Chapter Forty Three: Everybody's Knows!

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Soon everybody was here, Tyler Oakley, Cat Kalel, Anthony, Ian, Melanie, Shane, Lisa, Miles Jai, Alex Goot, Shay, Felix and Marzia. Landon and I sat there, smiles on our faces. Sawyer called attention to everybody, asking them to turn off their cameras. Save

Sawyer: I bet y'all are wondering why you are here, so I guess I'll tell you! Two great friends of mine, on being my twin, have some amazing news! 

He gestured to us and we stood up.

Landon: THank you for being here, me and Erika have some special news... but I guess you already know that. Erika...

Erika: You are all aware of my house break in, well during that time I had a nervous breakdown, or at least that's what I thought I did. Landon took me to the hospital, because of the great fiance he ism and I got the best news of my life. 

Landon and Erika: We're pregnant!

All of our friends began clapping, and Kalel began tearing up. She ran over, and hugged me gently. 

Kalel: *whispering* You're gonna be a great mom.

[Landon's POV]

Alex, Shay, and Feli came over, shaking my hand, Anthony and Ian bringing me into a hug. 

Ian: Congrats, bro! Just don't let barber shop pole sleep with her! I HATE BARBER SHOP POLE!

Landon: Don't worry, she's faithful. Plus barbershop pole ain't got nothing on me!

Anthony: WHOAAA! I never knew you'd say something like that... but isn't that dejavu..? I swear this happened before..?

Landon: Haha, very funny ANthony, now I'm gonna go talk to my baby momma. 

I got up and walked over to where Erika was, and she was yelling at someone... Cat.

Erika: How could ever hurt someone like that? You have some serious problems! 

Cat grunted, then slapped Erika in the face, knocking her back. Cat stormed out, leaving everyone staring. I sat Erika on my lap, looking at her face.

Landon: Babe, you need to be careful of what you say to people. You don't want to hurt our little Landon.

Erika: Whose side are you taking? Because it sounds like you're taking hers.

Landon: No, it's not that, but don't be getting yourself into fights, I don't want you to get hurt. I love you too much to have you get hurt.

I kissed her on the forehead, and pulled out my phone. 

Landon: Peter and Evynne! I bet they'd like to hear! And my parents, and your Mom.. Dad... I still don't know. 

Erika: Mom, he's Mom.

Landon: Well, we still nee to call all of them!

Erika: Tomorrow is a new day.

Landon: True, but I want them to know!! My parents love kids!

Erika: But your parents love our kids?

Landon: You're right.... After the whole Dani situation my dad isn't the fondest of you.... But my mom likes you! So my dad will warm up to you, he's really a nice guy!

Erika: What would I even go about calling him..? Mr. Austin, Marc, Dad...

Landon: Uh..... the only name any of my girlfriends called him was "Landon's Dad".  But I think he'd like Dad!

Erika: You know what I just remembered.... Guess what today is.?

Landon: Uhh.... I don't even know the date...

Erika: Does December 13th ring a bell..?

Landon: HOLY SHIT! It's been a year already! And I remember we didn't celebrate Christmas lat year because of moving, but you got your present!

Erika: Ohh, believe me, I remember.

She giggled and kissed me, and it went on for a while. When I finally broke the kiss, it's because Sawyer had his camera on us.

Sawyer: Get it Landon! This is DEFINITELY going into a "Thru My Eyes" video!

Landon: Thanks Sawyer, I need all of my fans to see that...

Erika: Hey, actually, for our one year anniversary we should do a joint channel!

Landon: Alright, it's only, 3 o'clock, we can leave now, and set up a channel!

Erika: Let's do it then!

Landon: Hey, Sawyer, we're gonna hit the road, and we are taking Aaron with us to help set things up, okay? 

Sawyer: Yeah sure, everybody, Lerika needs to go! Aaron, y'all are going with them!

Aaron: Wait, don't you guys like with Luke now, so he'd need to come too..

Erika: Obviously, he's our ride, we need to pick up our trucks tomorrow. 

Luke: Let's hit the road! See all of you guys soon! Felix, you should do some Luke's arcade one day! I'd love to spend a day with, you're awesome!

We hugged everyone goodbye, and headed to Luke's house. When we got there, Luke showed us to our temporary room. We set up a camera, and started to shoot.

Landon: Howdy y'all! So today is Lerika's official joint channel, where both of us are going to post our vlogs, hopefully everyday! So, with the start of this new channel, December 13th is the day we vlog everyday! Also, we are doing a collab on Erika's channel, one we've had recorded for a while now, "The Scientist" by Coldplay. So head over there for that, and also, my buddy Sawyer just filmed a Thru My Eyes video, and will be coming  out soon, so I'll link him below, definitely check him out!

Erika: Yeah, and this channel is gonna start out as "Lerika" but will eventually become a much bigger channel, which we be announced on Christmas! 

Landon: YEah, I just hope they don't notice until then...

Erika: Well, we are going to go, and set everything up! See y'all then!

Landon and Erika: Bieeeeee!



So, yes, I set a time in this story, because I never did. SO Christmas is coming up next week in the story, so, send me suggestions on what you want to happen! Hope you enjoyed! -Ema

P.S. Dedication to lexi, because she was my inspiration to start writing! Thanks girly! <3

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