Chapter 31

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First of all, before you read please go read Change, my new book. It's adoption fanfiction for Taylor Swift again, I think you'll like it. I loved writing the first chapter. Read it after this!

*Taylor's POV*

"Okay... Well I've decided that, Harry, you'll get Tristan full time, ONLY for Taylor's tour though. When she's back, Harry, you get Sunday, Monday, Thursday, and every other Saturday. Taylor, you get Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and every other Saturday." The judge said.

Okay then... So we share Tristan? Fine with me... Wait.... "My tour is six months! I can't see him for that long?" I asked, shaking my head.

"Well if it's alright with Harry, visit them when you can." The judge said, looking over at Harry, who seemed happy with it.

"Okay, cool." Harry said.

"But Taulor, your tour is next week? Correct?" She said, I nodded. "Okay well you get Tristan for this week, then turn him over to Harry before the tour."

"Okay, I'll be taking him and leaving now." I said, grabbing Tristan's baby seat and strapping him in while we walked out.

Karlie😜: Sooooo, how'd it go?

Me: Good. Can you come over later? I have T and Liv.

Karlie😜: K. Luv ya.

Me: Ditto❤️

"Okay, so Tay, at you excited for the music awards in two months?" Selena asked me.

"Duh! But that's in two months." I said.

"So what, we're going shopping next month and we need a cute dress for Liv...." She said.

"And I need a cute dress!" Ed said.

"Silly Ed! You're weird. Only we wear cute dresses!" Olivia said, putting up her arms for him to pick her up.


"Karls!" I said, hugging her.

"Hey Taylor! Sooooooo, I'm a grandparent to Olivia now, eh?" She said, laughing.

"Speaking of Olivia, Harry wanted Tristan for one night since I got him already and all... So how about you, me and Olivia go shopping?" I asked.


"Liv, come down! We're gonna go shopping!" I said.

"Okay mommy." Liv said, walking downstairs. She looked over and spotted Karlie. "KARLIE!" She ran over and hugged legs, considering she was almost as tall as me, and Olivia was tiny.

"LITTLE CUCUMBER!" Karlie said, picking her up.

"Come on. My car." I said, pulling Karlie's hand, who was babbling with my daughter.

Once we got to the mall, we decided to go to Forever 21 first.

"I love this!" Karlie said, picking out a pink and black swimsuit.

"I like this one." I said, pointing to a red one that covered the belly button, as usual.

"Okay." She said, picking both of them up.

After that, we went to some store I've never heard of that has amazing clothes.

"OH MY GOSH! KARLIE! LOOK AT THIS TOP!" I said. It was white and button up with blue lace. I loved it! I bought like 20 things from that store and realized that Liv was most likely bored.

"Here, let's go look for Gap Kids." I said after we finished shopping at Macy's.

At the store me and Karlie found so many cute kid clothes for Olivia. My favorite was a yellow dress that had pink lace because I had the same one.

We bought five bags full of Olivia's clothes, and then bought her some toys. We bought Tristan two bag full of clothes, but he wasn't gonna be with me as much as I'd like so I didn't get him to many considering I do the laundry ever two days. Olivia will most likely never wear the same clothes twice.

Afterwards it was 8:30 pm and we still needed to eat. We went to Famous Dave's, which Olivia and Karlie were in love with.

Selena❤️: The court hearings all over the news. Just wanted you to know. I love you Taylor😘tell Karlie I say hi and Liv I love her.

"Already?" I said out loud. "Oh and Karlie, Selena says hi and Olivia Selena says she loves you."

"Wait what happened?" Karlie said.

"Tell Selly that I love her more." Olivia said, stuffing her face with more fries.

Me: Olivia says she loves you more😉❤️thx.

"The court hearings already all over the news." I said, shaking my head laughing.

"Duh, for all we know the paparazzi could be watching right now, better pose Tay." Karlie said laughing.

"Okay, well y'all done now?" I asked them.

"Yep cowgirl, let's go!" Karlie said.

"Momma, can we watch a movie when we get home?" Olivia asked.

Once we got home we watched Snow White, Olivia's favorite. Karlie stayed and decided she minds well just sleep over. Olivia fell asleep on me halfway through the movie.

I decided to check social media since I was the only one awake.

@taytayaddict12: I am going to the opening RED show! Can't wait.

@taylenagift: @taytayaddict12 same! I am so happy she's bringing Olivia with her for most of the shows too. Hope I can get into Taylor's secret fan club thingy.

@CalvinHarris: good luck Taylor, have fun on tour.

Calvin Harris has liked a lot of my posts and he's famous... Oh come on, everyone likes my posts. Don't make a huge deal just because he's a hot DJ.

I agreed with my fans though, I was super excited for this tour and for Olivia to come with me. Only a week left until the tour, I couldn't believe it really.

Hey! So I'm gonna do two or so chapters on tour, the award show, and stuff like that.... I don't know how long this book will be, but I think that it's not gonna have too many more chapters. Again, go read Change! Ly readers!
(again, if you have any book suggestions, I'm happy to read any type of book. I'm a fangirl of many fandoms... And I love your suggestions.)

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