❤️House meeting❤️

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That was Valentine's Day morning when I woke up to his love. This valentines, I wake up to other guy's.

  I decided to make pancakes for Derek. No body was awake and I was dancing to twenty-one pilots in the kitchen.
"Good morning, beautiful." A hand grazed my ass and lips kissed my neck. I froze. I recognized the voice.
"I'm not Andrea." I stood there frozen because what he did felt so natural. He cleared his throat and walked back to his room with out a word and rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh god." I covered my hand with my face. I heard a gulp and a sniffle. I looked to my right and Andrea was just about to open the front door while carrying several boxes. She saw what he did and that wouldn't be the last of it. She walked in. I helped her with the boxes and without a word she dropped her things on the counter, car keys fell on the floor from nervousness, and walked into her and Kian's room. I took a deep breath because ready or not there was about to be a brawl.

  Andrea was crying and I was shaken.
"Alright I'm kinda done with this shit, house meeting!" Ricky and Connor order. We sat on the long curved couch. Derek pulled me in his arms. I was shaking. I felt like I had failed him. I didn't deserve him.
"K, I don't know why we have so much tears." Ricky says.
"Guys, this is vacation! Can I say it again? VACATION! This should be fun. Kian and Andrea are back together, whoop! Stella and Derek are engaged! Whoop! Ok whoops all around. I'm sick of seeing hatred. Let's have fun while we are here and it's Valentine's Day. God damn it lets just be happy." Trevor spoke for everyone. We nodded in agreement.
"Smile!" Ricky yelled. I pushed my lips back and formed a smile that I was proud of.
Because it was real.

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