He Told Her More

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One month had passed of Tyler and Josh endlessly practicing for their first concert. After countless rehearsals, planning and days that I skipped work to go and watch them practice, the night before the show finally came.

"Emily?" Tyler asked me while we were lying out on Tylers' lawn, watching the sun set.

"Yeah?" I turned to him.

"What do you think will happen after we perform tomorrow?" He looked at me.

"I dunno. It might mean more shows."
I responded.

"It might get us out of here." He said.

"Out of what, Columbus?" I asked.

"Yeah, but not just out of Columbus, out of this life. Out of the daily routine of waking up to... This." Tyler motioned around him. I looked back up at the now visible stars. They shone brightly, contrasting the deep blue sky.

"I wonder though, would anywhere else have stars like this?" I commented. He was silent for a minute.

"Hey Emily?" He looked over at me.

"Thank you." He said.

"For what?" I responded.

That night, for the second time, all of the stars could see Tyler kiss me.

Due to the cause of nerves and excitement about the concert, neither Tyler, Josh nor I got much sleep.

Josh had fallen asleep on Tyler's couch during some last minute practice. Josh grumbled and opened one of his eyes.

"NOOoooo..." He moaned. Damn, Josh slept like a baby. I sighed.

"Josh." Tyler sang into Joshes ear. Josh didn't move.

"Joshuaaaa." I chimed in.

"JOSH YOU LAZY SON OF A SQUID GET UP." Tyler screamed at his sleeping friend. Of course, this sent me into a fit of laughter.

"Son of a squid?" I asked him between giggles.

"Well, I don't want to swear at him." Tyler replied, smiling. Finally, Josh regained consciousness.

"I have arisen." Josh mumbled as he sat up. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him.

Seven Thirty rolled around, then eight. The concert was due to start at nine thirty, and I was helping Tyler load his piano into his dad's van.

"Okay, one, two, three!"
We tried to hoist the piano into the van, but our little arms couldn't handle the weight. Zack and Josh came out.

"Oh for goodness sakes, move." Zack told us. He then went over to the piano, followed by Josh. Of course they got the piano into the van, and the drums.

"Okay, soundcheck was good. Great job guys!"
We had arrived to the club, and by nine o'clock, Twenty One Pilots had cleared soundcheck and was ready to go. Tyler was ecstatic.

"God I am so ready for this. I. Am. Redaaaay !" He hollered at me from offstage. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Nooo really?" I replied sarcastically. I walked over and hopped up onto the stage. There were no chairs, but the club was huge.

"Okay let's do a check one more time." Tyler told Josh.

"Ukulele?" Tyler asked.

"Check." Josh responded.




"Checkady check check."


"Che- wait..."
Tyler froze.

"The Keytar?" He repeated. Josh looked around.
"Ooh, I see it. Check."
Tyler sighed in relief.

"Thank God."

At about ten after nine, the people began to arrive. I was in the back, giving Tyler a pep talk.

"You got this." I reassured him.

"I got this." He repeated

"You are going to rock the keytar."

"I'm gonna rock the keytar."

"You're gonna rock all of the other instruments as well."

"Yeah." He replied, dazed. After a while, the owner of the Main Street Night Club was on stage.

"Now, we have some new entertainment tonight, so please welcome, Twenty One Pilots!"

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now