Chapter 36

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Nicole's POV:

Three years it had been since the night Cristiano proposed to me at the restaurant in such a romantic way, three years of plenty of happy moments shared between Cristiano, myself, as well as Junior. And let me tell you something, things have most certainly changed for all the better since that moment. Everything within my own, Cristiano’s and Junior’s live have as of now changed, changing in such a surprising and shocking sort of way. But the thing is, all this change which has gone on is not for the bad like some may think, it is in fact for the bad. As I now have the fairy tale relationship/marriage that I could only ever dream of, with Cristiano.

In these past three years our lives have changed dramatically, from the rekindle of all which we had dramatically – ever since the Fabio situation occurred – to the unexpected yet such happy news to find out that I was pregnant with mine and Cristiano’s first child, our ever so perfect two year old called Brooke. She really is the light of our life, changing dramatically in such ways over the course of days, week, months and so on. And Junior, well it is safe to say he has grown up to be such a well-behaved young man at the age of seven. Helping not just myself but Cristiano also with his baby sister, to helping around the house whenever needs be. Right now, in this moment of time, I have the family in which I could only ever dream of.

So I do have to admit to you now, right in this moment, that all the heartache and emotions in which myself and Cristiano went through as a result of my actions towards Fabio has now been made out to be worth it. Without us having to go through a rough patch – no matter of how hurtful it was to us both, Cristiano in particular – then we would to this day not even in a slight way be as strong as a husband and wife as we are now. Our love is stronger than it in such of ways could have ever been, we are the ones which are responsible for it. Fighting as hard as we could to get back on track, seeing passed one another’s flaws, it all really has in a sense paid off. As to this moment onwards, there is nothing which could break us at all now.

So let me just recall the happy moment to you, the day Cristiano and I were finally at long of last to become husband and wife…


Just from feeling those ever so sweet, soft and fair lips pressed up against my own, brought me such an indescribable amount of joy, nothing compared at all compared as to what is it I have felt before. It was just like any other kiss Cristiano and I would usually share, but now, I think you will find there is a little more to it. There is now a whole brand new meaning as to what this kiss involves, a whole brand new word within it that me and Cristiano just a couple of moment ago have entered together, as one. Finally, after three year of planning and all of the preparations to go with it, Cristiano and I at last have official meaning of becoming now as husband and wife. All with brand new memories to follow us both from as this moment.

That is right, Cristiano and I are now officially married, all with the beautiful backdrop which is surrounding us of Persian Gulf here in Dubai behind us. To be completely honest with you, this is all a dream come true for Cristiano and I. Being able to marry in a country which is to be a favourite of ours, holding many memories and far more to come I can imagine as now.

It was such a perfect surrounding around us, everything about this wedding of ours now is a complete definition of perfect; from the sound of the waves to be smoothly crashing against of the white sanded beach around all of us here, a light breeze in which was to running all of through the air and briefly hitting against our faces, with all the leaves of the palm trees in a soft way rustling along with the breeze in the air, to the heat surrounding us. The warmth of the country was terrific, all I could have ever dreamed of to mix with the perfect day for our wedding. The sun beaming down on us, with the sky a wonderful contrast of a baby blue of a colour, with not a single cloud in the sky, nothing but wonderful. All like I said; so perfect.

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