Chapter Twenty Nine: O.M.G.

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When we got to the apartment, Landon ran out of the car, and into our hall. Litlle did he know, I had the key. I took my time to get out and up to the apartment. Landon was sitting against the walll, playing Waiting on his new guitar.

Landon: Wow, I'm shocked I remeber this song!

Erika: Ohh lord, call up Doritos!!

Landon: Haha, very funny. Now let me in!!

I put the key in, and Landon sprung up. When he looked inside, he almost began to cry. His parents and Ellie were sitting in the room. He ran in and gave them all hugs. 

Landon: GUYS!! What are you doing here!??!

He picked up Ellie and cuddled with her for about 25 seconds, not moving at all. They sat down, and actually talked to Landon. If I didn't mention, when Dani told them, they almost didn't want to see Landon. He was pretty crushed, but didn't really let it show. They began to laugh, and I just stood there and smiled.  They need some time alone. I walked into the kitchen, and sat on a stool,poening my computer. A few one take vlogs from Landon's party came up, one from Tyler Oakley, and one from Joey. They were all having fun, and I notices Tyler was always standng with Joey. Nope, it must just be my inner fan-girl, hoping for Jyler.... He'd tell me, wouldn't he? Joey tells me everything... Ehh, if he wants to tell somebody, he will. 

Landon: Erika... Care to join the party?

Erika: Sure!

Landon's Dad: Landon, got any beer?

Landon: Uhh, dad, can I talk to you really quick?

They got up and walked into another room where I couldn't hear them talking, but I knew what they were talking about. Landon's mom gestured to the seat next to her.

Landon's Mom: Hi.... Now, I never really got the chance to meet you. All I know is your name is Erika.

Erika: Well, at least you know the truth! Haahaa, my full name Erika Sky Longbottom. Now, I know what your thinkng, I thought it was Grey? Well, that is my friend Joels last name, and he raised me since I'm 14. Also, you are probably wondering about Lee not being my middle name either,but it was my moms first name. I also don't like the meaning behind "Sky", yanno, "Skies the limit". A lot of people would looove names with meaning, but I mean, she used to say I had the potential to live both of our lives, and now thta actually has meaning...

Landon's Mom: You sound like a lost duckling. Hey, call me Mom from now on, okay? You can be my little duck!

She ws being so nice, and it made me feel warm. I wanted to just grab her and hug her, but I held myself back. Right after I calmed myself, she reached out and hugged me. I shed a small tear, and hugged back.

Landon: Family bonding! 

Erika: I swear if you put that picture online..

Landon: What? You'll what? 

Erika: I'll sleep on the couch!!

Landon: A bed to myself tonight! Aaaaand, posted!

Landon's Dad: So...uh... how is the living together?

Erika: Well, I looove this couch. 

Landon: Ohh, coincidence, so do I.

He came over and sat on me. I laughed, and playfully pushed him.

Landon: Huh, couch seems different today! Haha.

Erika: Hmm, I seem to remeber a ticklish spot right about.... HERE!

I poked my finger into his side, and began ticklling him. He pulled himself tight, then just laughed histerically. He flailed his arms around rapidly, then fell to the floor. I tackled him, and kept tickling him.

Landon: Oh.. HAHAH... YOU'RE GONNA...HAHA... GET IT!

He flipped himself over, and began to tickle me. Luckily I'm not ticklish, so I was able to tickle him again. I finally remebered we had guests over, and got off of him. 

Landon: Aww, did you give up already?

Erika: Nope, we have guests, plus I'm in a dress.

Landon's Mom: Oh, honey, it's late, and our flight is in an hour, so we better go! But here, take your gift first!

Landon's Dad: Enjoy it!

They walked out of the room, giving us hugs. Ellie followed close behind. 

Landon: I wonder what this is...

He opened it, and it was two picture frames. One had a Texas flag, one I'd seen in his old house.The other was a bunch of instagram pictures of him, his mom and dad, and even a few of us.

Erika: Aww, vlog time! They need to see how sweet your parents are!

I pulled out my camera, and began to vlogg, totally forgetting I was just kinda crying, and my makeup was runny. 

Erika: "Hey there beeeeaaauuutiful people! Now, you are probably wondering, 'Erika, where is the draw my life video?' And I'm working on it!" "NO SHE'S NOT" Landon yelled from the other room. "She has been busy being the best girl... fiance ever! Yanno what she did? She got me this!" He held up the signed guitar, and pointed to the John Mayer signature. "Guys, this is John Mayer's autograph. "So, yeah, best fiance ever!" He leaned over and kissed me, then walked out of frame. "Well guys, now that Landon stole my vlog, I'll show you what his parents got him! Well, one of the things, a huge collage of us! How cute!?! Well, I gotta go, it's pretty late, and we have a lot to prep for, since tour starts tomorrow! Alright, see you guys at a show..? Byyyye!" 

Landon: What do we need to prep, exactly?

Erika: We never packed, we never-

He got off the couch, and picked me up.

Erika: Uh...

Landon: We aren't gonna be alone for like, three months Erika! 

He rushed upstairs, and began kissing me and put me on the bed.

Erika: No more Edward? 

Landon: Nope, just Landon the bunny. 


Needless to say, next chapter is sex, so... yeah! -Ema

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