matt, what is going on?"
"It's about your adoption, that's all I can tell you."

  I knocked on Ricky's door.
"Come in!" He yelled. I let myself in and walked into the kitchen. He walked down a twisted stair case while putting a shirt on.
"Hey. What's up?" He opened his fridge and tossed me a juice.
"We got to talk about that night."
"Mm." He scrunched his face as he drank the juice. My eyes unnaturally set on his biceps. I looked away.
"Well, we can both agree it was an accident, but can we confirm there are no feelings?"
"No feelings." I shook my head maybe a little too happily.
"No feelings. Good. Alright. You not pregnant right?"
"God no." Hell no.

  Trevor pushed the cart down and aisle, multitasking on his phone.
"What do you think?" Bríar ran into me holding two baby outfits, one blue, one pink. I looked at her in shock.
"What?" I asked. I did a double take, looked at her stomach and her repeatedly. Still in shock.
"Ooh! I like the blue." Trevor says.
"For who?" I raised my eyebrows.
"I'll just get both." She turned and walked away.
"Brí!" I yelled in the store.
"Aunt Stel or aunt Stella?" She asks.
"Are you kidding?!" I said with a smile.
"Aren't you excited?" She jumped up and down.
"Ecstatic!" We jumped together. Trevor pushed the cart by us.
"Congratulations Brí." Trevor hugged her.
"Ok but when's the wedding?"

  I was doing a Q and A when I got a funny question.
"I haven't seen Nokia in a while. Where is she?" I laughed.
"Since Kian and I's break up we have been dropping her off at each other's places every couple of weeks. Kian did buy her for me but we both love her so we have a time share thing. She's like our kid In a way."
"When are you coming the to UK?"
"Ok ok! I can finally tell you! Oh I'm so excited! The American YouTubers, only a handful, will be coming to England in February!"
"What necklace do you always wear?"
"Ok, this might be weird, Kian got me this necklace for our first Valentine's Day." That's when I felt my eyes watering.
"I don't know why I'm crying. This is stupid. I'm sorry." I covered my eyes.
"Jenn make me laugh!" I yell.
"Poop on a flap stick!" She yells. I chuckle a little.
"It's just a stupid necklace. Sorry. It's Kendra Scott in Rose Quarts."

"Welcome back to Drunk Plots with the Rose-Carter Sisters . What movie are we doing today, Kloé?"
"And I'm Kloé!" She yells in my face. I laugh.
"Sorry that's Kloé."
"We will be describing the plot of The Little Mermaid."
"You take it off Stel."
"So, it starts with the brilliant, gorgeous, sexy, and talented young fish-girl-thing-"
"She's a mermaid!"
"Mermaid." I correct myself.
"You wanna hear a joke my dad told me?" Jenn says.
"Sure. Here, have a drink." She sips the bottle of wine.
"Why does Ariel wear sea shells?"
"O don't know why does she?" Kloé asks.
"Because she's too small for D shells."
"Haha." I fake laugh. Kloé falls back laughing.
"It's good right?" Jenn high fives Kloé.
"Moving on. So this fish-girl-thing-"
"Mermaid. Likes to go hang out with the land creatures even though she's forbidden. She's collects human things-"
"Like bottles and forms."
"Thing-a-ma-bobs." I correct her.
"Anyway she always she's a hunky man named Eric. He's a-" I snap my fingers.
"Prince. But Ariel doesn't know that."
"She she's goes to her witch craft aunt, Ursula."
"And she had those goons. What are their names?"
"I don't know. Let's call them Ted and Donald." I lost it when she said that.
"The presidential candidates?"
"Who else?" She threw her hands in the air.
"So she's exchanges her voice for legs. Bad deal of you ask me." I say.
"She winds up on the beach butt naked and decides to dress in a ship sail." Kloé says.
"Eric finds her and takes her to his palace where they feed her. Give her nice clothes and a bed to sleep."
"Then!" Kloé takes over.
"She falls in love with Eric and wants to marry him. Only to find out her witch craft aunt took her voice made her self into Fantelle!" She yells at the camera.
"Fantelle. That's her new name."
"Ok then Ariel is like: she ain't stealing my man!" I snap my fingers.
"Then they go on a boat ride." Kloé says.
"Wasn't that before Fantelle?"
"I don't remember. Anyway on the boat all the animals are singing-"
"KISS THE GIRL." We sing in unison. I take the lead.
"He's trying to guess her name and he says: carry?" Kloé shakes her head.
"Kim?" She shakes.
"It's Ariel!" Jenn whispers loudly.
"Ariel!" Jenn yells.
"Ariel?" I ask softly. Kloé shakes her head up and down.
"Blah blah blah. Fantelle and Eric go in the boat where they are gonna get married by the boner priest. Ariel goes home because she's sad. I don't remember the next part. Take it." Kloé says.
"Ugh.... The witch craft aunt is destroyed. Ariel and Eric get married. Everything is honkey dory, the end!"
"And they lived happily ever after." All three of us say in unison.

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