Chapter 3

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*Taylor's POV*

I woke up the next day at 11:30. Once it sunk in that I was gonna be late, I ran outta bed, but on a white button up shirt and skinny jeans with some blue keds. I put my hair up, and put on some make up, then ran out of the door, grabbing a mug and some coffee as I left.

When I got there, it was 12:10, so I was close. I opened the door and stood silently, waiting for Liv.

*Olivia's POV*

I hopped out of my bed, which was a few inches away from my corner, or, 'The Thug's Corner' as Ashley and Josie referee to it. I went to my dresser and pulled out a cute blue jumper and a purple t-shirt for under it. I put my hair in pigtails, and then just sat in the corner. It was only 9:00, so I had awhile before Miss Taylor would come and pick me up.

"Hey kid, breakfast. Come downstairs, Maria wants you down there today." I shook my head at Josie.

"Do we have to drag you by the hair again?! We said, get up out of that corner." I looked up to find them grabbing my hair and pulling on it. I whimpered and let them drag me along. Luckily, a girl named Hanna saw. Hanna was 12, and she told em to stop, and they actually did.

I walked downstairs by myself, and then walked over to Miss Maria.

"Hey Olivia." Maria said, looking up from her computer to look at me. She wasn't mean, she just didn't love kids. She was really nice when she was in a good mood. This morning it seemed like she was.

"Hello sir." I said, playing with my shirt. "Ash said you wanted me."

"Yes. So I would like you to behave, not like you don't. And try to look up when you speak to her. Don't wander off, and make sure that you use manners. And also, try to be open to Taylor, she just wants to help." I nodded at Maria and then got up to leave.

I went to the breakfast area where they were were serving oatmeal, which I hated, but ate anyway. When I finished, it was 10:00. So for 2 hours I just sat in the corner and stared out the only window in this brown room.

Finally it was 12:13 and I went downstairs to check if Miss Taylor was here yet, and use was waiting for me. I felt bad that I kept her waiting. She grabbed my hand and we walked out the door.

*Taylor's POV*

Liv looked adorable in her little jumper. She was so cute. "So Livy, what is your favorite animal?" I asked her, looking in the mirror to see her cute little face. She still hasn't smiled.

"I like monkeys." She said in her cute baby voice. "And kitty cats."

"Ooo I love kitty cats!" I said. She looked up at me, wide eyed.


"Mhmm. I have a cat, her names Meredith." I said, looking back at her.

"Cool!" She said, not smiling, but wide eyed. I was determined to make her smile! As my   car came to a stop, I opened her door, took her out of the car seat I bought, that had little cats in it of course, and swung her around to my hip. We walked in and the first thing she saw was monkeys, and she pointed and smiled the cutest smile I've ever seen.

"Taylor! MONKEYS!" She screamed. I laughed and carried her over there. "Hi monkeys! I'm Livy!" I smiled at her as she beamed with joy.

"Livy, why don't we go explore the zoo some more?"

"Yes please Miss Taylor!"

"Call me Taylor sweetie." I said, she nodded and headed towards the lions.

After 3 hours of animals, we stopped at Cherry Berry for frozen yogurt. She got chocolate and some cookie dough. I laughed at her messy face and took a picture that I posted on Twitter & Instagram:

@taylorswift13: Little cutie needs a napkin (img_34771)

She smiled at me when she saw I took a picture. She has been smiling almost all day.

"Baby, we gotta go back to Maria's now." I said. She bit her lip and burst out into tears. I got up and hugged her tightly.

"Hey hey, it's okay." I said. At at that moment, I realized I couldn't leave her alone.

Hey hey hey, while you've been getting down and out about the lairs and the dirty dirty cheats of the world, I've been hiding in a closet from my family typing this story! #sleepover-storystruggles
-Lol a Kaye who is about to get her butt kicked by her mom when she gets back downstairs.

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