Chapter 7

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*Taylor's POV*

It was Friday night, 7:00 pm. I was still waiting to know if Olivia could stay here with me. She was like an angel. God gave her to me at just the right time. I couldn't let her go, just like that! Finally, my phone rang. I picked it up and answered.

"Miss Taylor? Is this you?" The man who came Wednesday asked.

"Yep. That's me. So can she stay?" I asked. He sighed before replying:

"They told me maybe, but I write it down as a yes. I see how much you care. So if you win her over, she'll be able to stay with you."

"AGHHH! OH M..... Thank you so much!" I said/screamed. He laughed, said goodbye and hung up. Freaking out right now!!!! I was supposed to go out with Selena Gomez tonight. I got on a red dress and black heels, put red lipstick on, and then did my hair in a ponytail. Selena arrived and I told her everything. She was just as happy as me! We went to Dave and Busters and they closed it just for us.

We stayed until ten, when we bought a huge bear.

@taylorswift13: Out with @selenagomez tonight... Well...

I posted it and then Selena and I said our goodbyes. She was still doing that on again off again with Justin. I guess he's okay, for now though. A/N it's like 2010, when Taylor didn't love or hate him. It's like a frenemy stage.

I went to bed and woke up at 8:00 on Saturday, almost falling back asleep before remembering the court session. I ran to get ready.

I watched re-runs of Greys Anatomy until I had to go. Then I kissed Meredith and ran to my car.

-hour later-

"MAYBE! Why don't we let Liv explain why she hates you then?!" I screamed at Bryan. His face turned white and he became silent.

Olivia was sitting on my lap, her head on my shoulder. It was adorable. My mom was here to help me too.

"That's a great idea Tay." Mom said.

"Okay Taylor, why don't you let Olivia Rose explain to us?" Judge Marley said. I nodded and looked at Olivia. She was crying like crazy. My white shirt was tear stained, luckily I wore jeans today so you can barely see the tears there.

"Mommy do I have too?" She asked.

"No baby girl. But it may help us." I said. She nodded and looked at the judge, then Bryan who was red with anger, and then my mom who was full of sympathy for us.

"He kill my daddy." She said in her adorable baby voice. Then I realized what she said.

"What?!" I yelled.

"On his biwthday. Momma took me and Ella and wan. But I looked back. He shoot daddy. I even have it wecowded in my bag mommy. Old mommy wecowded it."

She showed us. The judge took it in.

"So it seems that Taylor would win. Bryan is now sentenced to 40 years in prison, and that leaves us with two options. Give Taylor Olivia, or take Olivia back to the orphanage."

I prayed it was me.

"And the court has decided to hand her over to...." He said. He stopped.

"I'll be right back." He said again, then dismissed himself. Ugh!!!

"Mommy?" Liv asked.

"Yes baby?"

"Will I be youws fowevew?"

The judge came back.

"She belongs to..."

My heart stopped beating.

Olivia looked up at me in shock.

I started crying.

Not tears of sadness, but joy.

"Taylor Alison Swift. Congratulations. You are all dismissed."

I smiled at Olivia.

"Forever and Always." I sang.

Hehehe! I'll update tonight or tommorow. Yeah tomorrow. I'm sleepy.

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