Chapter 33

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Cristiano's POV:

Just from the sight I had before me in Fabio sarcastically smirking at me I was to only as of in a response to it to shake my head, deep down realising now that Nicole was right due to this situation that has right now all of a sudden unfolded before the three of us. Fabio is for sure not worth all this expected hassle in which is bound to come from arguing with him, it really just stoops me down to his exact level – a level of being pathetic and trying to get a rise out of someone. Besides, at the end of the day it is Junior’s birthday and the last thing I want to happen is for my good mood to be ruined all thanks to him. Fabio is nothing to me anyway.

I know that if I just stay here constantly arguing with him then my whole mood will be all of a sudden ruined, and I just want to enjoy myself for once in my life without having all these thoughts of Fabio in the back of my mind. Yes he is a manipulative little bastard but where is the use of trying to show him that? All he thinks is that by going back time and time again to Nicole it is going to get her back in his life again, well I know for a fact that he is wrong as of now. It did happen in the past with all his wicked ways and he managed to get her back in a way he has wanted for a while but that is the first and last time it will happen, I can see just in the way Nicole looks at me every day that she regrets what she did massive amounts too.

So in all honesty from where I am stood now he is at a dead end, nothing he says or does as of now will bring Nicole back. What they had is in the past now, dead and buries to never be dug back up again. Yet here he still is, trying over and over again to win her back after all the years of them being apart. For all I know when Fabio and I were actually friends back over in a while ago he could have been trying then, going behind my back to my own girlfriend in an attempt to win her back. But if nothing has worked after all this time – besides her getting in a sense to her when she was in a dark place with me not being around – then I cannot even see it working for him. In my own opinion, Fabio should just give up as it is clear I have won.

“You know what Fabio?” Looking at him with a smirk he simply just looked back at me once I spoke, seemingly waiting for me to go on as a smirk matching that of my own was upon him now. “I’m not even going to waste my breath with you anymore, you’ve tried time and time again now to win Nicole back and look where she still is? She’s with me.” Where the second I spoke those words the smirk upon Fabio’s face disappeared, being replaced with a sense of resentment to all of which I was saying. “So I’ll see you at training, the only time I’ll ever be at least civil with you.” And with a sarcastic smile upon my lips I turned around on my heels, wrapping my arm around Nicole’s back as we both walked back inside the house yet again.

With a smirk upon my lips I opened the front door in order for Nicole and I to back inside of the house again, hearing not even the slightest of sounds come from Fabio. And as soon as I had stepped inside with Nicole and was just about to walk through to where the rest of the family were I was stopped in doing so, all by Nicole pulling me back and softly pushing me to rest against the wall. A smile upon her lips as she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck, looking deep into my eyes. “I’m proud of you babe, do you know that?” To which just as in a response I looked confused at her, not understanding in a sense what she meant. “If that was any other day then you would’ve hit him, but you didn’t and I’m so proud of you.”

Smiling widely as I looked deep into Nicole’s eyes with those words coming from her I was in that moment to rest my hands on her hips, holding Nicole as close to me as I could while she wrapped her arms around the back of my neck. “I did for you babe, and I did for Junior.” As I uttered those words a wave of confusion came over Nicole, continuing to look at me right in that moment as her hands caressed the hair on the back of my head. “I didn’t want to rise to all Fabio was doing back then. I knew you want me to remain calm and not even in the slight of ways to go over the top, and I didn’t want to ruin my bad mood to make Junior’s birthday not as much of a good time as I wanted it to be earlier on today.” With that she smiled wide.

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