Chapter 14

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Nicole’s POV:

I stood there in shock, looking up and down at him. Only to find that he was wearing those very same pair of trainers I brought him none less than a year ago when we were together. Urgh. Along with the sweatshirt and pair of jeans he had decided to wear.

“Seriously Fabio, why are you here?” I eventually let out after moments of nothing but pure shock at seeing him here on my doorstep.

Scrunching up his face a little and resting his only free hand - seeing as the other one was occupied with the plastic bag he had in his hand – into the pocket to his jeans. He looked up at me and smiled before replying. “Well I just wanted to see how you were after everything that’s happened recently.” He shrugged. “Plus I brought you your favourite wine.” Taking his hand out of the pocket to his jeans and bringing up the plastic bag, he pulled out a bottle of wine. It was in fact my favourite, the sort the two of us always drank when we were together…

It just brings back so many memories. Some good and some bad, but mostly all good. Well a part of them anyway.

“No Fabio what do you really want?” I questioned, hands on hips and giving him a look to show that I didn’t believe a word that just came out of his mouth. We were together for just over two years, I can read him like a book and I know when he’s lying. This is definitely one of those moments.

“Honestly Nicole, I just came to see how you were after everything. But if you don’t want me to come in then that’s fine, I’ll just go.” He went to turn around and walk back to his car parked on the driveway but I soon stopped him.

“Fabio wait.” He turned back around and faced me. A smile appearing each side of his lips as I noticed from the light shinning down onto him. “I mean I guess you coming in for a little while won’t hurt.” As soon as those words escaped my lips he began walking towards me until he was inside.

Why I just agreed to him coming in I do not know. I guess I’m just lonely seeing as Cristiano isn’t here at the moment. But what harm can it do him being here? I think it would just be best if Cristiano – or no one at that – knows about this.

“Well just make yourself home and get a wine glass from in the kitchen. I’ll be down in a minute, just getting changed.” I smiled. Fabio nodded his head at me and I soon began making my way up the stairs once I handed him my wine to look.

Once at the top of the stairs I walked into the bedroom and turned the light on before walking in further. I made my way over to the draws in the room and sat down in front of them. Opening them up I began rummaging through them until I came across my Eberjey esther cami top. Pulling it out I kept it in one hand before standing up and lightly kicking the draw door shut.

Making my way over to the bed I placed my nightwear down onto it and began getting undressed. Removing first my top and then jeans I threw them into the direction of the wash bin in the corner of the room, leaving me in just my bra and knickers – thankfully my clothes managed to reach the wash bin.

So quickly I took my nightwear into my hands before getting changed into it. In a matter of seconds I was dressed and found myself straightening it out. So I made my way over to the mirror and removed my make up with one of the wipes in the packet. Once it was all off I threw the wipe into the bin beside me and bent down, reaching for my hairbrush and hair band.

Brushing through my hair quickly I got rid of any tangles before chucking my hair up in a messy bun.

Eventually I began making my way down the stairs. The sound of the TV flowed through my ears. From what I could make out the sports news channel was blaring on a high volume. Letting out a sigh I walked into the front room, only to find Fabio sitting on the sofa sipping at his wine while mine was on the table.

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