Chapter Thirty Seven: But... Ingrid...

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[Landon's POV]

Luke looked at Cat, then back at us.They kinda giggled, then Luke stretched his arm around Cat. She gave him a little peck on the cheek. I looked ovr at Erika, and she was just staring at them, with her eyes peeled, and her jaw dropped. She raised her hand as if to say something, then just put it down. 

Landon: But.. Ingrid..?

Luke: She didn't want to be with me. She didn't think it was working, and left me. I was pretty down, and Cat was over everyday wondering if I was okay. 

Erika: Why didn't you tell me Luke? You tell me everything.

Luke: I wasn't going to tell anybody for a while, but Cat was there when she did it, so she knew. 

Landon: So, how long..?

Luke: It's only coming up on a week, so you haven't missed much.

Erika: Luketrific.

Cat: I guess so

Landon: So, I guess we should go on a double date!!

Luke: Yeaah!

Erika: Every time Landon's taken me out on a date, he makes me cry.

Cat: How?!?

Landon: I have my ways. Now, how about we get some dinner?!?

Erika: Yeah!! But you leave the guitar here.

Landon: Okay. Okay.

Luke: Well... I'm confused.... So, where to?!?

Landon: How about Panera? One just opened not that far from our apartment, and it's dog friendly, so Loki and Thor can come!!

Cat: Sounds like a plan!! Let's go guys!! 

Erika: WAIT!! Kalel and Anthony should come!! 

Landon: Yeah, it's been too long!!

Erika: I'll call!

*20 minutes later*

Erika: Their friends Felix and Marzia are in town, and they're triple dating with Ian and Melany! They're also going to the new PAnera, and they want us to join so we can meet Felix and Marzia!!

Landon: Felix as in Pewidepie..?

Erika: Yes!!

Luke: He's my freaking favorite!!

Erika: Okay SimplyCute13. 

Luke: You remember that?

Erika: Obviously!!

Cat: And Joey was SexySarah69. 

Luke: Um.... Cat...

Cat: Ohh... sorry... I forgot...

Erika: No, don't be! I mean if he's still your friend-

Cat: He's not, I just used to love Luke and Joey together...

Landon: Well, we better go, don't wanna keep everyone waiting...

Luke: To the Lerika mobile!!

Erika: I prefer it to be called, the truck. 

Landon: Or the Austins truck.

Luke: Or the "get in the truck and drive".

Landon: Yeah, I like that name!

Erika: Okay, then how about we go!! We're gonna be late!! Haahah!

I put Erika's hand in mine, and intertwined our fingers. We walked out to the car, laughing. Luke and Cat didn't say much, and when I turned around, they were both walking with their hands in their pockets. We drove down to Panera, listening to Ellie Golding all the way, not by my choice. When we got there, Kalel introduced us to Felix and Marzia.

Kalel: Landon, Erika, this is Felix and Marzia. They are my friends from Sweeden!

Landon: Yeah, you're Pewdie, and Cutiepie!

Felix: Ahha, a bro!

Erika: And he's dating a bro!!

Marzia: Hey, you're a singer on YouTube! I love you're channel, Erika!!

Erika: Whoa, you know about my chancel..? Landon, when was the last time we did anything for our channels!?!

Landon: Um.. today, Erika. Remember?

Erika: I meant singing!

Landon: It has been a while...

Anthony: We'll, you guys could worry about that later, for now, we should introduce you to my best friend, Ian, and his girlfriend, Melanie!

Melanie: Hey, I'm the unknown girlfriend!

Landon: I've only seen you in like, two videos, but everyone knows about you!

Erika: Yeah, you've only been seen a few times, but everyone knows your Ian's girlfriend!!

Melanie: Aww, thanks guys, but I bet you didn't know my name....

Anthony: Alright guys, they finally found a table big enough for us! Let's go!!

We all sat down, and fully met each other. Erika was really getting along with Marzia, which was a shock. Since the incident on tour, she hasn't really let anyone new in. She started talking about how we were getting married soon, and it made a small smile grow on my face. I began talking to Ian and Felix, and before I knew it, Erika grabbed my arm and began pulling on it like a kid.

Erika: Can we, can we?!?!

Landon: Can we what..?

Erika: Get married in Italy, that's where Marzia lives, and she said we could stay with her there!!

Landon: Uh, maybe we should talk about this alone... Yanno, the people getting married should talk about it..

Erika: Fine. 

Kalel: So, Joey is on his way over! He's bringing his significant other, so we could all meet her!

Luke: Well, it's a shame, I gotta go, come on Cat.

Cat: I wanna stay...

Luke: Seriously? Whatever.

Luke got up, and slammed his chair into the table. Me and Erika got up, and chased after him. When we got outside, Luke was screaming at Joey, and throwing his finger in his face. I ran over, and grabbed his shoulder turning him around. He was crying. He looked at me, with eyes that begged someone to understand. He turned back around, whispered something in Joeys ear, the ran and sat on the curb. Erika ran over to him, immediately comforting him. Joey walked inside, alone. I was curious as to what happened to Tyler, but didn't care enough to ask. I walked over to Luke, his face buried deep in his hands. He looked up, and opened his mouth. What he said made me want to cry.


Finally, new chapter! Phew, it's been a while. Between breaking my knuckles, and school, it's been hard.

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