Chapter 2

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*Olivia's POV*

"So Liv, what's your favorite color?" Miss Taylor asked me. I looked up from the blanket I was hiding in and mumbled a reply.

"Puwple, what's your favowite colow?" I asked her. She smiled at me and replied.

"I love red. What's your favorite... Food?"

"Umm... I like hot chocolate!" I said, looking up again. I think she noticed I haven't smiled yet...

"Ooo, that's good." She said, licking her lips, and I ALMOST smiled.

"Miss Taylor?"

"Yes Olivia?"

"Will you be back, mawbe?''

"Hmm..." She thought for a minute, staring at me. "Maybe I can ask Maria if she'd let me take you to the zoo tomorrow afternoon!" She said.

"Yes!" I said, still not smiling but my eyes beaming with joy. She laughed and got up, talked to Miss Maria and then told me she'd see me at noon tomorrow. I waved goodbye before heading back up to my corner upstairs.

Taylor's POV

Olivia was just adorable. I didn't know what to do exactly, but I knew I had to see her again. So I decided I'll get to know her more at the zoo, even though I realized I'd spent and hour talking to her and forgot half the kids.

Taylor: Hey Selena! Just got back😝

Selena: Hey Tay! How was it, did they all behave?

Taylor: Yep! I'm taking one of them to the zoo tomorrow.

Selena: Oh Taylor, already fell in love with a kid. Who's this special one🌚

Taylor: Her name is Olivia Rose (no last name though). She's four and just adorable, blue eyes, blonde hair, little freckles.

Selena: aww sounds cute!!! As much as I love talking to you, gotta record. Ily💕

Taylor: I'll txt you how it goes❤️ ilyt!

I then dialed up my mom.

"Hey mom! I'm taking Olivia to the zoo." I said. I may have texted her everything about Liv when I was waiting for Maria to tell me whether or not Liv could go to the zoo.

"Yay! Well, have fun you girls. Still think it's extraordinary that you do these things for kids."

"Yeah it's my pleasure." And to be honest, I think I'm taking Liv to the zoo more for me than her. I literally fell in love with those blue eyes and freckles.

"Okay Taylor, love you. And be sure to post pictures!"

"I will. Bye mom." I said. Then she hung up on me and I put away my phone, looking out at the city below me, and thinking about tomorrow.

Okay now I have to go to bed lol.

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