Chapter 3.
Ş ➡ Sh (shoot)Fuad's POV
The school grounds buzzed with activity. Students swarmed in and out of buildings and chatted animatedly with one another. I sensed footsteps behind me and turned around.
"Good morning Fuad."
"Good morning Mr. Ahmed. How are you sir?"
"Fine thanks. There are a few things I need to discuss with you before class. Let's walk to my office." Great. I knew I was in trouble.
15 minutes later (yes, our school is huge. It takes quiet some time to get from lower campus to upper campus, (especially when you walk with your slow principle).
"So Fuad..."
"Yes sir?"
"Do you enjoy playing football?"
"Yes sir. Very much."
"Good. You will go to trials this afternoon. Don't be late. Trials start at 4pm. I have a few issues to attend to in the 8th grade boarding quarters. Go to class now. The bell will ring soon."
"Yes sir. Thank you sir."
"No problem Fuad. Good luck for trials."
"Thank you sir."
During class I remembered that I did not have my gym clothes so I ran home to get them. After all, I wouldn't be able to participate in football trials in my normal clothes. As I rounded the bend to my house, I noticed the same brown hair that made my knees weak.
"Delnaz?!" I called, like a freak. She stopped and turned around. I walked over to her. "Hi."
"Hey. Why are you all sweaty and running?" I stared at her for a while. Taking in her white, floral waterfall, jeans, back t-shirt and blue pumps. Then I realised...
"Oh yes! I have to get my gym clothes! I'll talk to you later! Bye!"
3:30pm - I ran all the way home and dug through my drawers.
3:48pm - I ran back to school and to the boys' change rooms on the right end of the lower sportsfield.
3:59pm - I was done changing and trials were about to begin.Delnaz's POV
I took the train. My usual medium of transport for getting to and from school. I was greeted by the smell of pumpkin pie when I entered my home. Aunt Hamida welcomed me into the house.
"My dear! Why are you so late?"
"Sorry Aunty," I muttered, "my train was delayed today."
"I see. Go find your mother. She was asking for you." I listened to Aunt Hamida and rushed up the stairs. I burst into mother's room and planted a huge kiss on her cheek.
"Silly girl." My mother turned around and smiled at me. She gave me an inquisitive look that said: Where have you been you crazy child?? I explained that my train was delayed and looked into the crib that my mother was rocking. My mother had given birth to my younger brother 2 months ago. Ismet just laid there with his black eyes fixed on my face. I smiled and waved and made funny faces at him but Ismet did not respond. As usual. I sighed and kissed my mom on her other cheek this time.
"I'm gonna go get my life sorted."
"See you at dinner hun."
After I showered, I grabbed a packet of fritos and began to munch away in front of the TV. Since holidays were nearing, we began to get less homework. I decided to give myself a little and decidedly, much needed break. Aunt Hamida rushed into the room. She looked at me, horrified.
"Child! Why are you hogging that entire packet?! You will become fat and no suitor will want you!" I rolled my eyes. Aunty could be so obnoxious sometimes.
"Hamida," my awesome uncle walked into the room at just the right time. "Leave the child alone. She's only in matric."
"Only in matric my foot. A few more years and she will have to get married."
"That's not a big deal. Any suitor will choose our Delnaz but sweety, your aunt does have a point. Fritos aren't good for you. Have dinner with us in a few minutes."
"Yes Uncle Reşit."
Did I mention that my ENTIRE family were hell-bent on getting me married? Not surprising right? Especially since I'm a mix between Indian and Azeri.
Later that night, I settled in my bed with in interesting book called Revenge. It was about a guy who fell in love and the girl was tired of him following her around so she humiliated him at a frat party. The guy obviously decides to get Revenge.
Anyway I heard a loud rapping at my window. My curtains were slightly open since I loved the moonlight seeping into my dimly lit room. More rapping.
"Hey Delnaz!" The muffled voice of an excited looking teenage boy that I'd never seen in my life (ok maybe once...) appeared at my window.
I screamed.
A really loud scream.
Within minutes, my entire family was in my room. I had been hiding under my "security" blanket.
"Get away from our house! All of you! Did your parents teach you no manners at all?!" My father yelled through the window. I was so embarrassed and I knew I would get into huge trouble for something that was not even my fault.
"Kitchen. Now."
From my chair, I watched a moth flying above, constantly hitting the light bulb. I felt like that month. Nearly dead. The month spiralled downwards and landed on the table. I pushed my chair backwards. The door clicked shut. I kept staring at the twitching moth.
"Who were those boys?" My father was at the point of exploding.
"Rahim! Let the girl speak, who were those boys, Delnaz?" I looked up gratefully at Uncle Reşit.
"I think they're just some boys at school in my grade..."
"So you don't know them personally?"
"Have they ever bothered you before?"
"See Rahim? She doesn't know these boys."
"Who says that what she's saying is true?!"
"Father, I'm not lying! I promise!" He did not even look at me. He could not reason when angry.
"I will speak to your principle tomorrow morning. Off to bed. All of you." Uncle Reşit ushered everyone out the kitchen. He shot me an apologetic look and left himself. I looked up at Father.
"We will deal with this tomorrow, young lady. Off with you." Anger seeped through Father's hard exterior. I scuttled off to bed. I stared at my ceiling. My cheeks were squished into my pillow.
Ya Allah, please don't let father cause a scene at school tomorrow...I was scared as hell. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and it wouldn't go away.
Dun dun dun..enjoy the next chapter ^^x

Anything Could Happen
RomanceFuad Altan has fallen in love. The girl's name is Delnaz Aliyeva. She was smart and beautiful but could not express her emotions very well. The two first battle their own emotions and then the world that threatens to tear them apart. Friends, fami...