Chapter 11

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*Taylor's POV*

Today was the day before Olivia's birthday, the day we leave. We didn't wanna have to fly on here special day of course.

"Do you have all of your bags packed?" I asked Liv as she came downstairs with her little stuffed elephant.

"Yes! Wait! Mr. Pancakes, do you have your stuff ready?" She asked her stuffed animal, expecting an answer. She held him close to her ear, then hugged him tightly and smiled,
"It wasn't easy, but he did it all alone mommy!" See said, accomplished of her little friend.

"Oh! Nice job! Now, I'll get your stuff and then you and Pancakes can go and wait in entry hall. Okay baby?" I told her. She nodded, running off. I smiled at her cuteness, getting my security guard, Jeff (A/N Jeff is lit bruh) and then he he,led me with the stuff.

"Selly!" Liv screamed. Yeah, she was her favorite person, besides me of course. *flips hair*.

"Hey! You were not that happy to see me. Seems to me Selena is your new favorite." I fake cried. Selena laughed but Olivia looked suprised.

"No! I love mommy most! Mommy is my favorite person ever! I love you mommy, this much!" She spread out her arms as far as the little things could go. Selena stuck her tongue out at me.

"But.... I love Selly too..." She said, kissing Selena's cheek. Selena smiled at whipped her hair in my direction.

"Wrong way! The car is this way..." I yelled.

"It's one direction, I know that." I laughed at her mentioning 1D. We got in the car, watched Olivia sing along to whatever came on the radio, and then got to the airport. I sat down by Olivia at first, but Jake insisted I sat by him. So Selena sat by Liv, which she was fine with I guess.

"Aghhhhhh!" Liv cried. The plane was taking off and I felt bad I wasn't by her, but Austin looked over at her and comforted her along with Selena. Jake was glaring out the window, probably annoyed by crying, and I rolled my eyes at him.

We landed like 4 hours later, and I went to the hotel room I shared with Olivia and Selena. My parents and brother shared one, and then Jake and Harry(who was now my good friend) for when he came up tomorrow. Abigial was coming too.

"Where is Austy?" Liv asked, drinking her sippy-cup.

"Pool. Baby we can go to the pool too if you'd like." I suggested. We were going to the park tomorrow, zoo Sunday, Universal Monday, and then beach Tuesday. Wednesday we rest and then Thursday we leave.

"Yay!" She screamed, running to get her swimsuit on. Selena helped her and I got into mine. Selena had a important call to take so she'd join us later. Liv was in a adorable pink polka dot swimsuit and I was in the same, but navy blue.

"Hey Jake!" I said. He kissed my cheek and then looked at Olivia as if she had some deadly virus.

"Hey Tay! You. What's up girls?" He asked.

"We're going to the pool!" Liv said happily. He smiled and nodded. I had to pee so I left Liv alone with Jake in the hall.

*Olivia's POV*

"Hi!" I said once mommy left.

"Hey." Jake rolled his eyes.

"Why you mad?" I asked innocently, honestly confused. He glared at me.

"Shut up and wait for Taylor."

"But..." I started.

He hit my arm and hissed at me to stop talking. So I did and sat there quietly on the floor. My arm hurt really bad.

"Jake that hurt." I cried.

"Shut up, don't tell Taylor kid, so keep..." Mommy came out of the bathroom. "And that's why I like dogs more than cats."

"We weren't talking about..." He kicked my leg. "Yes I like cats more though!" Mommy laughed at us and then grabbed my arm to lead me to the pool. I whimpered at the pain. I was gonna have a bruise there. I don't like this Jake very much.

"Babe, what happened?" Mom said, looking at my arm.

I looked at Jake. He gave me a death glare so I lied to mommy. "I ran into umm a pole."

Mommy looked at me sympathetically, and then pulled me on her side and we went in the pool while Jake walked away. Good, he's gone.

Austin and Selena joined us later, and dint get me wrong I was having so much fun at the pool, but my arm hurt really bad. Like stung. I just gripped onto mommy and Selena and Austin the whole time and sang in the pool with them.

Okay sorry Jake lovers.
Bye bye now!

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