Chapter 12

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*Taylor's POV*

Jake was acting strange. So was Olivia.. Today we went to Disneyland! I rode on some rides and Jake stayed at the airport for Taylor and Abigail to arrive. Liv loved the princesses there. She also, for some reason, was obsessed with Toy Story.

"MOMMY! SELLY! AUSTY! LOOK, IT'S CINDERELLA!" Liv shouted to us, running over to her. I laughed.

"Hey Sel, can you watch her for me tonight? I'm heading out with Jake..." I asked her, as she smiled at Olivia. She nodded happily and ran over to Cinderella with Liv. Austin laughed at them and mom and dad took pictures.

*Later That Night*

"Taylor!" Abigail screamed to me. I ran to her and practically jumped on her. We chatted for awhile, catching up. She met Liv too.

"Hi BB!" Liv said.

"Hey Olivia! Me and Selena are gonna watch you okay?" Abigail told her. Olivia ran out of my moms arms to hug and kiss me goodbye. I kissed her forehead and smiled as she waved to me when she was walking away.

"Hey good looking!" A familiar voice called. I laughed.

"Hey Harry. What's up?"

"Jake asked if I could bring you there since he's running late..."

"Oh. Thanks then." I smiled. He did too. His smile was adorable.

We went out to Famous Daves. We sat in a booth and waited for Jake.

Jake😍😘: Can't come babe. Xoxo Jake.

Me: Wait why? You said you'd be here...

Jake😍😘: Sry babe. Ily.

Me: If you're too busy, you should have enough time to write the full words. Sorry* I love you*.

I shut my phone off. "He can't come. But we can stay." I said, wanting more time with Harry. We were supposed to meet at Perkins but Jake wasn't coming so whatever.

"Yeah! I'd love to! I already know what I want. I'll order while you look, okay?" I nodded. He ordered his food. Then when I was ordering I saw Jake walk in, hand in hand with some girl with black hair and jeans that had way too many holes, with only a swimsuit top on. She kissed Jake and then say down. Harry noticed too, cause he grabbed out food, left money on the table, grabbed my hand, then we left and ate on the car.

"Well that ended quick."

"Your relationship or dinner?" He asked. I laughed.

"Both I guess. Too bad, I already had 2 really good songs about him..." Harry laughed.

"Well, he didn't see us, we didn't see him. I really like him. I don't want it to end until I know who she is. Deal?" I asked him.

"Deal." I smiled at him. "So we have the rest of the night, what do you wanna do?" Well, why not, I decided to kiss him. Couldn't hurt anybody at this point. Technically it's only cheating if one of us is doing it. This was more of a game, a fun game to play.

*Olivia's POV*

"1,2,3! Where did you three go?" Abigail laughed. We were playing hide and seek. Selena and I were hiding in a closet. She held me tight and we giggled.

"Ha! Found you!" BB screamed. (BB is my nickname for her.)

"Where's Austin then?" I asked. Then I was being picked up. I started laughing as Austin tickled my sides.

"S...Sto.... No!" I laughed, trying to wriggle free.

"Happy birthday." Austin laughed.

"About that, where's mommy. She's supposed to be here for presents and cake in a hour." I said.

"She's probably just running late." Austin assured, looking over at Selena and Abigail. I shrugged and ran to go sit on grandpas lap, watching T.V.

Austin said we'd do gifts and cake tomorrow since I was really tired and momma still wasn't back. I slept in Selena's bed, due to me being worried about mommy and having a fit.

"Night." Selena yawned, laying down.

I mumbled goodnight, but didn't sleep until awhile later, still wondering where my mommy was.

Where is Taylor at guys?!!! Comment👇🏻
Btw you should comment what you think because I won't tell you where she was for awhile ahahhaaahahhaah! I love iifswiftable 's pain FYI. This is why I leave you these cliffhangers. Trying to update more.
And thank you soooooooo much guys!!!!! I got 90 more reads in a day! I love all of you who read and vote and comment.
Comment and vote.

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