He Never Saw The Headlights

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Okay you guys are going to hate me. I'm so sorry I'm a terrible person.

"Finally." Josh let out a sigh. After one week on the road, we had reached New York. I looked out the window as we entered the big city.

"Whoa." I marveled. Everything was so huge. Tyler looked like a child looking through the window of a candy store as he stared out of the opposite window.

"Oh my gosh it's so huge!" He exclaimed.
Within the ten minutes it took to get to the hotel, my gaze never left the window. I had never seen a city so big and so diverse. This was nothing like Columbus. We finally pulled up to our hotel.

Josh was the first to jump out of the van. He let out a huge yawn. Tyler slowly emerged from the van, and I followed. The sun light was bright, and the air smelt of car fumes and various other things.

"Well I'll be darned." Josh said out loud.

"What?" I asked

"The hotel isn't crappy." He turned to me. Tyler was pacing around the parking lot of the hotel. It was very big, and it towered up into the sky. The doors were grand and gold.

"Definitely not crappy." I agreed. Tyler walked over to me.

"This is great!" He was so exited. In five days, Twenty One Pilots were going to play their biggest show yet.

"Help me with the bags." Josh called from the van. Him and Mark were unloading our cases.

"Okay." Tyler said as he walked over to the newly formed pile of cases. I turned back to face the city. I knew that I was going to like it here.

(Tyler's P.o.V)
"Mark made reservations at a restaurant for dinner tonight." I told Emily and Josh. We had just finished settling into our hotel room.

"That's great! I'm starving." Emily said to me.

"I don't think I can go, I feel kind of sick." Josh mumbled. He was lying on one of the beds, with a white pillow over his face.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Mmhmm, you guys go without me."
I felt bad for having to leave Josh behind, but at least I could bring Emily. I had never really took her out on a fancy date before. All of our dinners had been either at home or a fast food restaurant.

"What time are we leaving?" Emily asked.

"Six thirty is when we need to be there."

"Oh shoot, I'd better change!" She shot off of the bed.

"I think you look fine." I reassured her as she dug through her suitcase.

"Yeah but we're in New York." She responded as she pulled out a blue dress.

"Ah-ha! There it is. I'll be right back." She hurried into the washroom. I sighed. I guess she was right, it was supposed to be fancy.

'Wait, do I even have a suit?'

I didn't think of bringing one with me.

"Your mom packed a suit in your case. I forgot to tell you." Josh said from under the pillow. I exhaled in relief and silently thanked my mother.

"Thanks." I rummaged through my case and found a black suit and a white undershirt and a red neck tie. I never usually wore suits. This was from Maddie's graduation a few years ago. Thank God it still fit me. I examined myself in the mirror.
I saw Emily step out of the bathroom. She was wearing a blue dress with black straps around her shoulders and a black belt around her waist. Her hair was flowing off of her shoulders almost effortlessly, and she was wearing black stilettos.

"Wow." I admired her.

"I hate high heels." She glared down at her feet. I laughed.

"You look lovely." I held out my hand.

"Thank you." She blushed as she took it. Together, we left the hotel hand-in-hand. I called for a cab that took us to the restaurant.

The food was nice and all, but it felt like too much. Emily made the whole experience much better though. Together, we laughed about the fancy names of the food, and how weird the lobster looked. We decided to walk back to the hotel. 

New York was beautiful at night. The street lights were bright as we walked together.

"I just can't believe we made it here." I told her.

"When I was younger, I wanted to study here, but I decided to stay in Columbus." Emily told me.

"But by staying, I met you, so I guess that I made the right decision."

I looked at her. I don't think that I have ever cared about anybody more than I cared about Emily. At that moment, we were the only two people in the world. New York was nothing compared to her.

"What did you want to study?" I asked her.

"Art, but I gave up on it."

'I never knew that she liked art.'

"Do you still paint or draw or whatever?"

"Very rarely." She responded.

"Do you enjoy it?" I asked.

"I used to. Not so much anymore." Emily told me. I stuck my hands in my pocket.

"I honestly hate wearing a suit." I laughed to myself. She giggled.

"I think you look very handsome." She nudged my shoulder. I smiled.
It all happened at once. I didn't see the car speeding around the corner as I crossed the street. I didn't notice Emily rush back to pick up her wallet that had fallen out of her purse. I only saw the car speed by until it was too late. I spun around when I heard a horn blast.

"Emily!" I shouted.
What I did see was the car strike her to the ground.

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm a terrible person. But it's not over yet my friends.

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