Chapter 16

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*One month later*/*Taylor's POV*

Today's the day I see who's baby it is. My bump is starting to grow a tiny bit, and I've only told my mom. Not Harry, because first of all he hasn't properly met Liv yet, and second of all, I don't even know if it's his! Agh, I hope it's not Jake or I will crap myself.

I arrived at the hospital, slowly walking to the door.

"Name and age please." A smiling young lady said from behind the counter.

"Taylor Alison Swift, 23." I mumbled. She started to fangirl. I love fans but I wanna know the father already!

"Agh! You're the Taylor Swift, oh my.... Agh!!! Oh yes, I'm Layla, sorry. Right this way Miss Swift." She squealed. Room 13, she led me to. Great, now I hope luck will give me the right dad...

"Ok Layla, you may go. Hi Taylor, I'm Lilly." She smiled. She had brown long hair and pretty green eyes. She looked about 25. Layla looked disappointed so I offered a selfie. She gladly accepted, then she left.

"Oh, hello Becky." I smiled.

"Okay, so let's get started. You probably are dying to know, as I would." She laughed. I wasn't impressed. Bad mood today. I just wanna know.

"Haha yep. Okay so do I just lay down?"

"Mhmm. This may be cold but don't worry, you're fine." I smiled and lied down, letting her run this cold stuff on my stomach. I shrieked, it was freezing. But I let her continue putting this stuff on my stomach.

"Ok Taylor, your results should be back later today. You're free to go and we will give you a call tonight." She said, whipping her brown hair.

"Thanks." I smiled. I grabbed my purse and left.

The ride home, I just thought. I needed somebody to sweep me off my feet and I think Harry was the one... Or was he? I keep on feeling like... This is gonna sound mean, but like there is a upgrade. You know?

"Mommy!" Liv screamed, leaving her sponge from which she was cleaning a mess with Selena. I laughed as she ran into my arms, her little head in the crook of my neck.

"What happened here?" I smiled at Selena.

"We were gonna try and make a milkshake and we forgot the lid." Selena laughed. Just then I noticed that they were both covered in chocolate.

"Olivia, let's get you cleaned up." I smiled. She ran up the stairs and into the bathroom, flicking on the light and standing on her stool. She was small for a five year old.

"Selena, you can use my shower." She nodded and ran upstairs.

I went to the bathroom and undressed Olivia. She gladly got in the tub and started playing with her princess bath toys, which she loved.

"Mommy come!" She gestured.

"Mommy is already clean." I smiled. She frowned, and so I couldn't resist, I got in the tub with her and we played princesses with bubbles.

"Mommy, I done!" She clapped, drying herself off. I laughed and then got us both some clothes. I wore a red striped top and jeans with black keds. She wore a yellow sundress and had her hair in curls. I kissed her nose and say down by Selena, who was watching HGTV. Liv got bored, so she and Selena went upstairs to play barbies while I made dinner. Chicken and potatoes with peas! Yay.

As I was taking the chicken out of the oven, my phone rang. I shakily picked it up.

"Hello? Is this Harry?" I answered.

"Taylor! No, it's Becky." She said. I laughed at the inside joke.

"Who's baby?" I asked, impatiently.

"Mommy! Come play with me and Selly! We play dress up mommy!" Liv said, from the stairway.

"One second Olivia, I'll be there in a minute baby." She nodded and ran up the stairs.

"Ok sorry, who's baby?" I asked again.

"I hope this means well for you, I know not your relationship with him, but the father is..."

Dun dun dun! Hehe😝
Anyway, I am gonna change the cover for this book...
I think I am at least. Just don't be weirded out if it has a new cover.
Thanks for all the love and support you guys give me. -Ilysmg, Kaye.
(Btw, I'm looking for a few more books to read, any of yours you want me to check out? I'll totally read any of yours.)

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