Chapter 10

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*Taylor's POV*

"His name is Jake. Umm he's older than me. We met in the streets..."

"So he's a street urchin." Austin smirked, Selena gave him a shut-up look. Thanks to Selena, he did.

"Hey!" Jake said, smiling. "Same as she said." He said, pointing to me. I laughed and so did mom, dad, and Selena. Selena did look nervous. Olivia just looked purely confused, and Austin looked kinda mad.

"Liv, wanna get back to Mario?" Austin asked her. She looked at me and frowned. Then turned to Austin and smiled, nodding her head yes. They left the room and mom gave me an sorry-about-that look.

"Soooooo... Back to dinner?" I asked them. Jake pulled out my chair for me and then sat down, like he did at the Café. This was an amazing Wednesday. OH THAT COULD BE A SONG! I ran out and wrote that down, then ran back downstairs.

"New song yay!" Selena laughed. I smiled at her, then at Jake. Then I looked over into the living room, to see Olivia sleeping in Austin's arms. Austin was glaring at Jake. I glared at Austin.

"Taylor can I talk to you?" Austin asked.

"Sure." I replied, grumpily. Austin lifted Liv off his lap, and set her on a pillow. I thought I saw her eyes open, but didn't pay much attention.

"Taylor!" Austin said, once we were in my room. "Why do you get a boyfriend and bring him to meet your family the first day?"

"Because I thought it was a good timing, stop caring about youreelf and start caring about other people." I said.

"Taylor! I'm just looking out for you! Do you realize how much pressure you just out on Olivia? She's a kid Taylor, and you expect her to be okay? All she wants is you, and you just adopted. You need to focus on her!"

"You think I won't?"

"You have a boyfriend, you..."

"Let's just see how it plays out, okay?"

"Taylor you don't even realize how uncomfortable she is right now."

"Ugh!" I yelled throwing my hands up. "I'm older, you don't have to protect me."
I left the room and saw Olivia on the couch with Selena. Being my amazing, usual self, I took a picture and posted it. Selena left Olivia, who was sleeping, on the couch and walked over to me.

"You okay? What's that all about Taylor?" She asked.

"Stupid brother problems. Way better than stupid boy problems though, I'll give you that." I said. She laughed and glanced over at Olivia.

"She gonna be alright with Jake and all?" Selena asked me.

"Umm." Probably, maybe, no. "Yeah of course she'll love him." I faked a smile. "I should put her to bed now." I said, picking up Olivia. She rested her head in the crook of my neck. I said goodbye to Jake and Selena, who were going home now, and then I took Liv to her bed.

"Mommy?" Olivia asked, as I lowered her unto her pillow.

"Yes baby?" I asked her.

"Are you gonna forget about me since you have so many other things too?"

So that's what Austin meant... Oops.

"Never! Not in a million years!"

"What about a million and won?" She said, completely serious.

"Nope. Not even then. Hey, you're birthday is next week, we can do whatever you want."

"I wanna go to Disneyland!" She yelled, excitedly.

"Okay then we will go! You, me, Selly, mom, dad, Austin, and Jake!" Her smile dropped.

*Olivia's POV*

I didn't wanna hurt mommy. She'd hate me. I don't know why I hate Jake so much it's just... I just don't like him, he seems fake. I picked up my smile that I was now faking.

"Okay! I can't wait to go with..." I paused. "You and your family!" She considered Selena her family.... Oops maybe that was too big of a hint. Mommy nodded and placed me on her hip. Then she told everyone about the trip, blah blah blah.

"So who can all come?" Mommy asked.

"We can." Uncle Austin and Grandpa said. Speaking for grandma too.

"I can!" Selena said, smiling at her weird toy.

"Same goes for me." Jake smiled. I glared at him and I think he noticed cause he rolled his eyes when mommy wasn't looking.

I had a real good feeling, something bad is gonna happen. (BAHAHAHAA)


Yo yo yo! This was more of a fill in.. But don't worry, more action is coming up soon! Hehe I'm gonna be hated by the end of this trust me... Trust me.
Anyway, who guessed it was Jake?????????????? Comment👇🏻
Since it was a fill, I'll update soon. Now I have homework.

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