Chapter 3

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Nicole’s POV:

I was finally ready; my hair was dried and I was no longer in the towel which the boys had previously seen in me, I was in actual clothes. Just by standing in the doorway of our bedroom I could hear Cristiano, Mesut, Sergio and Fabio laughing and joking. They have obviously been having a few beers knowing them all, well all of them except Cristiano of course. That’s the one thing I admire about him, the fact that he doesn’t drink because of how he thinks it will effect his performance, well that and his whole dad situation; but that’s a whole different subject which really doesn’t need addressing.

Anyway, I began to walk down the stairs in the direction of the manly laughter and voices. I really didn’t see the point in getting changed like all dressed up or anything; I mean its only Cristiano’s team-mates, it’s not like they’ve never seen me looking like shit before. So I had decided to just stick my hair up on my head in a messy bun and stuck a pair of short denim shorts and a baggy jumper on, I really didn’t care what I looked like right now to be honest.

 I walked into the front room to find Mesut and Cristiano playing each other at fifa, which really didn’t surprise me. Every single time them boys come round it always ends up with a few beers and lots of continuous games of fifa; quite boring really. “Mesut just hurry up and lose will you.” Sergio joked and both Fabio and Cristiano laughed along with him where as Mesut didn’t seem too impressed with Sergio’s comment.

“I don’t think so, I will win this one, I’m determined.” Mesut informed Sergio. “Mes you’ve been determined to win the last five games and you haven’t.” Fabio laughed.

This really is just typical, how it is every time the three of them come round; they drink beer, play fifa and gang up on Mesut because he’s the youngest. I’ve got to admit though, I do feel sorry for him at times but not a lot as it is pretty funny; he doesn’t seem to mind anyway.

“Sorry this is a boy’s only zone.” Mesut joked once he had seen that I was in the room.

“Haha, your so funny you know that Mes?” I joked along with him as I walked over to the sofa the boys were sitting on and sat next to Cristiano; rolling my eyes in a joking way at Mesut.

“Oh what a surprise, you lost again.” Sergio laughed at Mesut.

“That’s only because I had to play with Barcelona.” Mesut pointed out.

“Yeah yeah, pass the controller then.” Sergio said as he held his hand out and Mesut passed Sergio the controller and Cristiano passed Fabio the other.

“Babe your wines in the fridge by the way.” Cristiano told me as he faced me.

“Oh is it, I’ll go get it.” I told him and I walked into the kitchen; I was surprised to find that Cristiano had strangely followed me but I ignored it and didn’t ask any questions. I bent down and pulled the fridge door open; grabbing the bottle of wine out of it and shutting the door shut. Unfortunately due to the fact that I am just a little too short to reach the higher cupboards I was unable to get the wine glass out, that is why I think Cristiano followed me into the kitchen, you know him being the tall man he is and everything. He shook his head and opened up the cupboard and got me out a wine glass.

“I’m guessing that’s the reason you followed me in here right?” I laughed.

“Yeah you’re right.” He agreed as he laughed along with me. “And so I could do this.” Cristiano placed the glass on the kitchen counter and wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck and before I knew it he had filled the small gap between our faces with his lips as he placed them on mine. His tongue was soon begging for entrance into my mouth and I soon let it, his tongue began to explore every single inch of my mouth and mine did the same.

“Oi Cris have you got another… oh don’t worry.” I heard Sergio say; he probably just walked into the kitchen and saw the both of us, oh well.

 Eventually Cristiano and I broke free from each other and I looked up into his dreamy eyes which caused me to go weak at the knees every time, luckily for me though he was holding onto my waist still. “Come on lets go back into the front door.” He said to me, removing his hands from my wait whilst I removed mine from his neck and he took my hand into his. I grabbed the wine glass and Cristiano took the bottle of wine for me as I now had no free hands and we walked back into the front room where the boys were still playing fifa, no surprise there.

“Cris as I was going to say in the kitchen but you two were a bit erm busy… have you got another beer?” Sergio asked with a smile on his face.

“Yeah I’ll go get it.” Cristiano laughed and made his way back into the kitchen again.

“So Nicole, have you found yourself a job yet?” Fabio asked me as he sipped his beer.

“No I haven’t yet, I didn’t actually realise how hard it was to find one.” I informed him as I poured my wine into the glass.

“Are you ever going to get one?” Sergio laughed.

“Yeah I will eventually…well I hope anyway.” I laughed along with him before I took a mouthful of my wine.

The night went how any other night goes when the boys are all round, full of jokes and laughter and a lot of talking. I was eventually beginning to like Sergio more than I originally had as the night went on because as you know I don’t really trust him do I? But then again that is the impression I have on him because how he acts but tonight he made a different sort of approach, he actually seems alright and I can see myself beginning to start liking him more soon. With Mesut you can’t not love him, he’s like a younger brother whom you bully but then again love also, the two of us just have brilliant banter and we did so throughout the night. And Fabio, well we have known each other for a while now and believe it or not we used to be together a while ago, that’s the main reason why I don’t talk to him very often when Cristiano is around, you see he gets a bit jealous knowing that Fabio and I were together so we just keep the talking to a minimum.

“Well thanks for tonight Cris but I think I’m going to get going now as we’ve got training in the morning.” Sergio said to him. “Mesut, Fabio you two coming with me or?” The three of them stood up and so do Cristiano and I, so we could say our goodbyes.

“See you later Nicole.” Mesut said as he hugged me goodbye and kissed me on the cheek.

“Bye Mes.” I replied and did the same to him. I hugged Sergio goodbye and he kissed me on the cheek also and I did back to him and it was the same with Fabio, I could tell on Cristiano’s face that he had gotten a bit annoyed at that but I just shrugged it off.

“Do you and Nicole fancy going out for dinner tomorrow night? Mesut and I were planning on the five us to go out or something, if you’re up for it?” Fabio asked. I could see Cristiano clenching his jaw at this point, is he seriously annoyed over him kissing me on the cheek. It’s not like he had kissed me on the lips or anything is it? Cristiano didn’t reply with words to him, he just nodded. The boys said there goodbyes although Cristiano didn’t really seem like he wanted to say goodbye to Fabio and the three of them eventually left.

“What the fuck was that all about Nicole?” Cristiano yelled at me as soon as he had shut the door. Brilliant, I knew his was going to happen…

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