Niall - Broken Strings

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Rushing into the living room, you look for your keys and your phone, turning over the whole room in the hopes to find them.

It had been a hectic morning so far; first, you missed your alarm and got up late and secondly, you had lost your phone and keys.

After a good five minute search, you finally find your keys under the coffee table and your phone, which had dropped down the side of the sofa.

What's worse, is that your phone was on 5% and you were already late for work.

"Great," You mutter, grabbing your charger in the hopes to be able to charge it once you got to work.

Pulling on your shoes and coat, you suddenly remember the letter you had said you would post for Niall today as you rushed into the bedroom in search of an envelope.

"Please don't have lost that too..." You mumble, turning the bedroom over in order to find it. However, as you remade your bed, you accidentally fell backwards, knocking something over in the process.

You hear a loud crack, turning around to find Niall's favourite acoustic guitar smashed into pieces on the floor.

"No," You whisper, completely shocked at what had happened.

You hadn't even noticed that it was there, having thought that Niall had put it away before he came to bed the night before.

You stand still, not having a clue what you should do next. Should you phone Niall and tell him? Should you wait until he gets home? Or should you replace it and then tell him?

One thing you are certain on, is the fact that you weren't going to work today.


"Thank you." You smile, sighing as you leave the tenth music shop which did not sell the exact same guitar as the one you had broken.

You decided that it wouldn't be as bad as a situation to explain to Niall that you had broken his guitar, but, had managed to replace it. However, now, you had the challenge of telling Niall you had broken it - and that you couldn't find a replacement.

To be quite honest, you were scared of what his reaction would be.

Just then, your phone buzzed in your pocket, with the caller ID being Niall.

"Hey Ni." You answer, slightly nervous as he was currently supposed to be busy writing a song in the studio.

"Y/N, where are you? I come home early to spend some time with you and I find my guitar smashed to pieces. Are you alright? Did someone try to burgle us?"

The guilt you felt for the worry he was feeling over you was overpowering as you took a deep breath before beginning your explanation.

"No, Niall, we haven't been burgled -"

"Are you alright? Please tell me you're alright." Niall interrupted, worriedly.

"Niall, it was me, I accidentally knocked your guitar over while I was trying to find the letter you asked me to post. I've been to ten different music shops and none of them have the same one. I'm so so sorry, I was going to explain once I got home, but I thought I should try and replace it first." You explain, letting out a breath.

The phone line was quiet, with Niall's steady breathing telling you that he was still on the phone.

"Niall?" You call, nervously.

"I'm sorry, please don't be angry -"

"I need to think." He cuts you off before ending the call.

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