She'd be Gone in a Year

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So the new year came, and two thousand and ten turned into two thousand and eleven. I have to say, it was a pretty good year. I don't need to get into detail about the entire year, but here is a recap;

Tyler and I broke up for a month after an argument over it would be a good idea to accept a show offer in Kansas. It was a ridiculous fight, and after a month, we realized that we both needed each other. We then traveled to Kansas where Twenty One Pilots played their show, which went very well.

Josh started dating Debbie, his brothers' science tutor. They have been pretty much inseparable ever since.

I still work at the church with Tyler. Nothing has changed there.

Henry went back to school a few weeks after Christmas, and my father met another woman. There has been no word from Jessica. My dads' new girlfriend, Sarah, is probably my favorite out of all of my dads' girlfriend. Henry loves her too.

A painting that I made was featured in the Columbus Art Gallery. That was a big deal for me, and I earned some money off of it as well.

Josh got new drums, if you were curious. He loves them almost as much as he loves Debbie. Josh also got a job working at a record store that he used to visit a lot when he was younger.

Twenty One Pilots has become well known around Columbus, and Tyler came up with a logo that he asked me to draw. I didn't know what it meant, but now the band had a symbol.

Tyler attempted to teach me the piano, but failed miserably after I became to frustrated to sit by one. It's not exactly easy to play the damn piano. I gave up after two lessons.

I have become obsessed with My Chemical Romance, so has Josh. Tyler doesn't mind them, but he would rather hear the Beatles during car rides when I got access to the AUX cord.

Tyler has developed a strong liking to Harry Potter after reading the first book that one time in the library before we went to New York. It took him long enough, I developed that obsession back in grade six.

I got my cast removed after four months of having it on, thank god.

So that has been my year. Not much has happened that was out of the ordinary. I almost thought that I would stay in this life I was living for ever, but I guess all good things have to come to an end at one point or another. I was going to New York in September, and there would be no Ohio life anymore.

I know what you're thinking: Damn, a filler. But fear not! I'll be posting again soon. I would also like to thank you guys for 1.1K READS HOLY SHIT!!! Two more chapters left guys! Then I'll begin working on the sequel.

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now