Chapter 15

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Nicole’s POV:

“I’m so sorry.” Fabio let out as he removed our foreheads from touching, distancing himself from me a little. “I-I don’t know what came over me. That was weird for you right?” He asked, talking about the kiss in which the two of us had just shared.

Biting my lip and looking at him I shook my head in response. “No, surprisingly I didn’t find it weird at all.” I smiled towards him, moving closer and closer to him by the second. “If anything I kind of liked it.” Blushing I looked down at the sofa with probably now rosy red cheeks. Urgh, this is just my luck.

“Really?” He questioned, a suspicious look covering his face while a smile slowly began creeping across his lips. “You’re not lying or joking around are you? I mean that wouldn’t be funny at all if you were, you know that right?”

“Fabio, I am being one hundred percent serious right now, I liked it. But yes it does feel strange me saying that but it’s the truth.” I let out.

Seriously what is happening to me? First I find myself blushing from him explaining how much he still cares for me and now this; I’ve just kissed Fabio – my ex – after he cheated on me when we were together while my current boyfriend is in a hospital wired up to a load of machines. What sort of demon has taken over me tonight? This really isn’t my usual behaviour at all. If this was any other time I wouldn’t have even let him, let alone be sat on the sofa drinking wine with him.

“Well I suppose that’s a first for you isn’t it?” He laughed. “I mean I was expecting you to slap me round the face after we pulled away, but you were calm. It was just weird that’s all.” He shrugged while explaining.

“Yeah I’m still trying to work out why I didn’t slap you either if I’m honest with you. It’s just been a bit of a weird night to start off with, I mean you coming her. It’s just weird.” I said, confused at pretty much everything I had done tonight. From letting him into the house and then to kissing him. None of it made sense at all in my head.

I heard a small laugh come from Fabio beside me as he took the half full bottle of wine into his hands. “Wine?” He questioned.

“I don’t know. I just feel like if I have any more then I’m probably going to end up getting drunk as I’m already on the half jolly yet half drunk stage.” I admitted, a smile covering my face as I spoke – desperate to let out a laugh.

Shaking his head at me in response, Fabio looked up at me – a smile covering his face – as he began to speak. “Oh come on, don’t be boring.” He laughed. “You deserve a good drink anyway after everything that’s happened recently.”

“I suppose you’re right actually. Go on then.” I laughed as I pointed towards my wine glass on the table – finally giving into Fabio’s persuasive and true words.

He let out a small laugh which didn’t last long and I watched as he poured some wine from the bottle into each of our glasses. For some reason my gaze soon left watching him pour the content into the glasses and made its way up to his face. I don’t know came over me but I found myself admiring every single aspect he had to offer – completely oblivious to the obvious fact that I was in a relationship already.

What is happening to me? This is serious. I’m sat here staring endlessly at my ex – and not in a disgusted way. It’s almost like after him coming round tonight that I have forgotten about all the hurt and pain he has previously put me through in the past. From what it seems, it’s like none of that matters anymore. Almost as if I’ve pushed it to the back of my mind, never to be remembered again. But that still doesn’t explain any of my behaviour tonight. Now this really is just one strange yet weird night.

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