Chapter 25

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*Taylor's POV*

"Healthy baby boy! Congrats!" She said.

I smiled. I now had 1 girl and a soon to be baby boy.

"Thanks, bye!" I said, rushing to get home and tell Harry.

After driving home, I ran into the door, forgetting it was locked, unlocked it, and then burst inside.

"Harry! Harry! It's a boy!" I shouted.

He walked out of the playroom with Liv.

"Baby boy?' Liv asked. I nodded and picked her up.

"This is amazing!" He said, pulling me in for a hug. I was so happy to have a family. No matter how many times I've tried to find somebody, Harry seemed right.

"Mommy, baby is coming soon right? Because I'm sick of waiting." Olivia said.

"Me too baby." I said, smiling.

"Wait! I'd baby is born, I won't be baby... What will I be?!" She asked franticlly.

"You will always be baby. He can be..."

"Bub." Olivia said.

"Bub?" Me and Harry questioned.

"Yes. That's his nickname." She said, hopping out of my arms.

Me and Harry looked at each other and laughed.
"Momma? Can we make cookie?" She asked, confused by us laughing.

"Course." I said, smiling.

"Daddy can come too." She said, grabbing his hand.

Me and Harry both froze.

That was the first time she ever called him daddy.

Olivia realized this awkwardness and started to blush.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine! Thank you Liv." Harry, well daddy, said smiling.

I looked at them and smiled. I was so lucky to have a good family.

I grabbed my phone and took a picture of Harry and Olivia getting out the cookie supplies and posted it, captioning it, "special times." Probably confusing half the country, considering this was very special.

After making a batch of cookies, eating them, and giving Olivia a bath, k decided to check social media. Tumbler, here I come!

QueenOfTheWorld2234: Why would anyone wanna buy this album? Red isn't even country. I bet she's heading pop soon. We all saw it coming.

Liz_Swift3189: @QueenOfTheWorld2234 maybe if you feel that way, you shouldn't have came on Taylor's post about her new album, which slays btw. So yeah, you can go if you wanna hate.

I followed Liz, and then decided to go follow some fan art, cute edits, and some Selena Gomez and Harry Styles fans, just because why not?

HarryIsMySoulmate461: I think Taylor is having a girl. I wish it was me. I'd love to be Harry's baby.

SelenatorOfArtWorkGG: I say it's a boy. Plus, Olivia probably could take care of him when Taylor and Harry can't.

BlondePolaroidSwiftie89: Obsessed with Starlight ATM. Taylor, please song this to your baby's! Ugh so amazing❤️⭐️! Can I be excused? *cries*

It's fun to read feedback. Some love it, some hate it. Some just comment random crap because they can. Or some randomly fangirl.

It can be hard being a super star.

But it's worth it, like having a family.

Which soon, in four months, I'll have another family member to love.

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time! I've been ready busy. We have had to rehearse our play like every day. And I'm in it for like fifteen minutes. Waste of time, because I had to sit backstage for an hour. At least I got to listen to Taylor A LOT! So for this chapter I wanted a feel of how feedback from people can feel and all. Next chapter will be up soon, and BEWARE! IT WILL BE INTRESTING!
-Love from, Kaye.

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