Chapter 4.
C ➡ J (Joy)
(Cihan ➡ Jihan)Fuad's POV
My phone rang, more like shrilled, at 2am. I rolled over and tried to grab it from my bedside.
"Hey man. You won't BELIEVE what just happened!"
"Orhan? What bro?"
"Dude we totally freaked your girlfriend. We didn't mean to like freak her family out too, though."
"You WHAT?!"
"What man? Chill. You shoulda seen her father's face whe-"
"Dude are you out of your freaking mind?! Her father is going to SKIN all of you ALIVE." I facepalmed my forehead and paced up and down my room.
"What the hell were you idiots thinking..."
"Dude it was just a little joke..."
"No bro. That's not a joke. You don't know-"
"Fuad?" My mother stood at the door. She was strict about me using my my phone. And I was 17. Annoying right? "Go to sleep, son."
"Yes Mom." I watched Mom stumble her way down the passage and back towards her room. Once she was out of earshot, I began to whisper to my best friend. "Orhan, we will discuss this tomorrow. Don't be surprised if we're all dragged to Principle Ahmed's office tomorrow. Dammit! And to think I had trials going for me!" I slammed my fist against my wooden bedside.
"Listen bro it-"
"Just go to sleep. Have a nice night." I snapped the last bit and thew my phone down. I was pissed and ready to murder Orhan and the rest of our friends. Who knew what Delnaz's father was going to do to her let alone to us...
I dumped my bowl into the sink and kissed my mom goodbye. I sped around the corner, my sweater slipping off with every step I took. My bag slipped off my shoulders so I grabbed onto it and continued to run.
"Fuad! Hey ma-"
"Cut the crap and tell me what you did at Delnaz's house last night." My unusually stern voice surprised even me. Orhan explained what happened last night. How they wanted to let Delnaz know about my feelings for her and how they ended up sending the completely wrong person for the job up there. "You all made a grave mistake. Now we'll all get into trouble. Even Delnaz and I and we didn't do anything!" I facepalmed my forehead again and began to quickly pace.
We were 6 altogether in my group of friends. Our passion was football. I immediately began to think that they executed this plan because they were jealous that I made it to trials and they didn't.
Anger began to radiate off me. I looked up to see Adem, Cihan, Mazhar and Rizvan walk towards us. We stood in a group awkwardly. "Are you all ready to go to principle's office?" I snapped.
"Calm down Fuad, it was just a joke. We were trying to help you." I glared at Cihan, ready to beat him black and blue. I moved forward but Rizvan pushed me back gently.
"Calm down Fuad. Cihan is right." I scanned my friends' faces.
"So who did this? Who climbed up to Delnaz's window?" Cihan lowered his head guiltily. Everyone turned to look at him. I began to feel for Cihan but I suddently remembered football trials yesterday and any emotions vanished. My mouth took over and whatever was in my heart began to pour out. I said what I needed to say.
"Stop pretending as if you care so much! All of you! You just did this to mess up my trials! You don't want me to get in on the team, do you!?" Anger radiated off me in every direction. Orhan stood in front of me. He looked angrier than I did.
"We. Did. This. To. Help. You. You're too scared to tell Delnaz how you feel so we tried to do it for you. The world does not revolve around you and your damn football trials!" Orhan began to pace. The bell rang.
"See you in Mr. Ahmed's office. Jerks." I muttered. We dispersed to our lockers. As I walked to upper campus, the wind hit my cheeks. Wind and water. I felt cold and lonely and any images of me and Delnaz ever being together were erased from my mind. I just wanted to go home and have some hot chicken soup. I know it sounds crazy, but that's what my mother makes me when I'm sick. I felt sick to the stomach right now.
Beep Beep.
"Good morning staff and pupils. Could Orhan Demirci, Cihan Hazinedar, Mazhar Onay and Rizvan Volkan, please report to Priciple Ahmed's office immediately. Thank you." The intercom sucks. I looked at the ceiling worriedly. I was worried about my friends but they deserved what was coming to them.
Delnaz's POV
I felt really bad for the guys at my window last night. I had seen them a couple to times with Fuad but since he wasn't there in person, I could not blame him for any of this. Fuad and I were friends. He would understand if I talked to him. His usually spiky brown hair was droopy today. He looked down at his desk but was not working. I could sense his negative emotions. I decided that I would speak to him after school.
"Fuad. Concentrate or this will be homework." Mrs. Albayrak, our maths teacher looked sternly at Fuad. He picked up his one and only pencil (probably his only stationery) and continued to stare at his desk.
Great. Now I felt even worse.~●○●~
3:45pm - I was walking out of the school buildings when I saw Fuad and his crazy friends.
"High 5 man." Fuad gave each of his friends a high 5. I was confused... "Our plan worked better than I expected."
"Yeah Fuad. Who would've thought-" His friend's words were cut off by my thoughts. I could feel anger, like lava, bubbling inside me. I turned in the opposite direction and ran around the corner, past the last residential houses and past the block of flats. My train seemed to have been waiting just for me. I boarded and found a place close to a window.
So he was just pretending to be sad in maths.
He put his friends up to it.
He was part of a plan that got me into trouble...
But then why hadn't I been called to Principle Ahmed's office either?
Thoughts whirled in my head. I would only find out the entire story when I got home.
Thank you for reading once again. ❤
🔹The chicken soup thing is what actually happens in my life if that makes sense.
Keep reading! 💕💕💕xx

Anything Could Happen
RomanceFuad Altan has fallen in love. The girl's name is Delnaz Aliyeva. She was smart and beautiful but could not express her emotions very well. The two first battle their own emotions and then the world that threatens to tear them apart. Friends, fami...