Chapter 23

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*Taylor's POV*

It's been two months so far. And I am super nervous.

What if she/he is deaf?

What if she/he doesn't make it?

Thinking about this made me hold little Olivia tighter.

She was riding a bike (without training wheels) for the first time, and then she fell over and scraped her knee. Even though I specifically told Harry to put knee pads on her.


"Momma! Baby bump is getting big! Why is baby so fat?" She asked innocently.

I chuckled at this and looked over at Harry, who was watching football.

"Well, maybe because they are growing, like you do." I said.

Well, Olivia barely ever grows. She's super small and super skinny. She could pass for a 3 year old.

"Oh." She said, looking at the bump, that was growing faster then I thought. "When will baby come?"

"Well, let's see, it's July now and they are expected sometime in January, no exact date yet." I said.

"Oh, cool! What are you gonna name them?" She asked.

"Hmm. Me and Harry were thinking Emmy or Ethan." I said.

"I like Emmy Lily Swifft. That's my name for her. If it's a him, then I like Sir Cheese Swift." She said, 100% serious.

"I like that too." I said, smiling.

"You better." She said, still serious.

"Momma is Harry gonna stay with me or am I gonna come?" She asked.

"Well, if you wanna come with mommy to the doctor, I'd be glad, but it may be boring."

"I wanna come! As long as Harry goes!" She said, jumping up to get her shoes on.

Later, once we arrived, I picked up Liv and set her in my hip while Harry walked beside us.

"Hey Lilly! Glad you're back!" I greeted.

"Me too! I'm guessing that's Olivia." She said, smiling.

"Yep. And that's Harry." I said.

"Nice to meet you." Lilly said.

"You too miss!" Olivia said, holding out her hand for Lilly to shake. She accepted and shook it while laughing.

"Okay well Nicole is waiting, and I guess Liv could come with me to the play room." She said, taking Liv's hand.

"Ok, love you, be good." I said.

I walked into Nicole's office and sat down, ready to weigh myself.

"Hey Tay. I see you already started." She smiled.

"Yep. 140. The baby has added a whole 25 pounds. Gee they're big." I said.

I may be skinny, but I have very long legs that add half my body weight.

"Ha! Well next month we can see the gender." She said, smiling.

"Yep. Okay, can you check the health today?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." She said, scanning me, then leaving to check.

She came back in within like 15 minutes.

"Soo, how's he or she doing?" I asked.

"Well..." She said, biting her lip. "Taylor... Why don't I discuss this with Harry first?"

"Umm... Can you tell me too? I am the mom." I said.

"Well yes, would you really like to know?"

I nodded.

"Then go get Harry."

So I left to go to the entry room.

"Hey hey hey!" He said, greeting me with a warm hug.

"Hey. So Harry? She wants to talk to us and... I'm worried of what she's gonna say." I said, choking back on tears.

I've been kinda emotional lately.

"Oh... Oh okay. That's fine. I'm sure it'll be okay." He said, smiling.

We went back to the office.

"Okay guys. Bad news. Really bad news." She said, biting her lip. I've noticed she does that a lot.

"Well.... What is it them?" I asked, getting annoyed with he stalling.

"Well here are the results... 80 chances of being born deaf, 15 percent of having a miscarriage, and 5 percent of being born perfectly healthy." She said.

"WHAT?" I yelled.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." Harry said, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door.

"Wait... Seriously Harry? This... This... This... Is awful. I'm gonna go get Olivia." I said, running over to the kids center.

"How's the little baby?" She asked me, grabbing my hand.

"Not so well." I said.

"Is baby sick?" She asked, looking up.

"Well baby, I guess you could say that."

Intense... So will the baby make it? Girl or boy?
You'll have to wait and see😈
Oh yeah, and I stopped Wildest Dreams... I have a new idea now.
I am gonna make another adoption fanfic, and then I'll make the Talvin one. Well I may do the, both at the same time....

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