Chapter 33

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*Olivia's POV*

"How are you even here?" I asked innocently, looking up at the tall man.

"Hey! Don't blame me. I'm here on a mission. Secret mission. Just kidding. I'm here to get you and bring you back to your real family for... Eh, about seven million dollars." Jake said.

"So you're gonna kidnap me? Is it because..." I started.

"No, whatever you say, probably not. I'm here for seven million dollars, kid. Now can you hurry up and get in the car? I'm getting bored here and it'll only be worse if I have to make you go." Jake said, rolling his eyes.

"NO." I said, trying to run. I failed at that and slipped face first, hitting my head on a sound machine, which knocked me out cold.

When I woke, I was in a house that didn't look shady at all. It looked nice and kind of big, but it wasn't mommy's house. Wait, where was I?

I thought about what happened maybe last night, and remembered I had been kidnapped. I could try to get out the window.

I wobbled over to the window, my head pounding, and saw I was in the attic. Great, I would die if I tried to jump.

"Hello?" A familiar voice called, opening the door to the attic.

I looked over at the tall man, also known as my 'uncle' and began to tremble.

He still had his bushy eyebrows, shaggy brown hair, tall and slender body, and rotten teeth. He was handsome until he smiled. He was a meanie poop.

"So, you're awake. Finally. It would be a shame if all this work... Robbing a bank to pay the dude, finding somebody who'd gladly do my bidding... If it would all go to waste because a stupid girl hit her head and died." He smiled. "You gonna talk?"

I looked at him and gave him a hard stare.

"Talk." He commanded. I only shook my head and walked back by the corner.

"Talk." He said, louder. His voice still scared me.

"Why did you kill everyone? Daddy, brother, aunty..."

"Because, you're dad was a wanted man."

"For what?"

"Because he was a private investigator and he had some... Let's just say information that I needed to know. Only way to get it, was through death." He said, shrugging it off like murder was such a natural thing.

"So then why do you feel the need to go and find me? It's like a five year old girl can remember her fathers work." I said.

"Because if I have you, then I can do anything. You're Taylor Swift's daughter. With you here, I get whatever I want." So he was using me. Mommy better not come get me, or we'll both be dead. Nobody hurts my mommy.

I looked over and saw a glass vase besides me. I picked it up and threw it at him, hitting his head with the glass. It all shattered. He got mad and grabbed the remains of the vase and threw it back at me, causing the glass to break on me. I winced in pain as it hit my chin, realizing I had a cut on my chin and forehead.

"All you are is mean." I sang, remembering mommy sing that on one of her videos she showed me.

"What?" He questioned.

"And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life, and mean." I sang, calming myself down.

"Can you shut up?" He asked, turning to leave. "We have company. Some of my rich friends are coming over to give me some money." At this he smiled wickedly and turned to leave.

Ding ding ding! A plan filled my mind as I got up and followed him out before he could lock the door. Thank goodness I was so small!

I hid behind a chair in the hall and watched him go down the stairs.

Once I heard him open the door to greet his 'friends', I got up and headed for the stairs.

Say whaaaaaa? Evil uncle in the house be like, "BAM, MONEY!" Okay, anyways, two updates tonight? Should I? Comment if you want another update for tonight.

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