Harry - Vampires Part Five

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I'm so sorry for updating so late, my mind has literally been blank when it came to writing recently, but I wanted to make this one cute. I wanted to make it about their relationship more, so here we go :) the final part. Enjoy ❤️


Two months later ~

Today's the day you embrace the outside world.

Ever since James' threats came about, Harry had kept you both inside, wanting to make sure he got the message to leave you alone and making sure he had definitely left before he let you both outside again. It was for your own protection, because without Harry, you most likely wouldn't be here today.

Two weeks ago, you moved house with Harry, and he made sure to leave your scents behind so none of you could be traced. Of course, this was still new to you and to say you already lived with your partner would be judged by other people, but Harry made sure you didn't feel that way.

He bought a two bedroom flat so you wouldn't have to share and he made sure you always felt comfortable. Even once staying in his bedroom all day so you could act like you hadn't seen each other in a while - and when it came to 8pm, he met up with you in the hallway for your 'date' where he had cooked you a meal.

He sure made it special.

And now, Harry was certain you were both safe and he offered to take you on a trip to the local theme park and zoo as a proper first date.

"Y/N, are you ready?" Harry calls as you fix your hair.

"Yeah," You call back, standing from your dressing table.

Upon exiting your bedroom, you find Harry to be waiting outside of the door, a sincere smile on his lips as his eyes brighten once he sees you.

"You look amazing, as always." He tells you, earnestly.

He's wearing a short-sleeved grey shirt with black skinny jeans and brown boots as he rocks his now-short hair quiffed back.

"You know your hair won't stay that good while we're on the rides." You inform him as he raises an eyebrow.

"I have a lot of trust in my hairspray." He defends, softly.

"Okay, I believe you," You say, holding your hands up in defence.

"Hey my hairspray is seriously the top stuff." Harry argues, following you to the front door.

"I said I believe you." You call back as you shake your head.

"You know, you still haven't replied to my comment from earlier." Harry drawls, changing the subject.

"Oh and what was that?" You ask, turning around to face him as you reach the door.

"That you look lovely." He says, his smile widening as he steps towards you.

"If I recall, you actually said amazing." You retort and he shrugs.

"Lovely, amazing, beautiful, wonderful; I could go on." He lists, and you roll your eyes at him.

"Oh shut up," You scoff, about to open the door before you're stopped.

"I'm serious!" He exclaims, grasping a hold of your hand and tugging you into him.

"I really mean it when I say you look lovely and amazing and just about everything else positive. I wouldn't say it otherwise," Harry tells you softly, before leaning in to kiss your forehead.

"Harry -"

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know what I thought. Now come on, or else it'll be closing time by the time we get there." He interrupts, cheekily, opening the door for you.

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