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  "Are you serious?!" I laughed.
"Yeah. Mom was gonna beat me." I was dying. Matt was telling me about a time when he wanted to take me on a walk.
"You were an awful child."
"I was."
"What's on your agenda today?" He asked.
"I'm going flowers for the wedding."
"What's the color theme?"
"Orange and white." I smiled.
"Thank you."
"For what?" I looked at him puzzled.
"For asking me to be in the wedding."
"Matt, even if I never found out you were my brother I still you have asked you." We hugged.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

It's funny how Andrea reminds me why we broke up. Dirty dishes, clothes everywhere, a bad attitude; that would have never flown with Stella.
"God, Kian and you put the seat down just once?!"
"Only if you clean up your act." She ran out of the bathroom and waved a finger in the air at me.
"Don't your ever talk to me like that!"
"Andrea I'm here busting my ass trying to clean up your shit while you go out with your friends every night! Can I put down the fucking seat? I don't know, can you act like an adult!?" She gasped at my authoritarian behavior.
"This is not a relationship!" I yelled with cold eye contact. That sunk into her. She swallowed.
"I'm the best you can get." I huffed at your awful remarks.
"Stella is engaged, Kian! She's getting married tomorrow! She dropped you! She not coming back. She gonna he an army wife and she's not coming back. You are history!"
"Get the fuck out of my house."

I walked into the bridal store with Jenn, Shelby, and my sisters. Mommy tagged along.
"Wow." Mommy viewed the dressed.
"Let's do bridesmaids then the bride." I say.
"Did you just talk to yourself in theirs person?" Jenn asked.
"Shut up."
"Mija." Mommy warned softly.
"Right this way." A short women brought us into a room.
"Oh they look so good." Aubré says. They chit chatted as they got zipped up. When the curtain was pulled back I gasped.
"Oh my goodness." Mommy says.
"Wow." Was all that came out of my mouth.
"Is it tight Bíar?" Mommy asked.
"Not at all." She was used to the usual wet suit.
"Your turn, my dear." The women said. I got up and walked with her into the room. I slipped into it. It was inspired from from mommy's dress. It flowed with lace and had just enough sparkle for my taste and watched the color scheme perfectly. When she opened the curtain I started crying. The girls all walked over and hugged me.
"I love you." They said.
"I love you guys too."

I repeatedly cut the stems off at an angle and put each stalk in a bucket of water.
"Thanks for helping me." I told Brí.
"You're welcome. They smell so good!"
"Is it weird that I'm getting married before you?"
"Well, I'm having a baby before you." She rubbed her 4 month old belly.
"That's true."
"Your wedding is going to be gorgeous." Truth be told, the wedding is fake. After the ceremony, Derek and I are going to the court house to make it official before we run away. I smiled and watched her belly. That was an awakening.

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