Chapter 4

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Nicole’s POV:

I was right; Cristiano was acting exactly how I had expected once the boys had gone. I don’t understand his problem, Fabio and I are just friends and that’s all we ever will be. We may have been together in the past and therefore it will stay in the past, he just needs to learn to trust me when I’m around him, just like I trust him when he’s away for matches and could be doing anything he pleased.

“Nicole answer me… what the fuck was that?” He yelled at me. I could already tell how angry he was just by looking into his eyes and seeing how red his face was becoming. As much as I love him he really can be so pathetic at times; he just gets mad over the simplest of things.

“What are you talking about?” I asked; obviously I knew exactly what he was meaning but I just needed to make sure that he was talking about Fabio or if I would have explained myself involving that situation he would become even more mad, and I was not risking that happening.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about, why would you kiss Fabio on the cheek? Him out of all people.” He replied, raising his voice slightly at how angry he had become all of a sudden. Yes I was right, Cristiano was talking about what I had expected, and there was no way that I wanted an argument tonight. To try and prevent this from escalating I decided that I would do the grown up thing and remove myself from the situation.

Unfortunately I wasn’t able to move far from him as he pulled my arm back with quite some force. “Nicole don’t walk away from me.” He demanded. I knew right now that no matter how hard I tried there would be no way that I was getting away from him, if I liked it or not I would have to stay and explain myself to Cristiano, which I thought was incredibly stupid and pathetic as there isn’t anything to explain, I simply kissed Fabio on the cheek to say goodbye to him, it’s not like I threw myself onto him and started kissing him was it?

“I don’t understand what your problem is… I just kissed him on the cheek in return for him doing it to me first. Seriously you need to calm down.” I informed him as I rolled my eyes at. At that moment I realised that maybe I shouldn’t have told him to calm down, as usually whenever we have an argument or something I always say that and believe me it makes the whole situation ten times worse.

“How do you expect me to be calm about this? My girlfriend is kissing her ex boyfriend on the cheek, is there nothing wrong with that then no?” He announced between his teeth.

“Yes your right… there is nothing wrong with that. It’s not like I’m kissing his face off is it?” I snapped; I could feel my blood begin to boil inside of me, he really does know how to annoy me and start me off doesn’t he? God he’s so annoying when he’s like this.

“Nicole how could you say that? That really isn’t a common thing people say to their current partner about there ex for god sake.” He shot as his face began to get redder and redder by the second.

Man he sure was mad wasn’t he? “It was a joke Cris; obviously I wouldn’t be with you if I wanted to do that now would I?” I informed him as I tried my absolute hardest to calm him down from all of this, but surprise surprise he wasn’t having any of it as per usual. He muttered something through his gritted teeth but I couldn’t make out exactly what he had said unfortunately, although I am sure that I probably wouldn’t have wanted to know what he said as it would most likely make me blow.

“You know what; I’m not dealing with this right now. I’m tired and I want to go to bed.” I sighed as I pushed Cristiano as he had now eventually let go of my arm, and I made my way up the stairs; making sure that I showed him just how much he had pissed me off with his stupid little comments by being extremely heavy footed as I walked up the stairs. How could he be so stupid and go absolutely ballistic over something as small as this? He really does have trust issues doesn’t he?

It wasn’t long until I had eventually got up the stairs. I pushed the bedroom door open in anger as I walked in. Making my way over to the wardrobe I began to remove the top I had on so I was able to get changed quickly and hopefully get into bed and fall asleep before Cristiano made his way up. Once I was by the wardrobe I opened it and got my pyjama shorts and a vest top out; placing them on the bed. I removed the shorts I already had on and started to get changed into the clothes on the bed.

It was just my luck wasn’t it, that Cristiano was walking up the stairs as soon as I begun to get changed, now I know that I wouldn’t be going to sleep straight away as he is more than likely to bring up this whole situation again or even better I would, due to how angry he has made me. Never the less I got myself into bed and just waited for him to get into the room, waiting for the fireworks to begin yet again.

He stormed into the room, not making any eye contact what so ever; how childish can you get, I mean really? “Are you done being mad with me?” I asked as I propped myself up on the bed with a cushion supporting my back.

“Sorry to disappoint you but no I’m not. You just don’t know how mad it makes me when I see how you are with Fabio.” He stated, finally making eye contact with me, although I wish he hasn’t as his eyes were full of anger; anger and also what seemed like jealousy.

“Do you seriously think that anything would ever happen between Fabio and I? Do you realise how stupid you are acting right now?” I questioned as I sighed and crossed my arms.

“Oh so now I’m acting stupid am I?” He exclaimed. “I really don’t have anything to say to you when you’re being like this Cristiano.” I hissed as I turned over so I was no longer facing him; right now I was just facing the plain white wall of many in our bedroom but I could tell that his eyes still hadn’t left me.

“No you’re not going to sleep now.” He yelled as he pulled me back around so I was facing him.

“Can you not just leave me alone?” I moaned as I looked at him.

“Nicole you still love him don’t you?” He implied, his voice still not seeming to have calmed down. Was he actually serious, did he really just ask me that, does he really think that I would still be with him if I still loved Fabio?

“How can you be so stupid? Of course I don’t love him, I love you; why else would I be with you? For god sake Cris.” I told him, giving him a death glare.

“You do, just admit it.” He pleaded.

“I’m not admitting what isn’t true, now if you wouldn’t mind I’m going to sleep as I need to go out tomorrow and buy a new outfit for the meal.” I snapped and turned myself back around in hope to get some sleep. I removed the pillow from behind my back and lowered myself further down the bed as I lay down onto it, pulling the duvet over me and up to my neck. I heard him sigh in the distance of the room as he got changed out of his clothes; well that’s what it sounded like he was doing anyway. God he’s made me so angry tonight.

I’m never usually the one to go to sleep on bad terms with Cristiano but tonight I had no choice. I knew that if I wouldn’t have been the one to leave it then it would have gone on all night and I really do need to wake up early to go shopping. Hopefully he has changed his tune by tomorrow and has realised how stupid he has sounded, but knowing my luck he will still be exactly the same. 

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