❤️Light of my world❤️

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  I grabbed the warm toast as it popped from the toaster. I rushed to my seat at the dinner table where we had gathered for breakfast and we're laughing about last night.
"And then the neighbors came by!" Jenn belly laughed. I licked my finger from the jam. It spread evenly across the bread. Derek tucked a hair back behind my ear before it fell into the jam. I smiled and he kissed me. The house has changed since the meeting. Things are looking better. Only downer is we go home next week and I have to face the WPP. But that's for another time. My phone rang as I took a bite.
"I got it." Derek got up to answer it.
"What was it? Stel?" Shelby asked.
"Bourbon." I said with a full mouth. I caught myself eyeballing Kian's chin line. I mean, everyone knows it's sculpted like a god.
"Stel." I thought Derek had caught me but he was handing me my phone. I swallowed a bite of toast and took it.
"This is Stellàn." I say.
"Yes Ms. Rose-Carter, your pup, Nokia, has been doing really great but we had to get her checked out the other day." I ruffled my forehead.
"Is she ok?" That's when the chatter stopped and all eyes were on me.
"She had kennel cough." She told me.
"Well how much is that gonna be? I'm already paying for boarding." Kian snapped his fingers to signal the phone.
"Five-!" I stopped his hand.
"You would I be paying for the dogs that caught it as well."
"God damn!" She cleared her throat.
"Sorry. Umm, can I call you back?"
"Yes. We are just closing you will have to call back tomorrow."
"Ok thank you."
"Bye bye." I hung up.
"What's wrong?" Connor asked.
"Nokia has kennel cough and spread it to some other dogs at the boarding place."
"How much?" Kian asked. I raised my eyebrows and drank some orange juice from Derek's class.
"I'll call in the morning." Kian says.
"Thats not necessary."
"Yeah." Andrea backs me up but looks like a fool.
"She's.....our...dog, I got it." That word our was weird. It was dusty from its misuse.
"Thank you."
"Aren't you a gentleman." Andrea says as he kisses his cheek which didn't make any sense because she was backing me up. I rolled my eyes in her attitude.

  At Zoe's I played with Nala.
"Alan!" Joe yells.
"She doesn't like that, Joe." Zoe complains. I hummed a song.
"Oh I love that one. What is it?" Zoe asks.
"Castle." She snapped her fingers.
"That's a good one." Joe says.
"Keep your pretty mouth shut." Zoe tells him. He laughs and falls back.
"For some reason that wasn't the song I was thinking of." We laugh with him.

  We were invited to over to Zoe and Alfie's for a sleep over hang out.
"Stel your turn." We played two truths and a lie with spin the bottle. I spun a mad it landed on Kian. Not much he didn't know about me.
"Ugh, I love to snowboard. I play tennis like no other and the only thing I can cook is a glass of water." He chuckled.
"You can cook anything and everything." He says.
"Yes." I smile. He went to Derek and landed on me. His was gonna be hard and embarrassing.
"I have 3 roommates, 3 siblings, and I'm in the army." I looked at him. Not the best choice. He gritted his teeth in the silence.
"I can't remember if it's the army or the marines." Joe says with his hands together. I was confused. I had no clue want to say.
"You don't have 3 siblings." I finally say.
"Yup." He smiled and pulled me closer. Then it was Louise's turn.
"One, I love you so much."
"Bull shit!" Caspar says as he fake cries. We laughed.
"Two, YouTube is my therapy."
"The gabby show!" Jenn says.
"And three. I want you to all go home right now!" We laughed but on the inside that made me realize how much the YouTube family is united. We are a real family and we we really do love our fans. They are our lifeblood. They make us who we are and we wouldn't be where we are without them. I love my bouquets. They are the bomb.

It was past midnight and I'm still a little jetlag so I plugged in my headphones and turned the music all the up. When the beat drops I jump around like I'm having a seizure. It scares the living shit out of Derek but I have a blast.

I heard her in the other room. These thin walls make it easy. She couldn't sleep and neither could I. I missed her music seizures. She's always so proud when she gets it on beat. It makes me laugh because she is the light of my world. And not even fate can change that.

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