Chapter 16

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Nicole’s POV:

The walk to Mesut’s car didn’t take long at all. But throughout the very short walk silence fell upon the two of us. I just couldn’t rid of the nerves and guilt which had taken over me since the very second I had woken up this morning. This is just a prime example as to why I shouldn’t be left alone with both my ex and alcohol. As I know for sure that none of what had happened last night would have occurred if I was sober. But then I began questioning myself, would it? I mean I said it myself that I kind of enjoyed the kiss – not that I remember any of the bedroom activity. Either I really meant it or it is just the lonely side of my talking. Yeah it’s that. Well that is what I’m sticking with anyway.

I let out a sigh mixed of both annoyance and frustration at my actions from last, thinking that maybe it was un-noticeable and that Mesut wouldn’t hear. But it was just my luck as I watched Mesut turn around as he shot me a look of concern. “What’s the matter with you?” He questioned, stopping in his tracks until I reached beside him. It was at that moment when the two of us began walking side by side.

Believe me when I say this, I wanted to tell Mesut exactly what had happened last night. From Fabio strangely turning up on the doorstep, to the bedrooms antics. But something inside me was stopping me from blurting it all out. I know that he wouldn’t go running back to Cristiano – well I hope not anyway. If I’m honest I don’t see why he would as the two of us have become so close recently. I look at him as a best friend, as well as little brother material. But I just had no choice other than to lie to him. “Honestly, I’m fine.” I replied, with a fake smile slowly seeping across my lips.

Unfortunately, by the look on Mesut’s face he wasn’t having any of it. Still the look of concern covered his entire face and I noticed within the look that he really didn’t believe a word I was saying. But there is no way that I’m going to tell him anything.

“Nicole you know you can tell me anything right?” He let out while looking at me through the top of his glasses.

“I know that Mes and the same thing goes for you. But honestly there is nothing the matter. I’m completely fine.” I once again lied between gritted teeth. That fake smile was still plastered across my lips in an attempt to try and make him believe me. And by the looks of his immediate change of features upon his face, it was working. Phew.

“Well if you’re sure.” His eyes never left me at this point as the two of us continued walking to the destination of his car.

“I’m positive.” I sighed as I began getting a little annoyed at the constant interrogation on this specific subject. “Where have you parked your car anyway?”

“Just a few blocks away from here. Shouldn’t take too long” He informed me. And I immediately nodded my head in response before bringing my now coldish coffee up to my lips and took a mouthful of it.

Mesut was right; it didn’t take us long at all to get to his car. And I soon found myself standing beside it. Not paying any attention what so ever to the anything or anyone around me, I soon opened the passenger door to the car. About to step in and sit inside I noticed that the seat was taken. By none other than Sergio. A small laugh escaped his lips as he noticed me just then not acknowledging the fact that he was in the car. It’s not like I knew or anything anyway. “I believe this seat is taken.” He continued laughing. “To the back you go.” He went on, pointing with his thumb to the door beside me. I let out a small laugh also before shutting the door and opening the back one.

Once I was in the car, I soon placed my bag on the seat beside me and propped my coffee in between my legs as I buckled the seatbelt up around me. It couldn’t have been none less than a few moments later when we were soon on our way to the hospital. Well here we go…wish me luck.

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