Chapter 34.
Afsana grabbed my hand and pulled me into the guest bathroom.
"Dude are you crazy? Mother is waiting for me in the kitchen, you know."
Afsana smiled widely. "I know, I know but just listen to me..."
What was she going on about?
"I'm all ears."
"I know this may be a bad time to bring this up because of what's going on with Göksu right now but I just can't keep it in!"
"Well spit it out then!" I was really eager to hear what Afsana had to say. Good news was something I really needed right now.
"So Hassan spoke to me earlier. He said that Göksu called of their 'enagagement'! I'm happy but confused at the same time..."
I pulled Afsana into a bear hug. "That's great! Why are you confused though?"
Afsana rubbed the back of her neck. "Should I get back together with Hassan? What if Göksu threatens to break us apart again? I don't think I can go through that again, Delnaz."
Göksu was now after Fuad, for no apparent reason. He hadn't even a clue as to why that witch was after him.
"Give it some time before you get back together. Don't put yourselves in a position to get hurt again."
Afsana nodded and hugged me again. "Thank you so much. Now let's get out there. Fuad's probably on his way."
The very mention of Fuad's name made me smile.
Fuad's POV
I high fived Rizvan and said goodbye to him before cutting the call. Our plan was set.
The drive to Delnaz's house was filled with tension. I was going alone, with no support. At least Delnaz had Yıldız and Zulfiyya but even then, she would be surrounded by people that she was comfortable around. I barely knew anyone from her family. Maybe her uncle and I could bond over sports again.
The radio hummed a low tune that made the light drizzle of rain outside seem heavier menacing. I turned a street. One more street and I'd be at her house. The most beautiful girl in the world wanted me to meet her parents. I couldn't have felt luckier. I was only excited to finally get to see Delnaz. I missed her a lot.I found a street parking outside Delnaz's house and jumped off. I bought dessert on account of my mother. Hopefully the Aliyev's liked tiramisu. I knocked on the door and after a short while, a tall man with broad shoulders that I had never seen before opened it.
"Selam, you must be Fuad? I'm Delnaz's father," He awkwardly shook hands with me.
"Selam. That's me. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Aliyev."
He smiled warily and stepped to the side. "Please, do come in."
At least I got a smile, right? That meant that he at least didn't immediately disapprove of me. Mr. Aliyev's height was just as intimidating as his deep voice. I was lead into the living room where I meant Mr. Aliyev's brother. The two looked very simliar, after all.
"Selam, Fuad. It's nice to meet you, I'm Delnaz's uncle. You can call me Uncle Reşit, if you like." Uncle Reşit shook my hand stiffly.
I was confused. We had met before... Why was he pretending that this was our first meeting? There was clearly something that Delnaz wasn't telling me.

Anything Could Happen
RomanceFuad Altan has fallen in love. The girl's name is Delnaz Aliyeva. She was smart and beautiful but could not express her emotions very well. The two first battle their own emotions and then the world that threatens to tear them apart. Friends, fami...